Bosak Olga
Assistant Professor
Minsk, Hikaly Str., 9, building 4, room 315
Phone: +375 17 293-80-15
E-mail: bosak@bsuir.by
Professional interests/ researches: mathematical analysis
Education, trainings, professional development:
• 2001 - 2006 Belarusian State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, speciality Mathematics (economic activity), graduated from the University with honors;
• June 1, 2006 - By the decision of the BSU Examination Commission the qualification of a reference-translator of scientific and technical literature in the specialty English was awarded;
• 2011 - Republican Institute of Higher Education, the program «Application of computer mathematics systems in education and scientific researches»;
• 2013 - State Educational Institution «Academy of Postgraduate Education» , the program «Technology and pedagogy of distance learning»;
• 2016 - Republican Institute of Higher Education, the program « Information computer technologies in education. Professional level»;
• 2021 - Republican Institute of Higher Education, the program « Effective application of ICTs in e-learning».
Working career:
• 2006 - 2014 Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics of the State Educational Institution «Academy of Postgraduate Education»;
• from 2014 to the present Assistant Professor at the BSUIR of Higher Mathematics Department.
Taught academic subjects: Mathematics 1-3.
• 2001 - 2006 Belarusian State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, speciality Mathematics (economic activity), graduated from the University with honors;
• June 1, 2006 - By the decision of the BSU Examination Commission the qualification of a reference-translator of scientific and technical literature in the specialty English was awarded;
• 2011 - Republican Institute of Higher Education, the program «Application of computer mathematics systems in education and scientific researches»;
• 2013 - State Educational Institution «Academy of Postgraduate Education» , the program «Technology and pedagogy of distance learning»;
• 2016 - Republican Institute of Higher Education, the program « Information computer technologies in education. Professional level»;
• 2021 - Republican Institute of Higher Education, the program « Effective application of ICTs in e-learning».
Working career:
• 2006 - 2014 Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics of the State Educational Institution «Academy of Postgraduate Education»;
• from 2014 to the present Assistant Professor at the BSUIR of Higher Mathematics Department.
Taught academic subjects: Mathematics 1-3.