Fedarynchyk Mikhail
Assistant ProfessorMinsk, P. Brovki street, house 6, building 1, office 326а.
Phone: +375 17 293-89-85.
E-mail: Fedorinchik@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
Construction methods and circuitry bases of information processing devices in instrument engineering
Graduated from the Minsk Electrotechnical College of Communications in December 1965 with a degree in Television Technology and Radio Relay Communication
Graduated from Minsk Radio Engineering Institute in 1972 with a degree in Radio Engineering;
Trainings, professional development:
State educational institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education" in 2013 on the topic "The work of a teacher with a gifted personality",
State educational institution "Republican Institute of Professional Education" in 2018 on the program " Technology for the formation of competencies in the field of energy saving, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources"
Working career.
Fedarynchyk M. works at BSUIR since February 1966 as a technician, art. technician, engineer. From 1973 he worked as a senior researcher in a research laboratory, and from 1988 as an assistant at the RTU department. In 1981 he graduated from the postgraduate study of the MRTI under the guidance of Professor B.M.Bogdanovich. in the specialty 05.12.17 "Radio and television devices and systems" with the presentation of the thesis on "Development of methods for constructing high-performance automatic control devices for receiving and amplifying equipment." From November 1996 to July 2002, he worked as Deputy Dean of the FRE for teaching and educational work. He has been working as a senior professor since 2002.
Taught academic subjects
"Introduction to Radio Engineering" (112 hours)
"Introduction to Radio Informatics" (106 hours)
"Electrical converting devices" (128 hours)
Main publications
"Tunable acousto-optic filter as a tool for environmental monitoring. Methods of control and monitoring of parameters of a tunable acousto-optic filter ", O.S. Maltsev, M.V. Davydov, M.P. Fedorinchik, Monitoring of technogenic and natural objects: collection of articles. materials international. scientific. -techn. conf. / editorial board : Batura M.P. [and etc.]. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2017 .-- P. 135 - 141.
"Method for identifying the stages of cavitation development in liquids and electrolytes" N.V. Dezhkunov, V.S. Gavrilyuk, M.P. Fedorinchik, V.A. Koltovich, L.K. Kushner. Materials of the international scientific and technical conference "Modern electrochemical technologies and equipment". Minsk, November 28-30, 2017 p. 308-311.
"Development of a methodology for testing sensors of cavitation activity in the interaction of high-frequency and low-frequency ultrasonic fields", M.P. Fedorinchik. Section 2 of the R&D report: "Development of an ultrasonic unit for intensifying galvanic technological processes with built-in sensors of the processing mode and an indicator of cavitation activity", SBC No. 16-3017, Minsk, 2018
Merits, awards, incentives
For the inventions introduced into the industry in 1985 he was awarded the badge "Inventor of the USSR";
In 2015, he was awarded a silver badge "For services to BSUIR"
Participation in the implementation of agreements and contracts
Contract No. 18-1213K dated 03.12.2018. Manufacture and supply a cavitometer. The customer is PANATRONIX (Italy).
Contract No. 18-1081K dated May 31, 2018. To manufacture and supply an ultrasonic low-frequency cavitation complex. Customer - Federal
State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies,
Mechanics and Optics" (ITMO University) (Russian Federation)
Contract No. 18-1031K dated 12.02.2018. Manufacture and supply a cavitometer. The customer is the firm "Alexandra - plus" (Russian Federation).
Contract No. 19 - 1093K dated May 31, 2019. Manufacturing and delivery of the installation "Ultrasonic low-frequency cavitation complex".
Customer - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Science Institute of Metals Superplasticity Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IASM RAS) (Russian Federation).
Contract No. 19-1089K dated 31.05.2019. Develop and deliver an indicator of cavitation activity - a cavitometer. The customer is Carlsberg A / S, Carlsberg Research Laboratory (Denmark).
Contract No. 20-1137K dated 21.01.2020. Manufacture and supply a cavitometer. The customer is SHM s.r.o., Czech Republic.