Palavenia Siarhei
Associate Professor, Ph. D.Minsk, P. Brovki street, house 6, building 1, office 326а.
Phone: +375 17 293-89-85.
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Professional interests/researches
information protection, multi-agent systems, cyber-physical objects
In 2000 he graduated from the educational institution "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics". In 2005 he graduated from the educational institution "Belarusian State Economic University". In 2011 he graduated from the postgraduate course in the specialty 01.04.03 - radiophysics. Advanced training at the State Educational Institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education" under the program "Work of a teacher with a gifted personality" in 2013. Advanced training in the State Educational Institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education" under the program "Improving state regulation in the field of higher education" in 2018. Advanced training at the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus on the topic: "Improving the managerial competencies of a leader in modern conditions" in 2020.
Working career.
After graduating from BSUIR in 2000, he worked as a teacher of special disciplines, an engineer. After graduating from postgraduate studies - assistant professor of the department of IRT, after defending the thesis - assistant of the department of IRT. At present - head of the Department of Telecommunication Systems, UO Belarusian State Academy of Communications. Defense of a Ph.D. thesis in 2014 in specialties 05.13.19 - Methods and systems of information security, information security and 05.12.04 - Radio engineering, including systems and television devices on the topic: Algorithms for protecting information in open channels with interference by methods of nonlinear dynamics.
Polovenya S.I. was the head or executor of the following scientific research:
- performer of research work "Development of models, algorithms of functioning and structural and functional circuitry of telecommunication systems and networks, taking into account the criteria of quality of service, noise immunity, characteristics of served traffic and electromagnetic compatibility";
- performer of research work "Development of scientifically grounded recommendations on the formation of an economically justified amount of payment for the use of the radio frequency spectrum for radio electronic means used to provide public telecommunication services";
- head of research work on the topic "Development of a draft professional standard in the field of postal activities";
- performer of research work on the topic "Research of vulnerabilities in smart home systems" to unintended threats and destructive influences using information technologies and the development of a cybersecurity threat model ";
- head of research work on the topic "Development of a draft professional standard" Information security specialist of infocommunication systems ".
Taught academic subjects
Design technology information systems software 112 hours
Main publications
1. Palavenia, S.I. Method of modeling information processing processes for building a rational telecommunication system / V.L. Parkhomenko, V.V. Parkhomenko, S.I. Polovenya, Yu.V. Miller // Vesnik communications. - 2019. - No. 2 (154). - S. 53 -57. https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/37393
2. S. Palavenia, Y. Duinova, M. Popova, Imad El Abed. Simulation of the Algorithm of Group Interaction of Cyber-Physical Objects in 3D Space / Journal of Physics: Conference series 1399 (2019) 044048 doi: 10.1088 / 1742-6596 / 1399/4/044048. https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/41400
3. Palavenia, S.I. Fault-tolerant system for automatic deployment of mobile radio stations / SI Palavenia, Yu. A. Duinova, AN Soloviev, MS Popova // Systems of synchronization, formation and processing of signals №6. No. 47541; ISBN 978-1-7281-3238-9 in the Official IEEE Conference List. https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/41402
4. Palavenia, S.I. Designing a mobile communication system of the LTE standard when creating a reference network of cellular mobile telecommunications on the territory of the Republic of Belarus / S.I. Polovenya, A.A. Laptsevich // Problems of infocommunications - 2019. № 1 (9). - S. 28-36. https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/41397 5.
5. Palavenia, S.I. / Yu. A. Duinova, A. V. Smolyak, K. R. Koptyaev // Problems of infocommunications. - 2020. - No. 1 (11). - S. 27-37. https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/41396
6. Palavenia, S.I. Clustering algorithms and the choice of the structure of the wireless communication network / Yu. A. Duinova, SI Palavenia, AN Soloviev // Vesnik suvyazi. - 2020. - No. 5 (163). P.44-49. https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/41401
Merits, awards, incentives
Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus
information protection, multi-agent systems, cyber-physical objects
In 2000 he graduated from the educational institution "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics". In 2005 he graduated from the educational institution "Belarusian State Economic University". In 2011 he graduated from the postgraduate course in the specialty 01.04.03 - radiophysics. Advanced training at the State Educational Institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education" under the program "Work of a teacher with a gifted personality" in 2013. Advanced training in the State Educational Institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education" under the program "Improving state regulation in the field of higher education" in 2018. Advanced training at the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus on the topic: "Improving the managerial competencies of a leader in modern conditions" in 2020.
Working career.
After graduating from BSUIR in 2000, he worked as a teacher of special disciplines, an engineer. After graduating from postgraduate studies - assistant professor of the department of IRT, after defending the thesis - assistant of the department of IRT. At present - head of the Department of Telecommunication Systems, UO Belarusian State Academy of Communications. Defense of a Ph.D. thesis in 2014 in specialties 05.13.19 - Methods and systems of information security, information security and 05.12.04 - Radio engineering, including systems and television devices on the topic: Algorithms for protecting information in open channels with interference by methods of nonlinear dynamics.
Polovenya S.I. was the head or executor of the following scientific research:
- performer of research work "Development of models, algorithms of functioning and structural and functional circuitry of telecommunication systems and networks, taking into account the criteria of quality of service, noise immunity, characteristics of served traffic and electromagnetic compatibility";
- performer of research work "Development of scientifically grounded recommendations on the formation of an economically justified amount of payment for the use of the radio frequency spectrum for radio electronic means used to provide public telecommunication services";
- head of research work on the topic "Development of a draft professional standard in the field of postal activities";
- performer of research work on the topic "Research of vulnerabilities in smart home systems" to unintended threats and destructive influences using information technologies and the development of a cybersecurity threat model ";
- head of research work on the topic "Development of a draft professional standard" Information security specialist of infocommunication systems ".
Taught academic subjects
Design technology information systems software 112 hours
Main publications
1. Palavenia, S.I. Method of modeling information processing processes for building a rational telecommunication system / V.L. Parkhomenko, V.V. Parkhomenko, S.I. Polovenya, Yu.V. Miller // Vesnik communications. - 2019. - No. 2 (154). - S. 53 -57. https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/37393
2. S. Palavenia, Y. Duinova, M. Popova, Imad El Abed. Simulation of the Algorithm of Group Interaction of Cyber-Physical Objects in 3D Space / Journal of Physics: Conference series 1399 (2019) 044048 doi: 10.1088 / 1742-6596 / 1399/4/044048. https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/41400
3. Palavenia, S.I. Fault-tolerant system for automatic deployment of mobile radio stations / SI Palavenia, Yu. A. Duinova, AN Soloviev, MS Popova // Systems of synchronization, formation and processing of signals №6. No. 47541; ISBN 978-1-7281-3238-9 in the Official IEEE Conference List. https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/41402
4. Palavenia, S.I. Designing a mobile communication system of the LTE standard when creating a reference network of cellular mobile telecommunications on the territory of the Republic of Belarus / S.I. Polovenya, A.A. Laptsevich // Problems of infocommunications - 2019. № 1 (9). - S. 28-36. https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/41397 5.
5. Palavenia, S.I. / Yu. A. Duinova, A. V. Smolyak, K. R. Koptyaev // Problems of infocommunications. - 2020. - No. 1 (11). - S. 27-37. https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/41396
6. Palavenia, S.I. Clustering algorithms and the choice of the structure of the wireless communication network / Yu. A. Duinova, SI Palavenia, AN Soloviev // Vesnik suvyazi. - 2020. - No. 5 (163). P.44-49. https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/41401
Merits, awards, incentives
Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus