Halitskaya Alena

Halitskaya Alena

General information:

Surname Name Patronymic
Halitskaya Alena Mikhailovna

Job title, academic degree, rank
Assistant Professor

Minsk, 9 Gikalo street, building 4
Phone: +375 17 293-80-14
E-mail: galitskaya@bsuir.by

Repository BSUIR
Google Scholar

Professional interests/researches:

History of Belarus, political institutions and processes in the modern world, problems of higher education.

Education, trainings, professional development:

Belarusian State University, faculty of history (1988)
Belarusian State University, postgraduate course (1994)
NIHE, program "Integrated modules" Philosophy "and" Political Science": content, methodology and teaching methods" (2014)
NIHE, program "The educational system of the Republic of Belarus in the European higher education area" (2017)

Working career:

MREI - BSUIR, professor (since 1998)

Taught academic subjects:

"Sociology" in the required module "Economics" (36 hours)
Required module "Political Science" (72 hours)
Specialized module "Political institutions and processes in the information society" (72 hours)

Main publications:

Galickaya, E. M. Politicheskaya modernizaciya: teoriya i puti realizacii / E. M. Galickaya // Velikie preobrazovateli estestvoznaniya: Nil's Bor : materialy yubilejnyh XXV Mezhdunar. chtenij (Minsk, 16-17 marta 2017 goda). - Minsk: BGUIR, 2017. - S. 154 - 155.
Galickaya, E. M. Deyatel'nost' sub"ektov politicheskogo processa // Politicheskie instituty i processy v informacionnom obshchestve : ucheb. posobie / I. V. Vashkevich [i dr.] ; pod red. I. V. Vashkevich. - Minsk: BGUIR, 2018. - S. 86-109.
Galickaya, E.M. Opyt razrabotki i vnedreniya elektronnyh obrazovatel'nyh resursov po IM «Politologiya» / E.M.Galickaya // Distancionnoe obuchenie - obrazovatel'naya sreda XXI veka : materialy XI Mezhdunar. nauch.-metod. konf. (Respublika Belarus', Minsk, 12-13 dekabrya 2019 goda) / redkol.: V. A. Prytkov [i dr.]. - Minsk: BGUIR, 2019. - S. 82.