Mishchanka Valery
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical SciencesMinsk, P. Brovki, 10, 511
Phone: +375 17 293-80-90
E-mail: mishchenko@bsuir.by
2. Professional interests/researches
Development, modeling, research of semiconductor devices ranges of ultra-high and extremely high frequency ranges (microwave and EHF), their introduction into systems and devices of infocommunications, telecommunications, communications and other areas of technology related to the processing of electronic signals. Study of the impact of electromagnetic fields of various origins on biological objects. In the field of educational activities, the sphere of professional interests (research) - radio communication networks and systems, including mobile, cellular, radio relay, satellite, wireless access to infocommunication networks, professional and other types, guide transmission systems - cables, electrical and optical, waveguides, strip transmission lines and others.
3. Education
Higher education - graduated from the MRTI in the specialty radio engineering, postgraduate study at MRTI, completed internships and qualifications according to the RIVS system every 5 years.
4. Working career.
Almost all labor activity is associated with BSUIR (MRTI) since 1986. My positions after graduation from the higher education institution - junior researcher, post-graduate student, researcher, senior researcher, associate professor. Defended his Ph.D. thesis on the subject development and research of hybrid-integral generators of the EHF range.
Research topics, current results. Development, simulation, research of new semiconductor devices and devices for microwave and EHF ranges using graphene, hexagonal boron nitride, silicon carbide, gallium arsenide and other materials. Participated in the execution of tasks 1.8.04 as a responsible executor and 1.8.18 "Modeling graphene transistors using multilayer substrates "of the State Program of Scientific Research for 2016-2020 "Informatics, Space and Security", approved by the Council Resolution Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 483 dated June 10, 2015.
5. Taught academic subjects
1) Guiding systems of telecommunications (48 hours of lectures)
2) Systems of mobile radio communication and radiodetermination (56 hours of lectures)
3) Information exchange systems in automotive technology (38 hours of lectures)
4) Technologies of network interaction of infocommunication systems (30 hours lectures)
5) Spread Spectrum Transmission Techniques (26 hours of lecture)
6) Networking technologies of info-communication networks (30 hours of lecture)
7) Extended spectrum transmission methods (26 hours of lecture)
8) Satellite communication and multimedia broadcasting technologies (28 hours of lectures)
9) A number of disciplines in which classes were held in previous years, but now at me no load: Satellite and radio relay systems, Guiding media and passive components, guiding media and digital transmission systems and a number of others.
6. Main publications
1) Mishchenka V. N. et al. Modelling of electron transfer processes in semiconductor structure with graphene // International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol. 18, No. 3&4 (2019), P. 1940093-1-1940093-3, World Scientific Publishing Company, ISSN: 0219-581X.
2) Mishchenko V.N., Muravyov V.V., Pavlyuchik A.A. Patent for useful model "Graphene field transistor" N 11987, date of registration in the National Center of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Belarus 01.03.2019.
3) В. N. Mishchenko, V.V. Muravyev, V.V. Investigation of the charge carrier transfer processes in the multilayer semiconductor structures using the graphene / V.V. Muravyev, V.N. Mishchenko // Technical means of information protection: abstracts of XVII Belarusian-Russian scientific and technical conference, Minsk, 11 June 2019 / Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics; edited by A.A. Mishchenko. Editor: T.V. Borbotko [et al.]. - Belarus State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics; edited by: T.V. Borbotko [et al.]. Minsk, 2019. - P.52. https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/35623
4) Muravyov V.V., Mishchenko V.N. Modeling of the electron transfer processes in the semiconductor device using the boron hexagonal nitride // 12th International Scientific and Technical Conference Quantum ELECTRONICS (QE'2019), Minsk, BSU 18-22 November 2019 - p. 151.
5) Mishchenko, V.N. Muravyev, V.V. Scattering intensities of the charge carriers in the graphene located on the hexagonal boron nitride substrate // BSUIR reports. - 2019. - № 7-8 (126). - С. 141-148. DOI: https://doi.org/10.35596/1729-7648-2019-126-8-141-148
6) Simulation of the output characteristics of field-effect transistors with using graphene and hexagonal boron nitride / V.V. Muravyev, VN Mishchenko // Materials and structures of modern electronics: collection of articles. scientific. tr. IX Int. scientific. conf., Minsk, October 14-16. 2020 / editorial board: V.B. Ojayev (otv. ed.) [and others]. - Minsk: BSU, 2020. - P. 361-363.
7). Muravyov V.V., Mishchenko V.N. Simulation of electron transfer processes in a semiconductor structure using graphene and boron nitride // BSUIR reports. 2020; 18 (7): 72-77.
8). V.N. Mishchenko, V.V. Muraviev Modeling the output characteristics semiconductor devices using graphene and hexagonal boron nitride / Technical means of information protection: abstracts of reports ХVII Belarusian-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference, Minsk, June 9, 2020 / Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. - c. 55.
9) V.N. Mishchenka. Output Characteristics of Graphene Field Effect Transistors. Devices and Methods of Measurements. 2020. - V. 11, No. 4. - P. 298-304. DOI: 10.21122 / 2220- 9506-2020-11-4-298-304.
7. Merits, awards, incentives
Badge, gratitude, award, received by the last anniversary date of BSUIR.