Ermakova Ekaterina
Associate Professor of the Department of Management, PhD
Minsk, st. Platonova, 39, office 807
Phone: +375 17 293-86-46
E-mail: ermakova@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches: Economics of IT sector organizations, investmentdesign, business and law, women's professional and entrepreneurial activities, enterprise planning, crisis management
Íigh - BSU (1982-1987), professional development courses - National Institute of higher education (2013, 2017)
Working career:
Associate Professor of the Department of Management of BSUIR. The topic of the candidate's dissertation: "Women's labor in the system of social production". Post-graduate studies at BSU (1988-1991). The thesis was successfully defended on April 23, 1992. Research topics: management of investment and innovation activities, entrepreneurship in the innovation sphere, professional and entrepreneurial activities of women .
Taught academic subjects:
«Economics of electronic business» (222 hours)
«Crisis Management» (106 hours)
«Investment Design» (108 hours)
«Fundamentals of Business and Law in Infocommunications» (172 hours)
«Fundamentals of Business and Law in Information Technologies» (172 hours)
«Fundamentals of Business and Law in Radio electronics» (172 hours)
Main publications:
1. Ermakova E. V. Investment management in the sphere of innovative activity / Humanitarian and economic Bulletin No. 1-2, 2019.- 8,5 ð
2. Ermakova E. V. State regulation of professional and entrepreneurial activity of women / New Economy No. 1 (75), June 2020. - 6 ð.
3. Ermakova E. V. Economy of the organization (enterprise): stipend. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2020. - 72 p.
Merits, awards, incentives:
1. Diploma of a researcher with the qualification "economist-researcher" 15 November 1991 Minsk, BSU.
2. Diploma of Candidate of Economic Sciences 21 Aug. 1992 Moscow.
3. Certificate of associate professor 22 November 1994 Minsk.
4. Certificate of honor of BSUIR 11.07.2015.
5. Certificate of honor of BSUIR 11.07.2020.
Íigh - BSU (1982-1987), professional development courses - National Institute of higher education (2013, 2017)
Working career:
Associate Professor of the Department of Management of BSUIR. The topic of the candidate's dissertation: "Women's labor in the system of social production". Post-graduate studies at BSU (1988-1991). The thesis was successfully defended on April 23, 1992. Research topics: management of investment and innovation activities, entrepreneurship in the innovation sphere, professional and entrepreneurial activities of women .
Taught academic subjects:
«Economics of electronic business» (222 hours)
«Crisis Management» (106 hours)
«Investment Design» (108 hours)
«Fundamentals of Business and Law in Infocommunications» (172 hours)
«Fundamentals of Business and Law in Information Technologies» (172 hours)
«Fundamentals of Business and Law in Radio electronics» (172 hours)
Main publications:
1. Ermakova E. V. Investment management in the sphere of innovative activity / Humanitarian and economic Bulletin No. 1-2, 2019.- 8,5 ð
2. Ermakova E. V. State regulation of professional and entrepreneurial activity of women / New Economy No. 1 (75), June 2020. - 6 ð.
3. Ermakova E. V. Economy of the organization (enterprise): stipend. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2020. - 72 p.
Merits, awards, incentives:
1. Diploma of a researcher with the qualification "economist-researcher" 15 November 1991 Minsk, BSU.
2. Diploma of Candidate of Economic Sciences 21 Aug. 1992 Moscow.
3. Certificate of associate professor 22 November 1994 Minsk.
4. Certificate of honor of BSUIR 11.07.2015.
5. Certificate of honor of BSUIR 11.07.2020.