Mukha Vladimir Stepanovich
Professor, doctor of technical sciences, professorMinsk, Platonov street, house 39, 602a-5
Phone: +375 17 293-88-23
E-mail: mukha@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
data processing and control systems, analysis of multidimensional data, statistical estimations, statistical pattern recognition, statistical processing of the vector random processes and fields: models, methods, algorithms, software
MRTI (Minsk, student), LETI (Leningrad, post graduate student)
Working career
MRTI assistant, BSUIR assistant - senior lecturer - docent - professor - department chair - professor
Taught academic subjects
analysis of multidimensional data
statistical methods of data processing
computational methods and computer algebra
random processes in information processing systems
optimal system theory
scientific experiment design
Main publications for the last 2 years:
1.V.S. Mukha, N.F. Kako. Integrals Related to the Multidimensional-matrix Gaussian Distribution // Computer Data Analysis and Modeling: Stochastics and Data Sciences. Proc. of the Twelfth Intern. Conf., Minsk, Sept. 18-22, 2019. Minsk: BSU, 2019. Pp. 253-256.
2.Mukha V.S., Kako N.F. Integrals and integral transformations connected with vector Gaussian distribution // Vestsі Natsyianal'nai akademіі navuk Belarusі. Seryia fіzіka-matematychnykh navuk=Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics series, 2019, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 457-466. https://doi.org/10.29235/1561-2430-2019-55-4-457-466. BSUIR repository:
3.Vladimir S. Mukha, Irina G. Malikova. On the bayesian multidimensional-matrix polynomial empirical regression // Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration. Materials of the International Conference, May 14. Beijing, China, 2020. Pp. 159-165. DOI: https://doi.org/10.34660/INF.2020.28.63870. BSUIR repository:
1.V.S. Mukha, N.F. Kako. Integrals Related to the Multidimensional-matrix Gaussian Distribution // Computer Data Analysis and Modeling: Stochastics and Data Sciences. Proc. of the Twelfth Intern. Conf., Minsk, Sept. 18-22, 2019. Minsk: BSU, 2019. Pp. 253-256.
2.Mukha V.S., Kako N.F. Integrals and integral transformations connected with vector Gaussian distribution // Vestsі Natsyianal'nai akademіі navuk Belarusі. Seryia fіzіka-matematychnykh navuk=Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics series, 2019, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 457-466. https://doi.org/10.29235/1561-2430-2019-55-4-457-466. BSUIR repository:
3.Vladimir S. Mukha, Irina G. Malikova. On the bayesian multidimensional-matrix polynomial empirical regression // Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration. Materials of the International Conference, May 14. Beijing, China, 2020. Pp. 159-165. DOI: https://doi.org/10.34660/INF.2020.28.63870. BSUIR repository: