Kniazeva Liudmila
PhD, associate Professor
Minsk, Hikaly Str., 9, building 4, room 315
Phone: +375 17 293-80-15
E-mail: knyazeva@bsuir.by
repository BSUIR
Professional interests/researches: Mathematics, Numerical methods, algorithms.
Education, trainings, professional development:
• 1970 - 1975 - Belarusian State University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics (Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, renamed in 1991), graduated with honors, specialty - "Applied Mathematics";
• 1980 - 1983 - Post-Graduate studies at the Belarusian State University;
• 1993 - 1994 - Special Faculty for retraining and advanced training at the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics;
• 1996 - 1998 - Special Faculty of Foreign Languages for retraining of managers and specialists of the National Economy of the Republic of Belarus at the Minsk State Linguistic University;
• 2000 - Republican Institute of Higher Education, the program « Applied Information Processing Systems»;
• 2008 - Republican Institute of Higher Education, the program « Design of innovative educational systems»;
• 2009 - Republican Institute of Higher Education, the program «Quality management system in educational institutions in accordance with ISO 9001»;
• 2015 - Republican Institute of Higher Education, the program « Information and educational environment of controlled independent work of students»;
• 2018 - 2019 - Republican Institute of Higher Education, the program « Teaching activities in English».
Working career:
• 1975 - 1985 - Software Engineer, Senior Software Engineer, Computing Center of the Belarusian State University;
• 1984 - defended Ph.D. thesis "Solution of mixed spatial problems of the theory of elasticity of anisotropic media by the boundary integral equations method", specialty "01.02.04 - mechanics of deformable solid", by the decision of the specialized council K 056.03.10 of the Belarusian State University was awarded the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences;
• 1985 - 1986 - Junior Researcher, Problem Laboratory, Department of Computing Systems;
• 1986 - 1987 - Senior Researcher, SNIL, Department of Multichannel Telecommunications;
• 1987 - 1988 - Assistant, Department of Computing Systems and the Department of Higher Mathematics;
• 1989 - 2009 - Associate Professor, Department of Higher Mathematics, BSUIR;
• 1990 - by the decision of the USSR State Committee for Public Education, was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the Department of Higher Mathematics;
• 1999 - 2008 - Acting Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks, BSUIR;
• 2008 - 2009 - Acting Dean of the Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks, BSUIR;
• 2009 - 2020 - Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics, BSUIR;
• 2020 - present time - Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics, BSUIR.
Taught academic subjects: Mathematics 1-3, Numerical Methods.
Course outlines
Calculus_Early_Transcendentals Diagnostic Test B___Analytic Geometry
Calculus_Early_Transcendentals_CH 15_1__Double Integrals_23 pages
Calculus_Early_Transcendentals_CH 15_4__Double integrals in polar coordinates_6 pages
Calculus_Early_Transcendentals_CH 15_7__Triple integrals_9 pages
Calculus_Early_Transcendentals_CH 15_8__Triple integrals in cylindrical coordinates_5 pages
Calculus_Early_Transcendentals_CH 14____Functions of several variables__15 pages
Calculus_Early_Transcendentals_CH 15____Multiple Integrals__80 pages
Calculus_Early_Transcendentals_CH 16____Vector Calculus__86 pages
Calculus_Early_Transcendentals_CH 16_2__Line integral__22 pages
Calculus_Early_Transcendentals_CH 16_3__Surface integral__12 pages
Course materials___CH 10 Series___41 pages
Course materials___CH 14 Multiple Integration
Course materials___CH 15 Vector Calculus
INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT__ Double integrals__2 problems
Individual Assignments A_Differential multivariable calculus B_Multiple integrals
Multivariable calculus__Quadric lines and surfaces
Course outlines
Calculus_Early_Transcendentals Diagnostic Test B___Analytic Geometry
Calculus_Early_Transcendentals_CH 15_1__Double Integrals_23 pages
Calculus_Early_Transcendentals_CH 15_4__Double integrals in polar coordinates_6 pages
Calculus_Early_Transcendentals_CH 15_7__Triple integrals_9 pages
Calculus_Early_Transcendentals_CH 15_8__Triple integrals in cylindrical coordinates_5 pages
Calculus_Early_Transcendentals_CH 14____Functions of several variables__15 pages
Calculus_Early_Transcendentals_CH 15____Multiple Integrals__80 pages
Calculus_Early_Transcendentals_CH 16____Vector Calculus__86 pages
Calculus_Early_Transcendentals_CH 16_2__Line integral__22 pages
Calculus_Early_Transcendentals_CH 16_3__Surface integral__12 pages
Course materials___CH 10 Series___41 pages
Course materials___CH 14 Multiple Integration
Course materials___CH 15 Vector Calculus
INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT__ Double integrals__2 problems
Individual Assignments A_Differential multivariable calculus B_Multiple integrals
Multivariable calculus__Quadric lines and surfaces