Belousova Elena
PhD, Associate Professor
Minsk, P. Brovki street, 6, building 1, office 432-1
Телефон: +375 17 293-22-09
E-mail: belousova@bsuir.by
Profiles links:
BSUIR repository
Google Scholar
Professional interests/researches
Nanotechnology, radio-absorbing materials, electromagnetic shielding, information security, data transmission protection in local networks, web-resources protection, traffic filtration in computer networks.
Education, trainings, professional development
Elena Belousova graduated with honors from the Belarusian State University of Transport, in the specialty "Information Transmission Systems in Railway Transport" in 2011. In the same year she entered the magistracy in the specialty "Systems, networks and devices of telecommunications", in 2012 she was sent to postgraduate studies in the specialty "Methods and systems of information security, information security" in Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
In 2017, 2018 and 2019 Elena Belousova passed courses on the basis of the Belarusian-Korean center for cooperation in the field of information technologies "Network and web security". In 2018, she successfully passed the courses in Solidex company in the topic "Web application security technical fundamentals. Web application firewall". In 2019, she passed retraining in Republican Institute of Higher Education in the specialty "Pedagogical activity in English", as well as advanced training in the program "Interactive Graphics and Animation in Education". She received certificates based on the results of the Cisco CCNA courses.
Professional activity
In 2012, Elena Belousova defended dissertation for a master's degree in technical sciences in the topic "Research of improving ways of telecommunication nodes in railway telephone networks".
In 2015, the Elena Belousova successfully defended dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in technical sciences in the topic "Nanostructured electromagnetic radiation shields based on shungite".
From 2017 to the present - She is Associate Professor of the Information Security Department.
Academic activity
- Traffic filtration in corporate networks (in Russian and English), 62 h,
- Web-resources protection from unauthorized access (in Russian and English) 62 h,
- Information security management (in English), 40 h,
- Computer networks (in Russian and English), 224 h,
- Supervisor of students’, master students’ and postgraduate students’ research works.
Main publications
1. Electromagnetic shields based on nanostructured carbon-containing materials / Belousova E.S. [and etc.]; - Minsk: Bestprint, 2018. - 317 p.
2. Bui, P.M. Fiber-optic transmission systems: workshop / P.M. Bui, E.S. Belousova, S.S. Tatur; Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus, Belarusian State University of Transport - Gomel: BelSUT, 2018. - 126 p.
3. Al-Mahdawi, M. S. Kh. Carbon-containing screens for protecting the human body from electromagnetic radiation / M. S. Kh. Al-Mahdawi, E. S. Belousova // Doklady BGUIR. - 2018. - № 7 (117). - P. 7-11.
4. Belousova, E. S. Experimental substantiation of the method for obtaining flexible electromagnetic radiation shields based on the carbon allotropic forms incorporation into fibrous matrices / Belousova E. S., Al-Mahdavi M. S. Kh., Boyprav O. V. // Bulletin of Polotsk State University. Ser. C, Basic Sciences. - 2019. - № 12. - Pp. 15-20.
5. Mechanical and electromagnetic properties of shields based on a needle-punched material with conductive and dielectric coatings / Abdulkhadi Kh. D.A, Belousova E.S., Prudnik A.M., Lynkov L.M. // Vesti NAN Belarusi. Physics-technical science. 2019. - T. 64. - № 1. - Pp. 44-50.
6. Belousova, E.S. Basics of local networks buildings. Laboratory workshop. / E. S. Belousova. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2020. - 103 p.
7. Belousova, E.S. Justification of binder material selection for carbon particles incorporation into fibrous electromagnetic radiation absorber / Belousova E.S., Dumchev B.I., Al-Mahdawi M.S.Kh // Doklady BGUIR. - 2020. - № 18 (6). - Pp. 83 - 93.
scholarship of the President of the Republic of Belarus for graduate students, 2014, scholarship of the President of the Republic of Belarus for talented young scientists, 2019.