Bialiatskaya Tatiana
Head of Department, doctor of Economic Sciences
Minsk, st. Platonova, 39, office 807v
Phone: +375 17 293-89-81, +375 17 293-23-81
E-mail: beliatskaya@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches anti-crisis management mechanisms, e-economy, e-business
1983-1993 - Secondary school No. 53 in Minsk, graduated with a silver medal.
1993-1997 - a student of the Belarusian State Economic University, graduated with honors.
1997-2001 - Postgraduate student of the Belarusian State Economic University.
In 2001 she defended her thesis on the topic: "Anti-crisis management of a conversion enterprise" in the specialty 08.00.05 Economics and management of the national economy. The dissertation was carried out under the supervision of Doctor of Economics, Professor I.L.
In 2019 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Formation and development of the national electronic economic system (theory, methodology, management)" in the specialty 08.00.05 Economics and management of the national economy. The dissertation was carried out under the supervision of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Batura M.P.
2008 - student of the "Belarusian State Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel in Standardization, Metrology and Quality Management" in the direction: "Requirements of STB ISO 9001 standards and internal audit of quality management systems"
Working career:
2001-2003 - Assistant of the Department of Marketing, Belarusian State Economic University
2003-2012 - Associate Professor of the Marketing Department of the Belarusian State Economic University.
From 2012 to the present - Head of the Department of Management of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
Taught academic subjects (please indicate the number of hours in the syllabus, subjects taught in the English language with links to electronic version of their syllabi)
Main publications:
1. Rudak I.K., T.N. Bialiatskaya. New challenges in the economy of the XXI century. / Collection of scientific articles of international scientific practice. conferences dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Minsk, Law and Economics, 2011
2. Belyatskaya T.N. Development of the market for intellectual resources. / Management and marketing: experience and problems: Collection of scientific papers / Under the general editorship of Doctor of Economics, prof. Akulich I.L. - Minsk: LLC "Magic", 2011.- 324s
3. Belyatskaya T.N., Velesko E.I. Knowledge as a strategic potential for the development of the economy of the Republic of Belarus. Sustainable development of the economy and security: monograph / A.A. Bykov, E.I. Velesko, T.N. Bialiatskaya [and others]; ed. A.A. Bykov and M.I. Nozdrin-Plotnitsky. - Misanta, 2011 .-- 177s.
4. Belyatskaya T.N. The quality of management of the digital age / Logistic relations in the field of transport processes. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the automotive faculty, Minsk, BNTU, 2011
5. Belyatskaya T.N. [and others] Intellectual and innovative potential of the economic system. / Theoretical and methodological foundations of sustainable development of the socially oriented economy of the Republic of Belarus. Monograph under total. ed. Dr. econ. Sciences V.N. Shimov and Dr. Korolenka G.A., Minsk, BSEU, 2012
6. Belyatskaya T.N. The economy of the information society: development trends / Structural transformations and modernization of the economy: monograph / A.A. Bykov, E.I. Velesko, T.N. Bialiatskaya [and others]; ed. A.A. Bykov and M.I. Nozdrin-Plotnitsky. - Misanta, 2013.
7. Belyatskaya, T.N. The effectiveness of the ICT cluster / Science - industry and service: collection of articles. Art. VIII international scientific and practical conference. Part I / Belyatskaya T.N., Knyazkova V.S. // Volga State un-t service - Togliatti: Publishing house PVGUS, 2013. - p. 60-69
8. Belyatskaya, T.N. Electronic business models / Science - industry and service: collection of articles. Art. VIII international scientific and practical conference. Part I / Volga State un-t service - Togliatti: Publishing house PVGUS, 2013. - p. 51-60
9. Belyatskaya, T.N. Techno-social environment of the electronic economy // Instrument-making - 2014: Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific and Technical Conference on November 19-21, 2014, Minsk, Republic of Belarus / Minsk, BNTU- P. 411-413
10. Belyatskaya T.N. Public classes of the electronic economy / Social space of the Internet: prospects for economic sociological research: materials of the international. Scientific and practical Conf .; Minsk, November 21, 2014 / ed. count .: Kotlyarov I.V. (chief editor) and others; Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; Department of Economic Sociology, BSEU. - Minsk: Law and Economics, 2014. - pp. 164-166.
11. Belyatskaya T.N. A dynamic model of e-business based on ICT clusters, / III (VIII) International scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in the development of management theory and practice in Russia and abroad" Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "North Caucasian Federal University", Institute of Economics and Management NCFU, 2014
12. Belyatskaya T.N. Formation of strategic competitive advantages in the electronic economy // Competitive advantages of the economy of the Republic of Belarus in the context of modernization: monograph / A.A. Bykov, E.I. Velesko, T.N. Bialiatskaya [and others]; ed. A.A. Bykov and M.I. Nozdrin-Plotnitsky. - Misanta, 2014. monograph
13. Belyatskaya T.N. Public classes of the electronic economy // Social space of the Internet: prospects for economic sociological research Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Minsk, November 21, 2014.
14. Belyatskaya T.N. ICT clusters are the driving force of intellectualization and electronicization of the economy / Belyatskaya T.N., Kudreiko M.V. // Science and innovation, 2014. N4.
15. Belyatskaya T.N. ICT clusters are the driving force behind the formation of the information society / Belyatskaya T.N., Kudreiko M.V. // International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of MRTI-BSUIR (Minsk, March 18-19, 2014)
16. Beliatskaya, T.N. Use of intelligent information systems for corporate management / T.N. Belyatskaya, M.A. Amelin // Modern trends in the development of theory and practice of management in Russia and abroad: collection of materials III (VIII) International scientific and practical. Conf., Stavropol, December 17, 2014: at 2h. / NCFU; editorial board: L.I. Ushvitsky [and others]. - Stavropol, 2014. - Part 1. - S. 18-21.
17. Belyatskaya, T.N. Differentiation of electronic business systems on the example of CCRM and ERP / T.N. Belyatskaya, M.A. Amelin // Academic science - problems and achievements: materials of the IV international scientific and practical. Conf., North Charleston, July 7-8, 2014 at 3 pm / CreateSpace. - North Charleston, USA, 2014. - Vol. 2. - C. 216-218.
18. Belyatskaya, T.N. Differentiation of the concepts of electronic business and Internet commerce / T.N. Belyatskaya, M.A. Amelin // Topical areas of fundamental and applied research: materials of the IV international scientific and practical research. Conf., North Charleston, August 4-5, 2014 at 2 pm / CreateSpace. - North Charleston, USA, 2014. - Vol. 1. - C. 237-239.
19. Belyatskaya, T.N. Entrepreneurial activity in the electronic economy / T.N. Belyatskaya, M.A. Amelin // Science and Innovation. - 2014. - N 11. - S. 50-52.
20. Belyatskaya, T.N. Use of intelligent information systems for corporate management / T.N. Belyatskaya, M.A. Amelin // Modern trends in the development of the theory and practice of management in Russia and abroad: materials of the III (VIII) International scientific-practical. Conf., Stavropol, December 17, 2014: 2 pm / NCFU; editorial board: L.I. Ushvitsky [and others]. - Stavropol, 2014 .-- Part 1. - S. 18-21.
21. Belyatskaya T.N. Techno-social environment of the electronic economy / Instrument-making-2014, materials of the 7th International Scientific and Technical Conference November 19-21, 2014, Minsk, Republic of Belarus. - Minsk, BNTU, 2014 .-- S. 411-413
22. Belyatskaya T.N. Formation of strategic competitive advantages in the electronic economy // Competitive advantages of the economy of the Republic of Belarus in the context of modernization: monograph / A.A. Bykov, E.I. Velesko, T.N. Bialiatskaya [and others]; ed. A.A. Bykov and M.I. Nozdrin-Plotnitsky. - Misanta, 2014.
23. Belyatskaya T.N. Electronic economy: genesis and development - Saarbruecken (Germany): LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2014 - 202p.
24. Bialiatskaya, T.N. Key aspects of Internet business in the information society / T.N. Belyatskaya, M.A. Amelin // Science in the modern information society: materials of the V International scientific-practical. Conf., North Charleston, January 26-27, 2015: 3 hours / CreateSpace. - North Charleston, USA, 2015. - Vol. 1. - C. 142-146
25. Bialiatskaya, T.N. Plan of modernization of entrepreneurial activity of traditional enterprises / T.N. Belyatskaya, M.A. Amelin // Fundamental science and technology - promising developments V: materials of the V International scientific-practical. Conf., North Charleston, February 24-25, 2015: 2 hours / CreateSpace. - North Charleston, USA, 2015. - Vol. 2. - C. 125-129.
26. Bialiatskaya, T.N. Electronization of business processes / T.N. Belyatskaya, M.A. Amelin // Bulletin of BSEU. - 2015. - N 3. - S. 12-19.
27. Bialiatskaya, T.N. Analysis of intelligent information systems on the example of cCRM and ERP / T.N. Belyatskaya, M.A. Amelin // Applied Informatics. - 2015. - N 3. - S. 12-23.
28. Belyatskaya T.N. Methods for modeling business processes of enterprises / Belyatskaya T.N., Amelin M.A. // New Economy N 2 (66), 2015. - S. 57-64
29. Belyatskaya T.N. Economics of the Information Society. - teaching aid. - BSUIR, 2015 .-- 222p.
30. Tatsiana Beliatskaya Modeling e-Economy systems / E-gospodarka w Europie Srodkowej I Wschodniej. Terazniejszosc i perspekttywy rozwoju // pod redakcja Romana Sobieckiego. - Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin, 2015 - C. 11-16
1983-1993 - Secondary school No. 53 in Minsk, graduated with a silver medal.
1993-1997 - a student of the Belarusian State Economic University, graduated with honors.
1997-2001 - Postgraduate student of the Belarusian State Economic University.
In 2001 she defended her thesis on the topic: "Anti-crisis management of a conversion enterprise" in the specialty 08.00.05 Economics and management of the national economy. The dissertation was carried out under the supervision of Doctor of Economics, Professor I.L.
In 2019 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Formation and development of the national electronic economic system (theory, methodology, management)" in the specialty 08.00.05 Economics and management of the national economy. The dissertation was carried out under the supervision of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Batura M.P.
2008 - student of the "Belarusian State Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel in Standardization, Metrology and Quality Management" in the direction: "Requirements of STB ISO 9001 standards and internal audit of quality management systems"
Working career:
2001-2003 - Assistant of the Department of Marketing, Belarusian State Economic University
2003-2012 - Associate Professor of the Marketing Department of the Belarusian State Economic University.
From 2012 to the present - Head of the Department of Management of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
Taught academic subjects (please indicate the number of hours in the syllabus, subjects taught in the English language with links to electronic version of their syllabi)
Main publications:
1. Rudak I.K., T.N. Bialiatskaya. New challenges in the economy of the XXI century. / Collection of scientific articles of international scientific practice. conferences dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Minsk, Law and Economics, 2011
2. Belyatskaya T.N. Development of the market for intellectual resources. / Management and marketing: experience and problems: Collection of scientific papers / Under the general editorship of Doctor of Economics, prof. Akulich I.L. - Minsk: LLC "Magic", 2011.- 324s
3. Belyatskaya T.N., Velesko E.I. Knowledge as a strategic potential for the development of the economy of the Republic of Belarus. Sustainable development of the economy and security: monograph / A.A. Bykov, E.I. Velesko, T.N. Bialiatskaya [and others]; ed. A.A. Bykov and M.I. Nozdrin-Plotnitsky. - Misanta, 2011 .-- 177s.
4. Belyatskaya T.N. The quality of management of the digital age / Logistic relations in the field of transport processes. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the automotive faculty, Minsk, BNTU, 2011
5. Belyatskaya T.N. [and others] Intellectual and innovative potential of the economic system. / Theoretical and methodological foundations of sustainable development of the socially oriented economy of the Republic of Belarus. Monograph under total. ed. Dr. econ. Sciences V.N. Shimov and Dr. Korolenka G.A., Minsk, BSEU, 2012
6. Belyatskaya T.N. The economy of the information society: development trends / Structural transformations and modernization of the economy: monograph / A.A. Bykov, E.I. Velesko, T.N. Bialiatskaya [and others]; ed. A.A. Bykov and M.I. Nozdrin-Plotnitsky. - Misanta, 2013.
7. Belyatskaya, T.N. The effectiveness of the ICT cluster / Science - industry and service: collection of articles. Art. VIII international scientific and practical conference. Part I / Belyatskaya T.N., Knyazkova V.S. // Volga State un-t service - Togliatti: Publishing house PVGUS, 2013. - p. 60-69
8. Belyatskaya, T.N. Electronic business models / Science - industry and service: collection of articles. Art. VIII international scientific and practical conference. Part I / Volga State un-t service - Togliatti: Publishing house PVGUS, 2013. - p. 51-60
9. Belyatskaya, T.N. Techno-social environment of the electronic economy // Instrument-making - 2014: Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific and Technical Conference on November 19-21, 2014, Minsk, Republic of Belarus / Minsk, BNTU- P. 411-413
10. Belyatskaya T.N. Public classes of the electronic economy / Social space of the Internet: prospects for economic sociological research: materials of the international. Scientific and practical Conf .; Minsk, November 21, 2014 / ed. count .: Kotlyarov I.V. (chief editor) and others; Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; Department of Economic Sociology, BSEU. - Minsk: Law and Economics, 2014. - pp. 164-166.
11. Belyatskaya T.N. A dynamic model of e-business based on ICT clusters, / III (VIII) International scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in the development of management theory and practice in Russia and abroad" Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "North Caucasian Federal University", Institute of Economics and Management NCFU, 2014
12. Belyatskaya T.N. Formation of strategic competitive advantages in the electronic economy // Competitive advantages of the economy of the Republic of Belarus in the context of modernization: monograph / A.A. Bykov, E.I. Velesko, T.N. Bialiatskaya [and others]; ed. A.A. Bykov and M.I. Nozdrin-Plotnitsky. - Misanta, 2014. monograph
13. Belyatskaya T.N. Public classes of the electronic economy // Social space of the Internet: prospects for economic sociological research Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Minsk, November 21, 2014.
14. Belyatskaya T.N. ICT clusters are the driving force of intellectualization and electronicization of the economy / Belyatskaya T.N., Kudreiko M.V. // Science and innovation, 2014. N4.
15. Belyatskaya T.N. ICT clusters are the driving force behind the formation of the information society / Belyatskaya T.N., Kudreiko M.V. // International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of MRTI-BSUIR (Minsk, March 18-19, 2014)
16. Beliatskaya, T.N. Use of intelligent information systems for corporate management / T.N. Belyatskaya, M.A. Amelin // Modern trends in the development of theory and practice of management in Russia and abroad: collection of materials III (VIII) International scientific and practical. Conf., Stavropol, December 17, 2014: at 2h. / NCFU; editorial board: L.I. Ushvitsky [and others]. - Stavropol, 2014. - Part 1. - S. 18-21.
17. Belyatskaya, T.N. Differentiation of electronic business systems on the example of CCRM and ERP / T.N. Belyatskaya, M.A. Amelin // Academic science - problems and achievements: materials of the IV international scientific and practical. Conf., North Charleston, July 7-8, 2014 at 3 pm / CreateSpace. - North Charleston, USA, 2014. - Vol. 2. - C. 216-218.
18. Belyatskaya, T.N. Differentiation of the concepts of electronic business and Internet commerce / T.N. Belyatskaya, M.A. Amelin // Topical areas of fundamental and applied research: materials of the IV international scientific and practical research. Conf., North Charleston, August 4-5, 2014 at 2 pm / CreateSpace. - North Charleston, USA, 2014. - Vol. 1. - C. 237-239.
19. Belyatskaya, T.N. Entrepreneurial activity in the electronic economy / T.N. Belyatskaya, M.A. Amelin // Science and Innovation. - 2014. - N 11. - S. 50-52.
20. Belyatskaya, T.N. Use of intelligent information systems for corporate management / T.N. Belyatskaya, M.A. Amelin // Modern trends in the development of the theory and practice of management in Russia and abroad: materials of the III (VIII) International scientific-practical. Conf., Stavropol, December 17, 2014: 2 pm / NCFU; editorial board: L.I. Ushvitsky [and others]. - Stavropol, 2014 .-- Part 1. - S. 18-21.
21. Belyatskaya T.N. Techno-social environment of the electronic economy / Instrument-making-2014, materials of the 7th International Scientific and Technical Conference November 19-21, 2014, Minsk, Republic of Belarus. - Minsk, BNTU, 2014 .-- S. 411-413
22. Belyatskaya T.N. Formation of strategic competitive advantages in the electronic economy // Competitive advantages of the economy of the Republic of Belarus in the context of modernization: monograph / A.A. Bykov, E.I. Velesko, T.N. Bialiatskaya [and others]; ed. A.A. Bykov and M.I. Nozdrin-Plotnitsky. - Misanta, 2014.
23. Belyatskaya T.N. Electronic economy: genesis and development - Saarbruecken (Germany): LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2014 - 202p.
24. Bialiatskaya, T.N. Key aspects of Internet business in the information society / T.N. Belyatskaya, M.A. Amelin // Science in the modern information society: materials of the V International scientific-practical. Conf., North Charleston, January 26-27, 2015: 3 hours / CreateSpace. - North Charleston, USA, 2015. - Vol. 1. - C. 142-146
25. Bialiatskaya, T.N. Plan of modernization of entrepreneurial activity of traditional enterprises / T.N. Belyatskaya, M.A. Amelin // Fundamental science and technology - promising developments V: materials of the V International scientific-practical. Conf., North Charleston, February 24-25, 2015: 2 hours / CreateSpace. - North Charleston, USA, 2015. - Vol. 2. - C. 125-129.
26. Bialiatskaya, T.N. Electronization of business processes / T.N. Belyatskaya, M.A. Amelin // Bulletin of BSEU. - 2015. - N 3. - S. 12-19.
27. Bialiatskaya, T.N. Analysis of intelligent information systems on the example of cCRM and ERP / T.N. Belyatskaya, M.A. Amelin // Applied Informatics. - 2015. - N 3. - S. 12-23.
28. Belyatskaya T.N. Methods for modeling business processes of enterprises / Belyatskaya T.N., Amelin M.A. // New Economy N 2 (66), 2015. - S. 57-64
29. Belyatskaya T.N. Economics of the Information Society. - teaching aid. - BSUIR, 2015 .-- 222p.
30. Tatsiana Beliatskaya Modeling e-Economy systems / E-gospodarka w Europie Srodkowej I Wschodniej. Terazniejszosc i perspekttywy rozwoju // pod redakcja Romana Sobieckiego. - Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin, 2015 - C. 11-16