Murashkina Zoya
Assistant ProfessorMinsk, P. Brovki street, house 6, building 1, office 330.
Phone: +375 17 293-89-11.
E-mail: kafirt1@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
Formation and generation of signals in digital radio communication. Electroradioelements and radio materials.
Graduated from BSUIR, 1994 with a degree in Radio Engineering;
RIVSH, specializing in "Modern technologies of university education"
trainings, professional development:
State educational institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education" in 2019 on the topic "Pedagogical skill of a teacher: an innovative approach".
Working career.
Since 2000, an engineer of the Department of Radio Engineering Systems, since 2009 an assistant, since 2018. Senior Lecturer, Department of Information Radio Technologies, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
Taught academic subjects
Electroradioelements and radio materials. (36 hours) - [Electronic resource] - https://www.bsuir.by/m/12_100229_1_86619.pdf
Formation and generation of signals in digital radio communication (280 hours) - [Electronic resource] - https://www.bsuir.by/m/12_100229_1_147870.pdf
Main publications
Study of the matching circuits of the output stages of transmitters: method. instructions to laboratories. work on the course "Radio transmitting devices" for students of the specialties "Radio engineering", "Radio engineering. systems "," Radioelectr. information protection. "," Radio communication, radio broadcasting and television "of all forms of education / comp. A. Titovich [and others]. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2010 .-- 19 p. -[ Electronic resource]. - https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/444
Dvornikova T.N., Murashkina Z. N. Methodological features of modern engineer training with the use of information educational resources. Vestnik MGIRO. - 2018. - No. 1 (33). - FROM. 71 - 72. -[ Electronic resource]. - https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/32875
Parafiyanovich, T.A. The use of information and communication technologies in the development of the personality of a future teacher-programmer / T.A. Parafiyanovich, Z.N. Murashkina // Problems of improving the efficiency of the educational process based on information technology: materials of the XII Intern. scientific-practical conf. (Republic of Belarus, Minsk, April 25, 2019) / editorial board: Yu. E. Kuleshov [and others]. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019. - С. 116 - 119. -[ Electronic resource]. - https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/35218
Formation and generation of signals in digital radio communication. Electroradioelements and radio materials.
Graduated from BSUIR, 1994 with a degree in Radio Engineering;
RIVSH, specializing in "Modern technologies of university education"
trainings, professional development:
State educational institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education" in 2019 on the topic "Pedagogical skill of a teacher: an innovative approach".
Working career.
Since 2000, an engineer of the Department of Radio Engineering Systems, since 2009 an assistant, since 2018. Senior Lecturer, Department of Information Radio Technologies, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
Taught academic subjects
Electroradioelements and radio materials. (36 hours) - [Electronic resource] - https://www.bsuir.by/m/12_100229_1_86619.pdf
Formation and generation of signals in digital radio communication (280 hours) - [Electronic resource] - https://www.bsuir.by/m/12_100229_1_147870.pdf
Main publications
Study of the matching circuits of the output stages of transmitters: method. instructions to laboratories. work on the course "Radio transmitting devices" for students of the specialties "Radio engineering", "Radio engineering. systems "," Radioelectr. information protection. "," Radio communication, radio broadcasting and television "of all forms of education / comp. A. Titovich [and others]. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2010 .-- 19 p. -[ Electronic resource]. - https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/444
Dvornikova T.N., Murashkina Z. N. Methodological features of modern engineer training with the use of information educational resources. Vestnik MGIRO. - 2018. - No. 1 (33). - FROM. 71 - 72. -[ Electronic resource]. - https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/32875
Parafiyanovich, T.A. The use of information and communication technologies in the development of the personality of a future teacher-programmer / T.A. Parafiyanovich, Z.N. Murashkina // Problems of improving the efficiency of the educational process based on information technology: materials of the XII Intern. scientific-practical conf. (Republic of Belarus, Minsk, April 25, 2019) / editorial board: Yu. E. Kuleshov [and others]. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019. - С. 116 - 119. -[ Electronic resource]. - https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/35218