Tsahelnik Uladzimir Uladzimiravitch
Professor, Ph.D, Dr. Hab
Minsk, Hikaly Str., 9, building 4, room 315
Tel.: +375 17 293-80-15
E-mail: tsegvv@bsuir.by
BSUIR Repository
Professional interests/researches:
Analytical theory of nonlinear differential equations of Painleve'-type and their applications; Painleve' analysis self-similar solutions of nonlinear differential equations with partial derivatives.
Education, trainings, professional development:
• 1972-1977 - Belarusian State University, Master studies at Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics;
• 1980-1984 - Belarusian State University, Postgraduate studies at Differential Equations Faculty;
• 1993 and 2000 - University of Paderborn, scientific internship. Scholarship from German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD);
• 1996-1998 - Minsk State Linguistic University, English course (diploma 0000933, registration number 2437/1441 from 2 June 1998);
• 2003 - Belarusian State University, National Institute for Higher Education, 72-hour course on Educational Technologies in Teaching Mathematics (certificate 00033212 from 18 October 2003);
• 2004 - Belarusian State University, National Institute for Higher Education, 32-hour course on Theory and Methods of Pedagogical Measurements (certificate 0103603 from 26 November 2004);
• 6 February 2008 - Professor title is awarded by the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Belarus;
• 2013 - Belarusian State University, National Institute for Higher Education, 72-hour course on Application of Computer Mathematics Systems in Education and Scientific Research (certificate 1654686 from 31 May 2013);
• 2018 - Belarusian State University, National Institute for Higher Education, course on Management and Organisation of the Department Work in a Higher Education Institution (certificate 3101869 from 25 May 2018).
Working career:
• 1977-1983 - Software Engineer, Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus;
• 1983-1985 - Assistant, Belarus State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Mathematics Department;
• 1986-1999 - Assistant Professor, Belarus State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Mathematics Department;
• 1999-2018 - Head of Mathematics Department, Belarus State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics;
• from 2018 - Professor, Belarus State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Mathematics Department.
18 October 1985 - awarded PhD in Mathematics (specialty 01.01.02 - differential equations and mathematical physics). Thesis defended at Belarusian State University. Thesis topic: Analytic Characteristics of Solutions of Nonlinear Differential Equations of P-type.
24 May 2002 - awarded Professor in Mathematics (specialty 01.01.02 - differential equations). Thesis defended at Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Thesis topic: Painleve’-type equations: analytical properties of solutions and their applications.
27 June 2003 - Professor Diploma presented by the President of Belarus Aliaksandr Lukashenko.
Research topics: аnalytic Properties of Solutions of three-dimensional nonlinear dynamical systems with complex behaviour (chaos, hidden attractors, lines and surfaces of equilibrium).
Academic Courses: Mathematics (154 hours of lectures and 186 hours of seminars).
• 1977-1983 - Software Engineer, Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus;
• 1983-1985 - Assistant, Belarus State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Mathematics Department;
• 1986-1999 - Assistant Professor, Belarus State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Mathematics Department;
• 1999-2018 - Head of Mathematics Department, Belarus State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics;
• from 2018 - Professor, Belarus State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Mathematics Department.
18 October 1985 - awarded PhD in Mathematics (specialty 01.01.02 - differential equations and mathematical physics). Thesis defended at Belarusian State University. Thesis topic: Analytic Characteristics of Solutions of Nonlinear Differential Equations of P-type.
24 May 2002 - awarded Professor in Mathematics (specialty 01.01.02 - differential equations). Thesis defended at Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Thesis topic: Painleve’-type equations: analytical properties of solutions and their applications.
27 June 2003 - Professor Diploma presented by the President of Belarus Aliaksandr Lukashenko.
Research topics: аnalytic Properties of Solutions of three-dimensional nonlinear dynamical systems with complex behaviour (chaos, hidden attractors, lines and surfaces of equilibrium).
Academic Courses: Mathematics (154 hours of lectures and 186 hours of seminars).
• Tsegel'nik V.V. Analytical Properties of Solutions of Three-Dimensional Autonomous Conservative Systems with One or Three Quadratic Nonlinearities without Chaotic Behavior. Vestnik NIYaU MIFI.2020, vol.9,no.4.pp.338-344 (in Russian).
• Tsegel'nik V.V. On one property of chaotic flows with an equilibrium curve/ Tsegelnik V.V.// Information technologies and systems 2020 (ITS 2020): materials of international scientific conference, Minskt, 18 November 2020/ Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics; editorial board: Shilin L.Y. [and others]. - Minsk, 2020.—S.146-147.
• Tsegelnik V.V. Analytical properties of solutions of three-dimensional non-chaotic conservative systems/V.V. Tsegelnik//Laser plasma research and technologies-LaPlaz-2020: VI International conference: collection of scientific papers. -M.: NIYaU MIFI.2020. - Part 1.-S.71-72.
• Tsegelnik V.V. Analytical properties of solutions of a family of three-dimensional autonomous chaotic systems with equilibrium surfaces. Mathematical modelling and differential equations: materials of the IV international scientific conference dedicated to 95th anniversary of Evgeny Alekseevitch Ivanov (Belarus, Grodno, 17-20 December 2019)/ Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, BSU, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno; editorial board: V.I. Korzyuk (chief editor) [and others]. - Grodno: Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno 2019.—P.99.
• Tsegelnik, V.V. On solutions of a family of three-dimensional conservative dynamical systems with one quadratic nonlinearity/V.V. Tsegelnik// Erugin readings-2019: XIX International Scientific Conference on Differential Equations, Mogilev, 14-17 May 2019: abstracts of reports. Part 1/ed.: A.K. Demenchuk, S.G. Krasovsky, E.K. Makarov.-Minsk: Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2019.—P.15-16.
Merits, awards, incentives:
• 1995 - Soros Associate Professor title was awarded by the International Soros Scientific Educational Program based on the results of scientific and pedagogical work;
• 2003 - Acknowledgement of A.A. Tozik, Chairman of State Control Committee, for the work as the chairman of the reserve commission during admission campaign at BSUIR;
• 2004 - Diploma of the Ministry of Education of Belarus;
• 2006 - Personal bonus was awarded by the President of Belarus for the outstanding contribution to the social and economic development of the country;
• 2009 - Certificate of Honour of the Ministry of Education of Belarus;
• 2014 - Silver lapel badge N 94 " For services to BSUIR" was awarded by rector of BSUIR;
• 2014 - "Excellence in Education" badge was awarded by S.A. Maskevitch, Minister of Education of Belarus.
• 1995 - Soros Associate Professor title was awarded by the International Soros Scientific Educational Program based on the results of scientific and pedagogical work;
• 2003 - Acknowledgement of A.A. Tozik, Chairman of State Control Committee, for the work as the chairman of the reserve commission during admission campaign at BSUIR;
• 2004 - Diploma of the Ministry of Education of Belarus;
• 2006 - Personal bonus was awarded by the President of Belarus for the outstanding contribution to the social and economic development of the country;
• 2009 - Certificate of Honour of the Ministry of Education of Belarus;
• 2014 - Silver lapel badge N 94 " For services to BSUIR" was awarded by rector of BSUIR;
• 2014 - "Excellence in Education" badge was awarded by S.A. Maskevitch, Minister of Education of Belarus.