Prischepa Serghej
Professor of the Information Protection Department
Dr. Hab., Professor
Minsk, P. Browka 8, 502-3
Tel. +375-17-2932317
Email: prischepa@bsuir.by
Profiles links:
BSUIR Repository
Google Scholar
Russian Science Citation Index
Research Gate
Field of professional interests and research
condensed matter physics, nanoelectronics and nanomaterials
Moscow Physical Engineering Institute (MEPhI) 1979, PhD Moscow Physical Engineering Institute (MEPhI) 1982; Dr Hab. Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR) 1996.
Internships: University of Salerno, Italy 1990-2015. Superconducting electronics, magnetoelectronics, periodically within 1-3 months. In Belarus: Information technologies in education (72 h), 2017
Work Experience
1978-1979 Physical Institute after P.N. Lebedev, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, engineer;
1979-1982 PhD student of Moscow Physical Engineering Institute;
1982-1986 junior researcher at BSUIR;
1986-1993 senior researcher at BSUIR; 1996-2000 leading researcher at BSUIR;
2000-currently professor at BSUIR
PhD thesis "Investigation of the vortex mechanism in superconducting micribridges", 1985
Dr Hab. thesis "Dissipative processes in thin film superconducting microstructures", 1996.
Research topics currently cover low-dimensional materials with different physical properties (thin-film magnetic and superconducting heterostructures, magnetic nanowires, carbon nanotubes, graphene, topological insulators) and nanoelectronics elements based on them.
Over the past 5 years, from 2015 to 2020, 7 research projects were carried out under the scientific supervision of S. L. Prishchepa. One of them (F15LIT-009) was performed within the State Committee of Science and Technology, 1 was performed with the Research Nuclear Institute of BVelarusian State University (16-1207) and 5 projects (16-3042, 16-3082, 16-3093, 19-3010, 19-3071) - within the Ministry of Education in the framework of the State Research Programs "Photonics, Opto-and Microelectronics" and "Physical Materials Science, new materials and Technologies". Manages complex tasks within the framework of the State Research Programs "Photonics, Opto-and Microelectronics" and "Physical Materials Science, New materials and Technologies".
He is the curator from Belarus of the project COST CA 19118 "High-performance carbon-based composites with smart properties for advanced sensing applications" (2020-2024). The main scientific direction is the development of elements of superconducting and carbon spintronics based on multilayer superconducting nanostructures and arrays of carbon nanotubes with ferromagnetic nanoparticles and the study of dimensional effects in them.
The research results are published in the world's leading scientific journals. He regularly makes invited and oral presentations at international conferences held both in Belarus and abroad.
Over the past 5 years, he has published 98 printed works.
Under his leadership, 1 doctoral dissertation and 3 PhD dissertations were defended.