Baltsevich Aksana
Assistant Professor
Minsk, Hikaly Str., 9, building 4, room 315
Phone: +375 17 293-80-15
E-mail: balcewicz@bsuir.by
• 1986 - Belarusian State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, specialty Mathematics;
• 2000 - Minsk City Institute for the Development of Education. Targeted training of mathematics teachers;
• 2003 - Special faculty of retraining of pedagogical personnel of Minsk city institute for advanced training and retraining of executives and education specialists. Practical psychology;
• 2007 - Republican Institute of Innovative Technologies. Basic refresher courses for the teaching staff of secondary educational institutions;
• 2012 - Republican Institute of Professional Education. Design and organization of training sessions in educational institutions
Working career:
• 1986-1994 - Research Institute of Automation Tools, engineer;
• 1994-2002 - School №99, teacher of mathematics;
• 2002-2012 - Minsk State Vocational and Technical College of Electronics, teacher of higher mathematics.;
• 2013-2016 - Republican Institute of Professional Education, teacher of mathematics;
• 2016-2019 - Minsk College of Finance and Economics, teacher of mathematics;
• 2019 - to present - BSUIR, assistant Professor.
Taught academic subjects: conducts practical classes in higher mathematics with full-time and part-time students.