Natalia Grakova
Senior Lector of the Department of IITMinsk, Platonov St., 39, 5th academic building, classroom 610-5
Phone: +375 17 293-89-23
E-mail: grakova@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
Management of collective design of intelligent systems
Project management
BSUIR, 2011;
Graduate education, BSUIR, 2012;
Postgraduate education, BSUIR, 2016
Working career
Teaching Assistant of the Department of IIT (Sept. 2011 - Oct. 2018),
Senior lecturer (Nov. 2018 -pr.m.)
Taught academic subjects
General theory of systems
Intelligent System Design Technology
Intelligent information technologies in economics.
Intelligent Information Technologies in Logistics.
Main publications
1. Grakova N.V. Ontology-Based Design of Intelligent Systems for Educational Purposes / Grakova N.V., Guliakina N.A., Pivovarchik O.V., Fedotova A.V. // Open semantic technologies for intelligent systems ) / редкол. : В. В. Голенков (отв. ред.) [и др.]. - Минск : БГУИР, 2017. - С. 239-244 (https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/5027)
2. Iskusstvennyi intellekt. Kursovoe proektirovanie : posobie [Artificial intelligence. Course design: a guide] / V.V. Golenkov [and others]. - Minsk : BGUIR, 2017. - 62 p. (https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/25565)
3. Grakova, N.V. Tekhnologiya proektirovaniya sovmestimykh intellektual'nykh sistem uchebnogo naznacheniya [Design technology for compatible intelligent systems for educational purposes] / N.A. Gulyakina, A.V. Gubarevich, N.V, Grakova // Trudy VI Mezhdunarodnogo nauchno-metodicheskogo simpoziuma «ERNO-2017». Elektronnye resursy v nepreryvnom obrazovanii. - Adler: 2017
4. Grakova N.V. Intellektual'naya informatsionnaya sistema podderzhki predprinimatel'skoi deyatel'nosti [Intelligent information system for business support] / N.V. Grakova, V.Yu. Nikulenko // Informatsionnye tekhnologii i sistemy 2017 (ITS 2017) : materialy mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (Respublika Belarus', 25 oktyabrya 2017 goda) / redkol. : L.Yu. Shilin [i dr.]. - Minsk : BGUIR, 2017. - S. 148-149 (https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/27586)
5. Grakova N. From training intelligent systems to training their development tools / V. Golenkov, N. Guliakina, N. Grakova, I. Davydenko, V. Nikulenka, A. Eremeev, V. Tarassov // Open Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Systems. - Iss. 3. - Minsk : BSUIR, 2018. - P. 81-99
6. Grakova N. Principles of Organization and Automation of the Semantic Computer System Development / V. Golenkov, D. Shunkevich, I. Davydenko, N. Grakova // Open Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Systems. - Iss. 3. - Minsk : BSUIR, 2019. - P. 53-90 (https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/34575)
7. Grakova N. Ontological Approach to Automating the Processes of Question Generation and Knowledge Control in Intelligent Learning Systems / W. Li, N. Grakova, L. Qian // Open Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Systems. - Iss. 4. - Minsk : BSUIR, 2020. - P. 215-224 (
8. Grakova N. Principles of Implementation of the Training Subsystem for End-Users and Developers of Intelligent Systems/ N. Grakova, M. Koroleva, G. Bobrov// Open Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Systems. - Iss. 5. - Minsk : BSUIR, 2021. - P. 187-192
Merits, awards, incentives
Diploma for achieving high results in educational research activity (2020-2021)
Management of collective design of intelligent systems
Project management
BSUIR, 2011;
Graduate education, BSUIR, 2012;
Postgraduate education, BSUIR, 2016
Working career
Teaching Assistant of the Department of IIT (Sept. 2011 - Oct. 2018),
Senior lecturer (Nov. 2018 -pr.m.)
Taught academic subjects
General theory of systems
Intelligent System Design Technology
Intelligent information technologies in economics.
Intelligent Information Technologies in Logistics.
Main publications
1. Grakova N.V. Ontology-Based Design of Intelligent Systems for Educational Purposes / Grakova N.V., Guliakina N.A., Pivovarchik O.V., Fedotova A.V. // Open semantic technologies for intelligent systems ) / редкол. : В. В. Голенков (отв. ред.) [и др.]. - Минск : БГУИР, 2017. - С. 239-244 (https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/5027)
2. Iskusstvennyi intellekt. Kursovoe proektirovanie : posobie [Artificial intelligence. Course design: a guide] / V.V. Golenkov [and others]. - Minsk : BGUIR, 2017. - 62 p. (https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/25565)
3. Grakova, N.V. Tekhnologiya proektirovaniya sovmestimykh intellektual'nykh sistem uchebnogo naznacheniya [Design technology for compatible intelligent systems for educational purposes] / N.A. Gulyakina, A.V. Gubarevich, N.V, Grakova // Trudy VI Mezhdunarodnogo nauchno-metodicheskogo simpoziuma «ERNO-2017». Elektronnye resursy v nepreryvnom obrazovanii. - Adler: 2017
4. Grakova N.V. Intellektual'naya informatsionnaya sistema podderzhki predprinimatel'skoi deyatel'nosti [Intelligent information system for business support] / N.V. Grakova, V.Yu. Nikulenko // Informatsionnye tekhnologii i sistemy 2017 (ITS 2017) : materialy mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (Respublika Belarus', 25 oktyabrya 2017 goda) / redkol. : L.Yu. Shilin [i dr.]. - Minsk : BGUIR, 2017. - S. 148-149 (https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/27586)
5. Grakova N. From training intelligent systems to training their development tools / V. Golenkov, N. Guliakina, N. Grakova, I. Davydenko, V. Nikulenka, A. Eremeev, V. Tarassov // Open Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Systems. - Iss. 3. - Minsk : BSUIR, 2018. - P. 81-99
6. Grakova N. Principles of Organization and Automation of the Semantic Computer System Development / V. Golenkov, D. Shunkevich, I. Davydenko, N. Grakova // Open Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Systems. - Iss. 3. - Minsk : BSUIR, 2019. - P. 53-90 (https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/34575)
7. Grakova N. Ontological Approach to Automating the Processes of Question Generation and Knowledge Control in Intelligent Learning Systems / W. Li, N. Grakova, L. Qian // Open Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Systems. - Iss. 4. - Minsk : BSUIR, 2020. - P. 215-224 (
8. Grakova N. Principles of Implementation of the Training Subsystem for End-Users and Developers of Intelligent Systems/ N. Grakova, M. Koroleva, G. Bobrov// Open Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Systems. - Iss. 5. - Minsk : BSUIR, 2021. - P. 187-192
Merits, awards, incentives
Diploma for achieving high results in educational research activity (2020-2021)