Semenjako Andrey
Assistant Professor, Master of Natural Sciences
Minsk, Hikaly Str., 9, building 4, room 315
Phone: +375 17 293-80-15
e-mail: semenyako@bsuir.by, semenjako@mail.ru
BSUIR repository
Professional interests/researches: Methodology of teaching Higher Mathematics at higher education institutions
Education, trainings, professional development:
- 1998 - 2003 Belarusian State University (BSU), Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, specialty Mathematics;
- 2003 - 2004 master degree student at the Department of Higher Algebra, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, BSU;
- 2006 - 2009 postgraduate course of Maxim Tank BSPU in the specialty "Theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (mathematics)";
- October 19 - October 30, 2015 - Republican Institute of Higher Education, "Сontemporary tendencies in the development of natural science education" (certificate № 2311899);
- May 25 - May 29, 2020- Republican Institute of Higher Education, "Innovative technologies for improving the quality of the educational process" (certificate № 3501585).
Working career:
- 2004 - 2011 - Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics of MSHRC (Minsk State Higher Radioengineering College);
- Since September 2011 until the present time - Assistant Professor at the Department of Higher Mathematics of BSUIR, Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks.
Taught academic subjects: Practical studies of Higher and Applied Mathematics for students of all specialties.