Job title, Associate professor of the department, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor
Minsk, P. Brovka Street, house 4, building 2, office 309
Phone: +375 17 293-89-22
E-mail: lyagushevich@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
Information and communication technologies, methods of teaching foreign languages.
1972-1977 Minsk State Institute of Foreign Languages (with honors) Speciality: «French and English». Qualification: «Teacher of French and English».
1996-2000 postgraduate course, Minsk State Linguistic University.
2005 awarded a scientific degree of candidate of philological sciences and an academic title of associate professor. Speciality: «Comparatively historical, typological and comparative linguistics».
Trainings, professional development
08.11-01.12.2010 Training course «Personal computer application in professional activity», the institute of advanced training and retraining of BSUIR leading information technologies and radioelectronics specialists.
17.01-28.01.2011 Training course «Foreign languages teaching in modern educational conditions», the institute of advanced training and retraining of BSUIR leading information technologies and radioelectronics specialists.
17.07-26.07.2012 Linguistic training program organized by French Association of research and pedagogical developments in the field of education ARAPEN and Belarusian Public Association of French language teachers.
24.01-31.01.2013 Linguistic training program organized by French Association of research and pedagogical developments in the field of education ARAPEN and Belarusian Public Association of French language teachers.
02.03-13.07.2015 Training course «Wars and historical destinies of Belarusian people», National Institute for Higher Education (NIHE).
01.07-21.07.2016 Linguistic training program organized by French Association of research and pedagogical developments in the field of education ARAPEN and Belarusian Public Association of French language teachers.
04.07-17.07.2017 Linguistic training program organized by French Association of research and pedagogical developments in the field of education ARAPEN and Belarusian Public Association of French language teachers.
02.02-10.02.2018 Foreign training program «Modern Education Technologies of Foreign Languages. Experience of Poland, Germany and Great Britain».
14.05-25.05.2018 program «Management and organization of department work in educational institution», the institute of advanced training and retraining of BSUIR leading Information technologies and radioelectronics specialists.
16.07-29.07.2018 Linguistic training program organized by French Association of research and pedagogical developments in the field of education ARAPEN and Belarusian Public Association of French language teachers.
Working career
1977-1978 English teacher, secondary school №25, Mogilev.
1979-1986 Book merchandise, the regional bookkeeping department of the Minsk regional consumer union
1987-1994 Teacher of French and English, secondary school №38, Minsk.
1995-2001 Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages №1, BSUIR.
2001-2004 Associate, Department of Foreign Languages №1, BSUIR.
2004-2005 Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, BSUIR.
2005 Candidate thesis defense on the theme: «The Metaphoric Transfer in the Formation
of Radioelectronics Terms in Modern French and English». Was awarded scientific degree of candidate of philological sciences and academic title of associate professor. Speciality: «Comparatively historical, typological and comparative linguistics». A scientific degree of candidate of philological sciences and an academic title of associate professor were awarded
2005-present Associate professor, Department of Foreign Languages BSUIR.
Taught academic subjects
Foreign Language (English) - II level of higher education (420 hours)
Cross-Cultural Communication - II level of higher education (240 hours)
Main publications (publications produced at least in the last 2 years with the links, main works - books, monographs, etc.
Information and communication technologies, methods of teaching foreign languages.
1972-1977 Minsk State Institute of Foreign Languages (with honors) Speciality: «French and English». Qualification: «Teacher of French and English».
1996-2000 postgraduate course, Minsk State Linguistic University.
2005 awarded a scientific degree of candidate of philological sciences and an academic title of associate professor. Speciality: «Comparatively historical, typological and comparative linguistics».
Trainings, professional development
08.11-01.12.2010 Training course «Personal computer application in professional activity», the institute of advanced training and retraining of BSUIR leading information technologies and radioelectronics specialists.
17.01-28.01.2011 Training course «Foreign languages teaching in modern educational conditions», the institute of advanced training and retraining of BSUIR leading information technologies and radioelectronics specialists.
17.07-26.07.2012 Linguistic training program organized by French Association of research and pedagogical developments in the field of education ARAPEN and Belarusian Public Association of French language teachers.
24.01-31.01.2013 Linguistic training program organized by French Association of research and pedagogical developments in the field of education ARAPEN and Belarusian Public Association of French language teachers.
02.03-13.07.2015 Training course «Wars and historical destinies of Belarusian people», National Institute for Higher Education (NIHE).
01.07-21.07.2016 Linguistic training program organized by French Association of research and pedagogical developments in the field of education ARAPEN and Belarusian Public Association of French language teachers.
04.07-17.07.2017 Linguistic training program organized by French Association of research and pedagogical developments in the field of education ARAPEN and Belarusian Public Association of French language teachers.
02.02-10.02.2018 Foreign training program «Modern Education Technologies of Foreign Languages. Experience of Poland, Germany and Great Britain».
14.05-25.05.2018 program «Management and organization of department work in educational institution», the institute of advanced training and retraining of BSUIR leading Information technologies and radioelectronics specialists.
16.07-29.07.2018 Linguistic training program organized by French Association of research and pedagogical developments in the field of education ARAPEN and Belarusian Public Association of French language teachers.
Working career
1977-1978 English teacher, secondary school №25, Mogilev.
1979-1986 Book merchandise, the regional bookkeeping department of the Minsk regional consumer union
1987-1994 Teacher of French and English, secondary school №38, Minsk.
1995-2001 Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages №1, BSUIR.
2001-2004 Associate, Department of Foreign Languages №1, BSUIR.
2004-2005 Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, BSUIR.
2005 Candidate thesis defense on the theme: «The Metaphoric Transfer in the Formation
of Radioelectronics Terms in Modern French and English». Was awarded scientific degree of candidate of philological sciences and academic title of associate professor. Speciality: «Comparatively historical, typological and comparative linguistics». A scientific degree of candidate of philological sciences and an academic title of associate professor were awarded
2005-present Associate professor, Department of Foreign Languages BSUIR.
Taught academic subjects
Foreign Language (English) - II level of higher education (420 hours)
Cross-Cultural Communication - II level of higher education (240 hours)
Main publications (publications produced at least in the last 2 years with the links, main works - books, monographs, etc.
- Liahushevich S.I. Terminology teaching in the English language course for master students of non-linguistic universities. Proceedings of the 3-rd scientific and practical conference with international participation "Linguodidactic features of foreign language teaching in non-linguistic universities." (Moscow, 20.05.2020). Moscow: Russian Academy of National Economy, 2020.- P.144-150 (autorization code in Scopus).
- Liahushevich S.I. Modern technologies of foreign language teaching in non-linguistic universities. Proceedings of republican scientific and practical conference (with international participation) "Linguocultural environment of professional and oriented education" (Minsk, 24.04.2020). Minsk: Military Academy of RB, 2020.-P.304-308.
- Liahushevich S.I. English special texts referencing teaching of master students of non-linguistic universities. Materials of interuniversity seminar "Foreign languages teaching features in military educational institution" (Minsk, 27.02.2020). Minsk: Institute of National Security of RB, 2020. - P.304-308.
- Liahushevich S.I. Development of skills of paragraph structural types determination in referencing training process. Proceedings of the VI International scientific conference "Text: philological, sociocultural, regional and methodical aspects". (Tolyatti, 14-16.04.2019). Tolyatti: Tolyatti State University, 2019. - P.257-260 (autorization code in Scopus).
- LiahushevichS.I. Web 2 technologies in university foreign language teaching. Proceedings of the XII republican scientific and practical conference with international participation "Linguocultural education in the system of university Specialist preparation". (Brest,22.11.2019). Brest: Brest State University, 2019.- P.148-150.
- Liahushevich S.I. Nomination problem in its significance for radioelectronics terminology research in French and English. Proceedings of international scientific conference "Romanov Readings XIII". (Mogilev, 25-26.10.2019).Mogilev: Mogilev State University, 2018. - P.148-150.
- Liagushevich S.I. Terms-zoomorphisms. Proceedings of the VIII International scientific conference "Current issues of Romano-German philology and foreign languages teaching methods" (Gomel, 26.10.2018). Gomel: Gomel State University, 2018. - P.206-212.
- Formation of students’ intercultural competence in the process of university language education. Proceedings of the IX International scientific conference "High technical education: problems and ways of development" (Minsk, 1-2.11.2018). Minsk:BSUIR, 2019. - P.278-280.