Prymichova Zoya
PhD, Associate Professor
Minsk, Hikaly Str., 9, building 4, room 315
Phone: +375 17 293-80-15
e-mail: primicheva@bsuir.by
BSUIR repository
Professional interests/researches: Asymptotic theory of differential equations
Education, trainings, professional development:
• 1989 - 1994 - Belarusian State University, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, specialty «Mathematics»;
• graduated with honors in 1994 from the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Belarusian State University, received a qualification according to the profile of specialty "Mathematics ";
• 1998-2002 - Post-Graduate Course in the specialty "01.01.02 - Differential Equations" at the Belarusian State University;
• 2008 - Republican Institute of Higher Education, the program «Designing innovative education systems»;
• 2011 - Republican Institute of Higher Education, the program «English as a condition for enhancing the professional competence of a modern professional»;
• 2013 - Republican Institute of Higher Education, the program « Interactive graphics and animation in education»;
• 2017 - Republican Institute of Higher Education, the program «Computer graphics in education».
Working career:
• 1994 - 1998 - Assistant at the Department of Mathematics and Methodology of Mathematics Teaching of the Mosyr State Pedagogical University;
• 2002-2008 - Associate Professor at the Department of Higher Mathematics №1 of the Belarusian National Technical University;
• Since 2008 as an Associate Professor at the Department of Higher Mathematics of BSUIR;
• In 2005, I defended my PhD thesis "Coppel-Conti Sets of Linear Unstable Systems ".
Taught academic subjects: Mathematics, special sections of Higher Mathematics, Mathematics in English.
Merits, awards, incentives:
• February 18, 2005 - was awarded the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Topic of the dissertation: «Coppel-Conti Sets of Linear Unstable Systems»;
• December 16, 2009 - was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the specialty «Mathematics».