Revin Valery
Associate Professor of the Department of Information Security
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Minsk, P. Brovki st. 6, academic building 3, office 307
Phone: +375 17 293-68-47
E-mail: revin@bsuir.by
Links to profiles:
BSUIR Repository
Professional interests/researches
Metrology, standardization and certification, computer-measuring systems
Education, trainings, professional development
Higher education, graduated from the Minsk radio-technical institute in 1976. Graduated postgraduate studies at the Minsk radio-technical institute in 1981.
Trained at the Belarusian State Institute of Metrology in 2015.
An on-the-job internship at the Belarusian State Institute of Metrology (BelGIM) in 2015.
An internship of the National institute for Higher Education in 2019.
Professional activity
Associate Professor of the Information protection Department of BSUIR. The topic of the candidate's dissertation is "Automation of measurements of phase parameters of microwave two ports using switching devices", defended in 1983. Research topics, results currently - automation of measurements of parameters of microwave devices.
Academic activity
- Measuring information converters -140 hours
- Automation of metrological work - 144 hours
- Information and measurement systems -120 hours
Main publications
1. Computer-measuring system for measuring the parameters of AFAA Technical means of information protection: abstracts of the XV Belarusian-Russian scientific-technical conf. Revin V. T., Naumovich, N. M. Gavrichenko, A. A. (Minsk, June 6, 2017). - Minsk: BSUIR, 2017.
2. Bogdanov R. A. Method of performing measurements of parameters of the transceiver module of the centimeter range Autoref. diss. Master of Technical Sciences : 1-38 80 01 /; Bogdanov R. A., scientific advisor V. T. Revin. - Minsk : BSUIR, 2017.
3. Revin V. T. et al. Methodology for checking linear azimuth resolution in a radar with a space-based aperture synthesis under ground conditions. Minsk: BSUIR Dokl., 2016, No. 6. Revin, V. T., Geister, S. R. Naumovich N. M. Demidovich G. N. Urbanovich S. P.
4. Revin V. T. et al. The system of functional control of the submodule attenuator-phase shifter of the X-band transceiver module Metrology and Instrumentation, Minsk, 2016, no . Revin V. T., Alkevich, Yu. S. Bogdanov, R. A. Maltsev, O. S. Naumovich, N. M. Pavlyuchik, A. A., Simonenko, V. A.
5 Revin V. T. et al. Development of an experimental sample of an active phased array antenna for an X-band space-based radar with aperture synthesis. Naumovich N. M. et al. Materials of the seventh Belarusian Space Congress. - Minsk : OIPI NASB, Vol. 1. - 2017 p. 204-207.
6. Revin V. T. et al. Fundamentals of methods for ground-based verification of radar resolution with space-based aperture synthesis Materials of the Seventh Belarusian Space Congress. - Naumovich N. M. et al. Minsk : OIPI NASB, Vol. 1. - 2017. pp. 208-211.
7. Measuring and computing complex for monitoring the parameters of antennas in the near zone of the X-band Materials of the seventh Belarusian Space Congress. - Alkevich Yu. S. Et al. Minsk : OIPI NASB, Vol. 1. - 2017. pp. 216-219
8. Revin V. T. et al. To develop an experimental sample of the base panel (fragment) of an active phased array antenna for an experimental onboard radar with a synthesized X-band aperture for spacecraft: scientific hand. Naumovich N. M. research report (conclusion) No. GR 20141238 BSUIR; Minsk, 2018. 309 p.
9. Revin, V. T. Methods of teaching the discipline "Database security" / V. T. Revin / / Technical means of information protection : abstracts of the XVII Belarusian-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference, Minsk, June 11, 2019 / Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics; - Minsk, 2019. - pp. 59-60.
10. Revin, V. T. Automation of metrological works: a manual / V. T. Revin. - Minsk : BSUIR, 2019. - 84 p.
11. Gorovenko, S. A. Measuring system for monitoring the communication devices parameters in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 500 kHz: autoref. diss. Master of Technical Sciences: 1-38 80 01 / S. A. Gorovenko; scientific advisor V. T. Revin. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019. - 11 p.
12. Revin, V. T. The use of virtual models of measuring instruments of the metrological disciplines study / / Revin V. T. // Distance learning - the educational environment of the XXI century : materials of the XI International Scientific and Methodological Conference, Minsk, December 12-13, - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019. - pp. 256-257.
Metrology, standardization and certification, computer-measuring systems
Education, trainings, professional development
Higher education, graduated from the Minsk radio-technical institute in 1976. Graduated postgraduate studies at the Minsk radio-technical institute in 1981.
Trained at the Belarusian State Institute of Metrology in 2015.
An on-the-job internship at the Belarusian State Institute of Metrology (BelGIM) in 2015.
An internship of the National institute for Higher Education in 2019.
Professional activity
Associate Professor of the Information protection Department of BSUIR. The topic of the candidate's dissertation is "Automation of measurements of phase parameters of microwave two ports using switching devices", defended in 1983. Research topics, results currently - automation of measurements of parameters of microwave devices.
Academic activity
- Measuring information converters -140 hours
- Automation of metrological work - 144 hours
- Information and measurement systems -120 hours
Main publications
1. Computer-measuring system for measuring the parameters of AFAA Technical means of information protection: abstracts of the XV Belarusian-Russian scientific-technical conf. Revin V. T., Naumovich, N. M. Gavrichenko, A. A. (Minsk, June 6, 2017). - Minsk: BSUIR, 2017.
2. Bogdanov R. A. Method of performing measurements of parameters of the transceiver module of the centimeter range Autoref. diss. Master of Technical Sciences : 1-38 80 01 /; Bogdanov R. A., scientific advisor V. T. Revin. - Minsk : BSUIR, 2017.
3. Revin V. T. et al. Methodology for checking linear azimuth resolution in a radar with a space-based aperture synthesis under ground conditions. Minsk: BSUIR Dokl., 2016, No. 6. Revin, V. T., Geister, S. R. Naumovich N. M. Demidovich G. N. Urbanovich S. P.
4. Revin V. T. et al. The system of functional control of the submodule attenuator-phase shifter of the X-band transceiver module Metrology and Instrumentation, Minsk, 2016, no . Revin V. T., Alkevich, Yu. S. Bogdanov, R. A. Maltsev, O. S. Naumovich, N. M. Pavlyuchik, A. A., Simonenko, V. A.
5 Revin V. T. et al. Development of an experimental sample of an active phased array antenna for an X-band space-based radar with aperture synthesis. Naumovich N. M. et al. Materials of the seventh Belarusian Space Congress. - Minsk : OIPI NASB, Vol. 1. - 2017 p. 204-207.
6. Revin V. T. et al. Fundamentals of methods for ground-based verification of radar resolution with space-based aperture synthesis Materials of the Seventh Belarusian Space Congress. - Naumovich N. M. et al. Minsk : OIPI NASB, Vol. 1. - 2017. pp. 208-211.
7. Measuring and computing complex for monitoring the parameters of antennas in the near zone of the X-band Materials of the seventh Belarusian Space Congress. - Alkevich Yu. S. Et al. Minsk : OIPI NASB, Vol. 1. - 2017. pp. 216-219
8. Revin V. T. et al. To develop an experimental sample of the base panel (fragment) of an active phased array antenna for an experimental onboard radar with a synthesized X-band aperture for spacecraft: scientific hand. Naumovich N. M. research report (conclusion) No. GR 20141238 BSUIR; Minsk, 2018. 309 p.
9. Revin, V. T. Methods of teaching the discipline "Database security" / V. T. Revin / / Technical means of information protection : abstracts of the XVII Belarusian-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference, Minsk, June 11, 2019 / Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics; - Minsk, 2019. - pp. 59-60.
10. Revin, V. T. Automation of metrological works: a manual / V. T. Revin. - Minsk : BSUIR, 2019. - 84 p.
11. Gorovenko, S. A. Measuring system for monitoring the communication devices parameters in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 500 kHz: autoref. diss. Master of Technical Sciences: 1-38 80 01 / S. A. Gorovenko; scientific advisor V. T. Revin. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019. - 11 p.
12. Revin, V. T. The use of virtual models of measuring instruments of the metrological disciplines study / / Revin V. T. // Distance learning - the educational environment of the XXI century : materials of the XI International Scientific and Methodological Conference, Minsk, December 12-13, - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019. - pp. 256-257.