Pevneva Natalia
Candidate of technical sciences, assistant of the Department of Information Security, Researcher of the Center 1.9 in the Research Unit of BSUIR
Minsk, P. Brovki, 6, office 203a-1
Telephone: +375 17 293-20-92
E-mail: peuneva@bsuir.by
Profiles links:
BSUIR repository
Google Scholar
Research Gate
Professional interests / research area
Dielectric permittivity, microwave measurements
Higher education
Educational institution "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics", "Metrology, standardization and certification (radio electronics, informatics and communications)", 2004-2009), master's degree ("Instrument-making, metrology and information-measuring devices and systems", 2009 -2010), postgraduate studies ("Metrology and metrological support", 2010-2013); internships, advanced training: Minsk, 23-25.09.2019, "GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019. General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. Practical use".
Professional activity
From 2009 to 2013 engineer of the Department of Metrology and Standardization of the Faculty of Telecommunications, since 2013 assistant of the Department of Metrology and Standardization, which was later merged with the Department of Information Security, from 2013 to 2016 junior researcher of the Center 1.9, since 2016 researcher of the Center 1.9 BSUIR. Topic of candidate thesis: "Wide-range panoramic instruments for measuring the dielectric permittivity of materials in the microwave range based on network analyzers." Research topics: Dielectric constant, microwave measurements.
Academic activity
"Measurements in infocommunications" (in English): 16 hours of laboratory work, 8 hours of practical training
Metrology, standardization and certification in radio electronics": 16 hours of practical training
"Automation of metrological work": 16 hours of laboratory work
"Theoretical metrology" 16 hours of laboratory work, 16 hours of practical training
Layered oxide and carbon containing composite materials for electromagnetic radiation absorbers for providing integrity of information processed by the computers / Olga V. Boiprav and others. - International Scientific Conference "UNITECH 2020" - Gabrovo - Vol. II. - pp. 347 - 350.
Pevneva, N. A. Simulation of electromagnetic field distribution in the measuring cell for determining the dielectric permittivity of materials at microwave frequencies / Pevneva N. A., Kopshai A. A., Gurskii A. L.
Merits, awards, incentives
3rd Prize of the President of the Republic of Belarus for a special contribution to the development of the abilities of gifted pupils and students at the end of the 2015/2016 academic year; Diploma of a young specialist, received in the framework of the General Assembly of the International Electrotechnical Commission in 2015.