Vishniakou Uladzimir
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences,Minsk, P. Brovki, 10, 518
Phone: +375 17 293-85-19
E-mail: vish@bsuir.by
2. Professional interests/researches
Informational management and security in infocommunications, the Internet of Things, e-marketing, IT in education, intelligent management systems.
3. Education
MRTI EVM 1972, graduate school MRTI 1978, internships: Denmark 1981 82, USA 1996, Germany 1996, 2001; advanced training: No. 2555004 "Information and training support for the management of research work students "2016; No. 243200001460, reg. number 93/20 E778, Krasnoyarsk, 36 hours, "Informatization of education and e-learning methodology: digital technology in education."
4. Working career.
1972-73 junior researcher MRTI;
1973-1981 - Assistant MRTI;
1981-91 - Associate Professor of the MRTI;
1991-96 - Professor of MRTI-BSUIR,
1996-2002 -head Department of VGKS;
2002-2011 - Head Department of MIU,
2011-2018 - Professor MIU;
2018-2021 - Professor of BSUIR. PhD thesis topic:"Research and development of digital devices for the analysis of dynamics nonlinear control systems ", protected by the 1978 MRTI; doctoral dissertations: "Fundamentals of theory and hardware and software of object-oriented and logical computers for business AWP ", protected in the IK im. Glushkova,
Kiev 1991 Research topic: control in IC networks, protected by 5 cand. dissertations and more than 30 master's theses, more than 450 scientific papers have been published, in volume including 6 monographs (1 in English), 4th textbooks with a stamp Ministry of Education, 8-volume educational complex "Information management ", more than 150 scientific articles.
5. Taught academic subjects
"The theory of automated control in IR - TAUIK "(54 hours); "The theory of systems analysis and decision-making in IC - TSAPRIK "(46 hours); disciplines read in English: TAU IK, TSAPR IK, "Methods of information security for IK (54 hours).
6. Main publications
Over the past 2 years, 50 works have been published, a list of the main 32 works attached
7. Merits, awards, incentives
Certificate of Merit from the Ministry of Communications and informatization, diplomas of the Ministry of Education and the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus, certificates and Certificates of honor from VGKS, MIU, BSUIR, 3rd medals from MIU.
Informational management and security in infocommunications, the Internet of Things, e-marketing, IT in education, intelligent management systems.
3. Education
MRTI EVM 1972, graduate school MRTI 1978, internships: Denmark 1981 82, USA 1996, Germany 1996, 2001; advanced training: No. 2555004 "Information and training support for the management of research work students "2016; No. 243200001460, reg. number 93/20 E778, Krasnoyarsk, 36 hours, "Informatization of education and e-learning methodology: digital technology in education."
4. Working career.
1972-73 junior researcher MRTI;
1973-1981 - Assistant MRTI;
1981-91 - Associate Professor of the MRTI;
1991-96 - Professor of MRTI-BSUIR,
1996-2002 -head Department of VGKS;
2002-2011 - Head Department of MIU,
2011-2018 - Professor MIU;
2018-2021 - Professor of BSUIR. PhD thesis topic:"Research and development of digital devices for the analysis of dynamics nonlinear control systems ", protected by the 1978 MRTI; doctoral dissertations: "Fundamentals of theory and hardware and software of object-oriented and logical computers for business AWP ", protected in the IK im. Glushkova,
Kiev 1991 Research topic: control in IC networks, protected by 5 cand. dissertations and more than 30 master's theses, more than 450 scientific papers have been published, in volume including 6 monographs (1 in English), 4th textbooks with a stamp Ministry of Education, 8-volume educational complex "Information management ", more than 150 scientific articles.
5. Taught academic subjects
"The theory of automated control in IR - TAUIK "(54 hours); "The theory of systems analysis and decision-making in IC - TSAPRIK "(46 hours); disciplines read in English: TAU IK, TSAPR IK, "Methods of information security for IK (54 hours).
6. Main publications
Over the past 2 years, 50 works have been published, a list of the main 32 works attached
7. Merits, awards, incentives
Certificate of Merit from the Ministry of Communications and informatization, diplomas of the Ministry of Education and the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus, certificates and Certificates of honor from VGKS, MIU, BSUIR, 3rd medals from MIU.