Kizhlai Ihar
Associate Professor, Ph. D.Minsk, P. Brovki street, house 6, building 1, office 435.
Phone: +375 17 293-88-94.
E-mail: kizhlai@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
Radio identification systems, antenna design and modeling.
Graduated from the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute 1985, postgraduate studies at BSUIR 2008-2010, in 2014 completed advanced training courses at the Institute of Industrial Complexes in the specialty "Nanotechnology in electronics", in 2019 the courses "Academy of Instrumental Modern TRIZ", prof. M. Orlov, refresher courses at the RIVS in the specialty "Lecture in a modern institution of higher education: design models and implementation of educational material in the educational process".
Working career.
Since 1982 a laboratory assistant, since 1983 a senior laboratory assistant, since 1984 an engineer, since 1990 a senior engineer, since 2004 a leading engineer of the IRT department. In 2011 he defended his thesis on the topic "Pyramidal-rectangular chambers for microwave processing of materials. Electrodynamic theory, calculation and experiment ".
Taught academic subjects
Hardware and software complex for research and verification of RFID systems of HF and UHF ranges https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/36482
Educational and laboratory research complex RFID https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/36481
Main publications
A method for increasing the noise immunity of RFID systems of the UHF range and a device for its implementation: US Pat. 032987 Eurasian Patent Office: IPC (2006) G01S 13/78, H01P 1/163, IPC (2016) H02J 50/20 / Kirilchuk V. B., Kizhlai I. N., Parfenovich T. N., Popov A. A .; applicant and patentee of the UO Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. - No. 201600098; declared 12/21/2015; publ. 30.06.2017. - 21 p. : ill.
Kirilchuk, V. B. Educational and laboratory research complex RFID / Kirilchuk Valery Borisovich, Kizhlai Igor Nikolaevich // Science and education in the modern world: challenges of the XXI century: materials of the III Intern. scientific-practical Conf., Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, July 10-12, 2019 Vol. 3 / Association of legal entities in the form of an association "National Movement" Bobek ", Congress of Scientists of Kazakhstan. - Nur-Sultan, 2019. - pp. 182-186.
Hardware and software complex for research and verification of RFID systems of HF and UHF ranges / V. B. Kirilchuk, I. N. Kizhlai, A. A. Popov, S. V. Zdorovtsev // 8th International Scientific Conference on Military technical problems, defense and security problems, the use of dual-use technologies, Minsk, May 16-17, 2019: Sat. scientific. Art. At 5 o'clock, Part 1 / State Military-Industrial Committee of the Republic of Belarus. - Minsk: Laboratory of Intelligence, 2019 .-- S. 56-58.
A method for increasing the noise immunity of RFID systems of the UHF range and a device for its implementation: US Pat. 032987 Eurasian Patent Office: IPC (2006) G01S 13/78, H01P 1/163, H02J 50/20 / Kirilchuk V.B., Kizhlai I.N., Parfenovich T.N., Popov A.A.; applicant and patentee of the UO Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. - No. 201600098; declared 12/21/2015; publ. 30.08.2019. - 8 p. : ill.
Graduated from the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute 1985, postgraduate studies at BSUIR 2008-2010, in 2014 completed advanced training courses at the Institute of Industrial Complexes in the specialty "Nanotechnology in electronics", in 2019 the courses "Academy of Instrumental Modern TRIZ", prof. M. Orlov, refresher courses at the RIVS in the specialty "Lecture in a modern institution of higher education: design models and implementation of educational material in the educational process".
Working career.
Since 1982 a laboratory assistant, since 1983 a senior laboratory assistant, since 1984 an engineer, since 1990 a senior engineer, since 2004 a leading engineer of the IRT department. In 2011 he defended his thesis on the topic "Pyramidal-rectangular chambers for microwave processing of materials. Electrodynamic theory, calculation and experiment ".
Taught academic subjects
Hardware and software complex for research and verification of RFID systems of HF and UHF ranges https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/36482
Educational and laboratory research complex RFID https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/36481
Main publications
A method for increasing the noise immunity of RFID systems of the UHF range and a device for its implementation: US Pat. 032987 Eurasian Patent Office: IPC (2006) G01S 13/78, H01P 1/163, IPC (2016) H02J 50/20 / Kirilchuk V. B., Kizhlai I. N., Parfenovich T. N., Popov A. A .; applicant and patentee of the UO Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. - No. 201600098; declared 12/21/2015; publ. 30.06.2017. - 21 p. : ill.
Kirilchuk, V. B. Educational and laboratory research complex RFID / Kirilchuk Valery Borisovich, Kizhlai Igor Nikolaevich // Science and education in the modern world: challenges of the XXI century: materials of the III Intern. scientific-practical Conf., Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, July 10-12, 2019 Vol. 3 / Association of legal entities in the form of an association "National Movement" Bobek ", Congress of Scientists of Kazakhstan. - Nur-Sultan, 2019. - pp. 182-186.
Hardware and software complex for research and verification of RFID systems of HF and UHF ranges / V. B. Kirilchuk, I. N. Kizhlai, A. A. Popov, S. V. Zdorovtsev // 8th International Scientific Conference on Military technical problems, defense and security problems, the use of dual-use technologies, Minsk, May 16-17, 2019: Sat. scientific. Art. At 5 o'clock, Part 1 / State Military-Industrial Committee of the Republic of Belarus. - Minsk: Laboratory of Intelligence, 2019 .-- S. 56-58.
A method for increasing the noise immunity of RFID systems of the UHF range and a device for its implementation: US Pat. 032987 Eurasian Patent Office: IPC (2006) G01S 13/78, H01P 1/163, H02J 50/20 / Kirilchuk V.B., Kizhlai I.N., Parfenovich T.N., Popov A.A.; applicant and patentee of the UO Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. - No. 201600098; declared 12/21/2015; publ. 30.08.2019. - 8 p. : ill.