Igor Kachalov
![Igor Kachalov](/m/12_100229_0_65691.jpg)
Surname Name Patronymic
Kachalov Igor Leonidovich
Job title, academic degree, rank
Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Minsk, Gikalo str. 9, building 4
Phone: +375 17 293-80-14
E-mail: kañhalov@bsuir.by
Repository BSUIR
Google Scholar
Kachalov Igor Leonidovich
Job title, academic degree, rank
Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Minsk, Gikalo str. 9, building 4
Phone: +375 17 293-80-14
E-mail: kañhalov@bsuir.by
Repository BSUIR
Google Scholar
History of Russia and Belarus in the 19th and early 20th centuries; socio-political thought and social movement in Russia in the late 18th - early 20th centuries; ideological socialization in the context of social transformations
Graduated from the history department of the Belarusian State University (1988). Taught postgraduate studies at BSU at the Department of Russian and Slavic History (1990-1993).
On repeated occasions underwent advanced training at the State Educational Institution "RIVSH": 2008 (certificate No. 0700468), 2012 (certificate No. 1380295), 2016 (certificate No. 2434345); in 2021 - under the program "History of Belarusian statehood: new approaches to study" in the amount of 72 teaching hours (certificate No. 3848262).
2010: under the program "Fundamentals of the creation of electronic educational and methodological complexes" (36 hours, certificate No. 1033418) at the Institute for Advanced Training of Executives and Specialists in Information Technology and Radioelectronics BSUIR.
October 10, 2018: participated in the seminar "The Brand of the Scientist: How to Publish Articles in Top-Rated Journals and Make them Cited?" held on the basis of BSUIR UO by Sergey Paramonov, senior regional representative of Wiley in Russia and the CIS (a participant certificate was received).
November 5 and 6, 2018: participated in the training "Master of effective presentations".
Took part in the seminars held by the HTP administration on the basis of the BSUIR UO: "Project management: team building, the role of a manager in project management, conflict resolution. Building Effective Teams" (April 23, 2019) and "Creativity Technology and Human Development" (April 26, 2019).
On repeated occasions underwent advanced training at the State Educational Institution "RIVSH": 2008 (certificate No. 0700468), 2012 (certificate No. 1380295), 2016 (certificate No. 2434345); in 2021 - under the program "History of Belarusian statehood: new approaches to study" in the amount of 72 teaching hours (certificate No. 3848262).
2010: under the program "Fundamentals of the creation of electronic educational and methodological complexes" (36 hours, certificate No. 1033418) at the Institute for Advanced Training of Executives and Specialists in Information Technology and Radioelectronics BSUIR.
October 10, 2018: participated in the seminar "The Brand of the Scientist: How to Publish Articles in Top-Rated Journals and Make them Cited?" held on the basis of BSUIR UO by Sergey Paramonov, senior regional representative of Wiley in Russia and the CIS (a participant certificate was received).
November 5 and 6, 2018: participated in the training "Master of effective presentations".
Took part in the seminars held by the HTP administration on the basis of the BSUIR UO: "Project management: team building, the role of a manager in project management, conflict resolution. Building Effective Teams" (April 23, 2019) and "Creativity Technology and Human Development" (April 26, 2019).
1983-1988 studied at the Faculty of History of the Belarusian State University.
08.08.1988 was accepted as a teacher of the Department of History of the CPSU MRTI
1988-1990, 1993--1995 worked as a teacher at MRTI/BSUIR.
02.15.1995 defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic: "The theory of the official nationality and its creators" in the specialty 07.00.02 Domestic history. Scientific adviser - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor I.V. Orzhekhovsky.
Since 1.09.1995 he has been working as an associate professor of the department of humanitarian disciplines of the educational institution "BSUIR".
09.30.1998 awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.
He took an active part in the preparation and publication of textbooks and textbooks on the history of Belarus for students of institutions providing higher education (in Belarusian and Russian), which were reprinted more than once.
She is one of the authors of textbooks for the 11th grade of general education institutions with Russian and Belarusian as the language of instruction and an experimental textbook on the history of Belarus for the 12th grade (advanced level).
For more than 10 years he has been the head of the scientific and methodological section of sociology of the Department of Humanities He prepared several printed and electronic teaching and methodological manuals for the academic discipline "Sociology" (both independently and in co-authorship (under his own editorship) and the academic discipline "Economic Sociology" (without co-authors) for students of various specialties of the educational institution "BSUIR").
Together with the teachers of the Department of Economics, he prepared an electronic resource for the academic discipline "Sociology" as part of the integrated module "Economics" for students of engineering specialties of the educational institution "BSUIR", as well as an electronic educational resource for the academic discipline "Mandatory module" Economics "for distance learning students.
Took part in the preparation of Electronic resources for academic disciplines "Integrated module "Political Science" for all specialties of the educational establishment "BSUIR" and "Integravany module "Gistoryya" for all specialties of the educational establishment "BSUIR".
Participated in the development of several state budget topics together with teachers of the scientific and methodological section of political science at the Department of Humanities. At present, he is the responsible executor of the topic "Political Processes and Institutions in a Transforming World".
Supervises the research work of students of the educational institution "BSUIR"; student works under his leadership have repeatedly participated in the Republican competitions of scientific works of students.
08.08.1988 was accepted as a teacher of the Department of History of the CPSU MRTI
1988-1990, 1993--1995 worked as a teacher at MRTI/BSUIR.
02.15.1995 defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic: "The theory of the official nationality and its creators" in the specialty 07.00.02 Domestic history. Scientific adviser - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor I.V. Orzhekhovsky.
Since 1.09.1995 he has been working as an associate professor of the department of humanitarian disciplines of the educational institution "BSUIR".
09.30.1998 awarded the academic title of Associate Professor.
He took an active part in the preparation and publication of textbooks and textbooks on the history of Belarus for students of institutions providing higher education (in Belarusian and Russian), which were reprinted more than once.
She is one of the authors of textbooks for the 11th grade of general education institutions with Russian and Belarusian as the language of instruction and an experimental textbook on the history of Belarus for the 12th grade (advanced level).
For more than 10 years he has been the head of the scientific and methodological section of sociology of the Department of Humanities He prepared several printed and electronic teaching and methodological manuals for the academic discipline "Sociology" (both independently and in co-authorship (under his own editorship) and the academic discipline "Economic Sociology" (without co-authors) for students of various specialties of the educational institution "BSUIR").
Together with the teachers of the Department of Economics, he prepared an electronic resource for the academic discipline "Sociology" as part of the integrated module "Economics" for students of engineering specialties of the educational institution "BSUIR", as well as an electronic educational resource for the academic discipline "Mandatory module" Economics "for distance learning students.
Took part in the preparation of Electronic resources for academic disciplines "Integrated module "Political Science" for all specialties of the educational establishment "BSUIR" and "Integravany module "Gistoryya" for all specialties of the educational establishment "BSUIR".
Participated in the development of several state budget topics together with teachers of the scientific and methodological section of political science at the Department of Humanities. At present, he is the responsible executor of the topic "Political Processes and Institutions in a Transforming World".
Supervises the research work of students of the educational institution "BSUIR"; student works under his leadership have repeatedly participated in the Republican competitions of scientific works of students.
Taught academic subjects:
Sociology, economic sociology
Main publications:
Kachalov, I.L. Obyazatel'nyj modul' «Ekonomika»: chemu my nauchim studentov? / I.L. Kachalov // Distancionnoe obuchenie - obrazovatel'naya sreda HKH² veka: materialy IH Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-metodicheskoj konferencii (Minsk, 3 - 4 dekabrya 2015 goda). - Minsk: BGUIR, 2015. - 324 s. - S. 208.
Kachalov, I.L. Obyazatel'nyj modul' «Ekonomika»: podgotovka i ispol'zovanie v uchebnom processe elektronnogo obrazovatel'nogo resursa discipliny dlya studentov distancionnoj formy obucheniya / I.L.Kachalov // Distancionnoe obuchenie - obrazovatel'naya sreda XXI veka: materialy X Mezhdunar. nauch.-metod. konf. - Minsk : BGUIR, 2017. - S. 238-239.
Kachalov, I. L. Ideologiya oficial'noj narodnosti: istoriografiya i stereotipy obshchestvennogo soznaniya // Istoricheskie aspekty politicheskoj teorii : materialy nauchno-metodicheskogo seminara (Respublika Belarus', Minsk, 28 fevralya 2018 goda / redkol. : A. A. Kiselev, A. L. Samovich. - Minsk : BGUIR, 2018. - 71 s. - S. 28-35.
Kachalov, I.L. Pochemu voznikaet somnenie v uspeshnoj realizacii na praktike «Koncepcii optimizacii soderzhaniya, struktury i ob"ema social'no-gumanitarnyh disciplin v uchrezhdeniyah vysshego obrazovaniya» // Vysshee tekhnicheskoe obrazovanie: problemy i puti razvitiya = Engineering education: challenges and developments : materialy IX Mezhdunar. nauch.-metod. konf. (Minsk, 1-2 noyabrya 2018 goda) / redkol. : V. A. Bogush [i dr.]. - Minsk : BGUIR, 2018. - 596 s. - S. 201-204.
Kachalov, I. L. Politicheskie konflikty i krizisy // Politicheskie instituty i processy v informacionnom obshchestve : ucheb. posobie / I. V. Vashkevich [i dr.] ; pod red. I. V. Vashkevich. - Minsk : BGUIR, 2018. - S. 179-204.
Kachalov, I. L. EORD «Sociologiya» dlya special'nostej: 1-28 01 01 Ekonomika elektronnogo biznesa, 1-28 01 02 Elektronnyj marketing
(ispol'zuetsya studentami distancionnoj formy obucheniya FINO).
Kachalov, I.L. Byla li «pol'skaya partiya» v russkoj literature i zhurnalistike vo vtoroj chetverti H²H veka? // Rossiya i Pol'sha: dialog kul'tur: materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii, Moskva, 20 noyabrya 2018 g. / Min-vo obrazovaniya Moskovskoj obl.; Akademiya social'nogo upravleniya; sost. A. S. Baranov. - M.: ASOU, 2019. - S. 49-57.
Kachalov, I.L. Opyt ispol'zovaniya elektronnogo obrazovatel'nogo resursa discipliny «Sociologi» v sisteme elektronnogo obucheniya BGUIR / I.L.Kachalov // Distancionnoe obuchenie - obrazovatel'naya sreda XXI veka : materialy XI Mezhdunar. nauch.-metod. konf. (Respublika Belarus', Minsk, 12-13 dekabrya 2019 goda) / redkol. : V. A. Prytkov [i dr.]. - Minsk : BGUIR, 2019. - S. 141.
Kachalov, I.L. Obyazatel'nyj modul' «Ekonomika»: podgotovka i ispol'zovanie v uchebnom processe elektronnogo obrazovatel'nogo resursa discipliny dlya studentov distancionnoj formy obucheniya / I.L.Kachalov // Distancionnoe obuchenie - obrazovatel'naya sreda XXI veka: materialy X Mezhdunar. nauch.-metod. konf. - Minsk : BGUIR, 2017. - S. 238-239.
Kachalov, I. L. Ideologiya oficial'noj narodnosti: istoriografiya i stereotipy obshchestvennogo soznaniya // Istoricheskie aspekty politicheskoj teorii : materialy nauchno-metodicheskogo seminara (Respublika Belarus', Minsk, 28 fevralya 2018 goda / redkol. : A. A. Kiselev, A. L. Samovich. - Minsk : BGUIR, 2018. - 71 s. - S. 28-35.
Kachalov, I.L. Pochemu voznikaet somnenie v uspeshnoj realizacii na praktike «Koncepcii optimizacii soderzhaniya, struktury i ob"ema social'no-gumanitarnyh disciplin v uchrezhdeniyah vysshego obrazovaniya» // Vysshee tekhnicheskoe obrazovanie: problemy i puti razvitiya = Engineering education: challenges and developments : materialy IX Mezhdunar. nauch.-metod. konf. (Minsk, 1-2 noyabrya 2018 goda) / redkol. : V. A. Bogush [i dr.]. - Minsk : BGUIR, 2018. - 596 s. - S. 201-204.
Kachalov, I. L. Politicheskie konflikty i krizisy // Politicheskie instituty i processy v informacionnom obshchestve : ucheb. posobie / I. V. Vashkevich [i dr.] ; pod red. I. V. Vashkevich. - Minsk : BGUIR, 2018. - S. 179-204.
Kachalov, I. L. EORD «Sociologiya» dlya special'nostej: 1-28 01 01 Ekonomika elektronnogo biznesa, 1-28 01 02 Elektronnyj marketing
(ispol'zuetsya studentami distancionnoj formy obucheniya FINO).
Kachalov, I.L. Byla li «pol'skaya partiya» v russkoj literature i zhurnalistike vo vtoroj chetverti H²H veka? // Rossiya i Pol'sha: dialog kul'tur: materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii, Moskva, 20 noyabrya 2018 g. / Min-vo obrazovaniya Moskovskoj obl.; Akademiya social'nogo upravleniya; sost. A. S. Baranov. - M.: ASOU, 2019. - S. 49-57.
Kachalov, I.L. Opyt ispol'zovaniya elektronnogo obrazovatel'nogo resursa discipliny «Sociologi» v sisteme elektronnogo obucheniya BGUIR / I.L.Kachalov // Distancionnoe obuchenie - obrazovatel'naya sreda XXI veka : materialy XI Mezhdunar. nauch.-metod. konf. (Respublika Belarus', Minsk, 12-13 dekabrya 2019 goda) / redkol. : V. A. Prytkov [i dr.]. - Minsk : BGUIR, 2019. - S. 141.