Minsk, P. Brovka Street, house 4, building 2, office 309
Phone: +375 17 293-89-22
E-mail: m.sokolova@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
Information and communication technologies; Psychology: emotional intelligence.
2014-2019 Minsk State Linguistic University. Specialty: «Modern foreign languages (teaching)». Qualification «Linguist. Lecturer of two foreign languages and literature (English and Korean)».
Working career
2019-present - Lecturer English (by levels), BSUIR language training center.
2020-present - Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, BSUIR.
Taught academic subjects
Foreign Language (English) - I level of higher education (252 hours)
Information and communication technologies; Psychology: emotional intelligence.
2014-2019 Minsk State Linguistic University. Specialty: «Modern foreign languages (teaching)». Qualification «Linguist. Lecturer of two foreign languages and literature (English and Korean)».
Working career
2019-present - Lecturer English (by levels), BSUIR language training center.
2020-present - Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, BSUIR.
Taught academic subjects
Foreign Language (English) - I level of higher education (252 hours)