Barkova Alena
Department of Higher Mathematics
Head of Higher Mathematics Department
PhD, associate Professor
Minsk, Hikaly Str., 9, building 4, room 313а
Phone: +375 17 293-23-28
E-mail: barkova@bsuir.by
BSUIR repository
Professional interests/researches: differential equations.
Education, trainings, professional development:
• 1984 - 1989 Belarusian State University, specialty Mathematics;
• In 1993 also graduated from graduate school and defended Ph.D. thesis on the topic: «Cauchy function for differential equations with unbounded operators» in the specialty 01.01.02 «Differential equations;
• On the November 5, 1993, awarded the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences;
• On February 10, 1999, awarded the academic title Associate Professor in the specialty "Mathematics";
• 2011 - Republican Institute of Higher Education, the program «Development and audit of a quality management system in educational institutions in accordance with ISO 9001»;
• 2013 - Republican Institute of Higher Education, the program «Political technologies in work with young students»;
• 2017 - Republican Institute of Higher Education, , the program «Interactive graphics and animation in education».
Working career:
• 1994 - 2004 Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the Higher College of Communications;
• since 2004 as an associate professor at the university (BSUIR);
• from 2019 to the present. in. - a head of Higher Mathematics Department.
Taught academic subjects: Mathematics 1-3.
1. Barkova E.A., On the solvability of Cauchy problem for partial differential equations / Barkova E.A.// XIX International Scientific Conference on Differential Equations (Erugin readings - 2019), Mogilev, May 14-17, 2019: materials of the conference: at 2 pm, Part 2 / ed.: A.K. Demenchuk, S.G. Krasovsky, E.K. Makarov. - Minsk, Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2019. - P. 7-8.
2. Rows. The theory of functions of a complex variable. Operational calculus: manual/ E.A. Barkova [and others]. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019. - 112 p.
3. Barkova E.A., On the solvability of integro-differential partial differential equations / Barkova E.A. // Mathematical modeling and differential equations: materials of the IV international scientific conference dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of Corresponding Member of the Academy of the Sciences of the BSSR, Professor E. Ivanov, Grodno, December 17-20, 2019/ Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. - Grodno: Yanka Kupala GrSU, 2019. - P. 43-45.
4. Implementation of a block - modular approach for distance learning in mathematics in the SEO BSUIR on the MOODLE platform/ Dainyak I.V., Barkova E.A., Knyazyuk N.V., Stepanova T.S.// Distance learning is an educational environment of the XXI century: materials of the XI International scientifical conference, Minsk, December 12-13, 2019/ editorial board: V.A. Prytkov [and others]. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019. - P.98-95.
5. Modern mathematical analysis in problems and exercises: manual/ Barkova E.A., Kobrinets N.I., Samsonov P.A., Safronova M.A., Stepanova T.S. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2020. - 112 p.