Pankova Veronica
Assistant ProfessorMinsk, P. Brovki street, house 6, building 1, office 339.
Phone: +375 17 293-80-67.
E-mail: pankova@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
elliptic curve cryptography and algebraic geometric coding methods
cryptographic protection of information
modeling of radio electronic systems
2011 - BSUIR in the specialty «Radio electronic protection of information».
2012 - Master's degree at BSUIR in the specialty «Hardware and software-technical support of information security».
2016 - postgraduate study at BSUIR.
Professional development
2020 - State institution of education "National institute for higher education" by profile «Innovative technologies to improve quality of the educational process»
Working career.
2011-2012 - engineer of the Department of radio technical systems (RTS).
2013-2019 - assistant of the Department of IRT.
2020 - Senior Lecturer of the Department of IRT.
November 2020 - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics for
educational and methodological work.
In 2012 defended the master's thesis on «Protection of information based on
algebraic geometric codes».
Taught academic subjects
mathematical foundations of coding
Main publications
Salomatin S.B., Pankova V.V. Lattice cryptosystem based on a variety of bases //
Technical means of protection of information: abstracts of the XVII Belarusian-Russian scientific and technical conference, Minsk, 2019.
- [Electronic resource]. - http://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/35644
Salomatin S.B., Pankova В.В. Protection of information on the Internet of Things based on the cryptosystem of algebraic curves // Modern means of communication: materials of the XXIX International scientific and technical conference, 17-18 oct. 2019, p. 175-177.
Pankova В.В., Salomatin S.B., Pham H.A. Analysis of the effectiveness of communication systems using technology MIMO and space-time coding methods // Information radio systems and radio technologies 2020: materials of the republican scientific and practical conference, 28-29 oct. 2020, Minsk, p. 17-20.
- [Electronic resource]. - http://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/41839
Salomatin S.B., Аliseenko М.А., Pankova V.V. Protection of information in
broadcast channel based on related classes of trellis codes // Technical means of
protection of information: abstracts of the ХVIII Belarusian-Russian scientific and
technical conference, Minsk, 9 June 2020 / БГУИР; editorial team: Т. V. Borbotko
[other]. - Minsk, 2020. - p. 67 -68. - [Electronic resource]. -
elliptic curve cryptography and algebraic geometric coding methods
cryptographic protection of information
modeling of radio electronic systems
2011 - BSUIR in the specialty «Radio electronic protection of information».
2012 - Master's degree at BSUIR in the specialty «Hardware and software-technical support of information security».
2016 - postgraduate study at BSUIR.
Professional development
2020 - State institution of education "National institute for higher education" by profile «Innovative technologies to improve quality of the educational process»
Working career.
2011-2012 - engineer of the Department of radio technical systems (RTS).
2013-2019 - assistant of the Department of IRT.
2020 - Senior Lecturer of the Department of IRT.
November 2020 - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics for
educational and methodological work.
In 2012 defended the master's thesis on «Protection of information based on
algebraic geometric codes».
Taught academic subjects
mathematical foundations of coding
Main publications
Salomatin S.B., Pankova V.V. Lattice cryptosystem based on a variety of bases //
Technical means of protection of information: abstracts of the XVII Belarusian-Russian scientific and technical conference, Minsk, 2019.
- [Electronic resource]. - http://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/35644
Salomatin S.B., Pankova В.В. Protection of information on the Internet of Things based on the cryptosystem of algebraic curves // Modern means of communication: materials of the XXIX International scientific and technical conference, 17-18 oct. 2019, p. 175-177.
Pankova В.В., Salomatin S.B., Pham H.A. Analysis of the effectiveness of communication systems using technology MIMO and space-time coding methods // Information radio systems and radio technologies 2020: materials of the republican scientific and practical conference, 28-29 oct. 2020, Minsk, p. 17-20.
- [Electronic resource]. - http://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/41839
Salomatin S.B., Аliseenko М.А., Pankova V.V. Protection of information in
broadcast channel based on related classes of trellis codes // Technical means of
protection of information: abstracts of the ХVIII Belarusian-Russian scientific and
technical conference, Minsk, 9 June 2020 / БГУИР; editorial team: Т. V. Borbotko
[other]. - Minsk, 2020. - p. 67 -68. - [Electronic resource]. -