Halitskaya Alena
![Halitskaya Alena](/m/12_100229_0_65687.jpg)
General information:
Surname Name Patronymic
Halitskaya Alena Mikhailovna
Job title, academic degree, rank
Assistant Professor
Minsk, 9 Gikalo street, building 4
Phone: +375 17 293-80-14
E-mail: galitskaya@bsuir.by
Repository BSUIR
Google Scholar
Halitskaya Alena Mikhailovna
Job title, academic degree, rank
Assistant Professor
Minsk, 9 Gikalo street, building 4
Phone: +375 17 293-80-14
E-mail: galitskaya@bsuir.by
Repository BSUIR
Google Scholar
Professional interests/researches:
History of Belarus, political institutions and processes in the modern world, problems of higher education.
Education, trainings, professional development:
Belarusian State University, faculty of history (1988)
Belarusian State University, postgraduate course (1994)
NIHE, program "Integrated modules" Philosophy "and" Political Science": content, methodology and teaching methods" (2014)
NIHE, program "The educational system of the Republic of Belarus in the European higher education area" (2017)
Belarusian State University, postgraduate course (1994)
NIHE, program "Integrated modules" Philosophy "and" Political Science": content, methodology and teaching methods" (2014)
NIHE, program "The educational system of the Republic of Belarus in the European higher education area" (2017)
Working career:
MREI - BSUIR, professor (since 1998)
Taught academic subjects:
"Sociology" in the required module "Economics" (36 hours)
Required module "Political Science" (72 hours)
Specialized module "Political institutions and processes in the information society" (72 hours)
Required module "Political Science" (72 hours)
Specialized module "Political institutions and processes in the information society" (72 hours)
Main publications:
Galickaya, E. M. Politicheskaya modernizaciya: teoriya i puti realizacii / E. M. Galickaya // Velikie preobrazovateli estestvoznaniya: Nil's Bor : materialy yubilejnyh XXV Mezhdunar. chtenij (Minsk, 16-17 marta 2017 goda). - Minsk: BGUIR, 2017. - S. 154 - 155.
Galickaya, E. M. Deyatel'nost' sub"ektov politicheskogo processa // Politicheskie instituty i processy v informacionnom obshchestve : ucheb. posobie / I. V. Vashkevich [i dr.] ; pod red. I. V. Vashkevich. - Minsk: BGUIR, 2018. - S. 86-109.
Galickaya, E.M. Opyt razrabotki i vnedreniya elektronnyh obrazovatel'nyh resursov po IM «Politologiya» / E.M.Galickaya // Distancionnoe obuchenie - obrazovatel'naya sreda XXI veka : materialy XI Mezhdunar. nauch.-metod. konf. (Respublika Belarus', Minsk, 12-13 dekabrya 2019 goda) / redkol.: V. A. Prytkov [i dr.]. - Minsk: BGUIR, 2019. - S. 82.
Galickaya, E. M. Deyatel'nost' sub"ektov politicheskogo processa // Politicheskie instituty i processy v informacionnom obshchestve : ucheb. posobie / I. V. Vashkevich [i dr.] ; pod red. I. V. Vashkevich. - Minsk: BGUIR, 2018. - S. 86-109.
Galickaya, E.M. Opyt razrabotki i vnedreniya elektronnyh obrazovatel'nyh resursov po IM «Politologiya» / E.M.Galickaya // Distancionnoe obuchenie - obrazovatel'naya sreda XXI veka : materialy XI Mezhdunar. nauch.-metod. konf. (Respublika Belarus', Minsk, 12-13 dekabrya 2019 goda) / redkol.: V. A. Prytkov [i dr.]. - Minsk: BGUIR, 2019. - S. 82.