Svirid Uladzimir
Associate Professor, Ph. D.Minsk, P. Brovki street, house 6, building 1, office 326a.
Phone: +375 17 293-89-85.
E-mail: v.svirid@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
Analog microcircuitry
Graduated from Minsk Radio Engineering Institute in 1966 with a degree in Radio Engineering. He defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1978 in the specialty "Radio measuring devices". Thesis topic: "Development and research of methods for measuring some parameters of semiconductor devices (admittance, figure of merit)."
Trainings, professional development:
State educational institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education" in 2020 on the topic "Innovative technologies for improving the quality of the educational process"
Working career.
He has been working at the department since March 1967. Published 235 scientific papers, mostly without coauthors, of which 34 inventions and 19 books. Three textbooks are stamped by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. The textbook "Analog microcircuitry", volume of 14.2 printed sheets, withstood three editions, respectively, in 2003, 2004, 2005, with a total circulation of 700 copies.
Developed and published textbooks "Microelectronic and converting devices" in 2 parts with the stamp of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus (part 1, 2005, 8.02 pp and part 2, 2007, 8.25 pp) in two editions (2008) with a total circulation of 700 copies of each part "Designing Analog Microelectronic Devices" (17.32 pp.) four editions 2010-2013. the total circulation of 1200 copies of the textbook "Microcircuitry of analog electronic devices" with the stamp of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, published in 1998 by the publishing house design and missile defense (16 pp.) is 1000 copies.
During his work at the department under his leadership, students completed 368 diploma projects, and since 2007, 7 master's theses have been successfully defended.
He is currently working on the textbook "Design of Analog Microelectronic Devices". Scientific secretary of the scientific and methodological council for the group of specialties 1-39 01 "Circuits of radioectronic devices and systems" of the educational institution of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus for education in the field of informatics and radioelectronics.
Taught academic subjects
"Circuitry of analog devices" - 144 hours.
"Designing analog integral devices" - 162 hours.
"Designing analog microelectronic devices" - 216 hours.
Main publications
Svirid, V.L. Differential evaluation of the effectiveness of feedback in analog circuitry. / V.L. Svirid // Reports of BSUIR 2017, No. 6 (108). - pp. 10-16 -https: //libeldoc.bsuir/handle/123456789/26577
Svirid, V.L. Differential method for assessing the effectiveness of stabilization of operating modes of active elements of analog circuitry. / V.L. Svirid // Reports of BSUIR 2017, no. 7 (109). - S. 5-11 - https: //libeldoc.bsuir/handle/123456789/28210
Merits, awards, incentives
Awarded with a silver lapel badge "For services to BSUIR" in 2014
Awarded the title of "Best Inventor of the MRTI". Order No. 1/172 dated 02.26.86