Vyshinsky Nikolay
Ph. D., Professor
Address: Minsk, P. Brovka Street, house 4, building 2, office 507
Phone: +375 17 293-88-89, +375 17 293-88-44
E-mail: vyshinski@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
Hot ultrasonic vacuum flattening of refractory metals and alloys.
Development of educational and program documentation for the implementation of a multi-level system of continuous training of specialists.
Investigation of the phenomenon of elastic sliding in mechanisms with a flexible link with a frictional coupling.
1969 - higher education: MRTI, specialty "Design and production of radio equipment".
1975 - postgraduate course of MRTI, specialty.
2010 - internship at the Department "Machine Parts, Lifting and transport machines and mechanisms" of BNTU.
2016 - advanced training in the program "State policy in the field of higher education.
Working career.
1969 - 1972: Junior Researcher, Senior Engineer, Chief Engineer of the ONIL NISa MRTI Economic Contract;
1972 - 1975: post-graduate studies at the MRTI;
1975 - 1995: Assistant, Senior lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department of Technical Mechanics of the MRTI( BSUIR), Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Design and Technology of the MRTI (BSUIR);
1995 - 2007: Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Higher State College of Communications;
2007 - present time: Professor of the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics at BSUIR.
The topic of the candidate's dissertation: "Development of the process of obtaining tapes from refractory metals by hot ultrasonic flattening in vacuum"
Taught academic subjects
1. Technical mechanics, 60 hours.
2. Engineering computer graphics, 96 hours.
Teaches practical classes on the units
1. Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics.
2. Engineering computer graphics.
3. Technical mechanics.
Main publications
1. Vyshinsky N. V. Technical mechanics / N. V. Vyshinsky. - Minsk: IVC of the Ministry of Finance, 2006. - 251 p.
2.Vyshinsky N. V. Technical mechanics: Course design / N. V. Vyshinsky. - Minsk: Bestprint, 2001. - 164 p.
3.Vyshinsky N. V. Technical mechanics: Laboratory practice / N. V. Vyshinsky. - Minsk: Bestprint, 2001. - 116 p.
4.Vyshinsky N. V. Technical mechanics: Collection of problems / N. V. Vyshinsky. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2001-63 p.
5. Kundas S. P. Ultrasonic flattening of tapes made of refractory metals used in electronic engineering and instrument making / S. P. Kundas, N. V. Vyshinsky, M. D. Tyavlovsky; ed. by A. P. Dostanko. - Minsk: Bestprint, 2001. - 283 p.
6. Tyavlovsky M. D., S. P. Kundas, Vyshinsky N. In., Bozhenko V. V. Investigation of tool wear in hot ultrasonic swaging vacuum tungsten and molybdenum / Friction and wear, 1983, vol. IV, No. 3, pp. 561-565.
7. Apparatus for Productin for Metall Ribbon / Patent No. 4152914 (USA). Publ. 1979. - p. 16.
8. Improvements in or Relating to Method and Apparatus for Productions of Metal Ribbon / Patent No. 1539857 (Great Britain). Publ. 1979. - p. 16.
9. Procede de fabrication d'um ruban metallique et dispositif pour la mise en ocuvre du dit procede / Patent No. 2394342 (France). Publ. 1980. - p. 30.
10. Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Herstelleneines Metallband durch Ultraschals mieden / Patent No. 2716768 (FRG). Publ., 1982, p. 32.
11. Method of obtaining metal tape / Patent No. 1049256 (Japan). Publ. 1981. - S. 13.
12. Vyshinsky N. In. A multi-level system of continuous training of specialists (for example, the work UGX) / higher school, 2003, no. 1, pp. 72-74.
13. Vyshinsky N. In. The study of the properties of the stretchable tape in the conditions of deformation / Reports BSUIR, 2020, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 11-17.
Hot ultrasonic vacuum flattening of refractory metals and alloys.
Development of educational and program documentation for the implementation of a multi-level system of continuous training of specialists.
Investigation of the phenomenon of elastic sliding in mechanisms with a flexible link with a frictional coupling.
1969 - higher education: MRTI, specialty "Design and production of radio equipment".
1975 - postgraduate course of MRTI, specialty.
2010 - internship at the Department "Machine Parts, Lifting and transport machines and mechanisms" of BNTU.
2016 - advanced training in the program "State policy in the field of higher education.
Working career.
1969 - 1972: Junior Researcher, Senior Engineer, Chief Engineer of the ONIL NISa MRTI Economic Contract;
1972 - 1975: post-graduate studies at the MRTI;
1975 - 1995: Assistant, Senior lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department of Technical Mechanics of the MRTI( BSUIR), Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Design and Technology of the MRTI (BSUIR);
1995 - 2007: Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Higher State College of Communications;
2007 - present time: Professor of the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics at BSUIR.
The topic of the candidate's dissertation: "Development of the process of obtaining tapes from refractory metals by hot ultrasonic flattening in vacuum"
Taught academic subjects
1. Technical mechanics, 60 hours.
2. Engineering computer graphics, 96 hours.
Teaches practical classes on the units
1. Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics.
2. Engineering computer graphics.
3. Technical mechanics.
Main publications
1. Vyshinsky N. V. Technical mechanics / N. V. Vyshinsky. - Minsk: IVC of the Ministry of Finance, 2006. - 251 p.
2.Vyshinsky N. V. Technical mechanics: Course design / N. V. Vyshinsky. - Minsk: Bestprint, 2001. - 164 p.
3.Vyshinsky N. V. Technical mechanics: Laboratory practice / N. V. Vyshinsky. - Minsk: Bestprint, 2001. - 116 p.
4.Vyshinsky N. V. Technical mechanics: Collection of problems / N. V. Vyshinsky. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2001-63 p.
5. Kundas S. P. Ultrasonic flattening of tapes made of refractory metals used in electronic engineering and instrument making / S. P. Kundas, N. V. Vyshinsky, M. D. Tyavlovsky; ed. by A. P. Dostanko. - Minsk: Bestprint, 2001. - 283 p.
6. Tyavlovsky M. D., S. P. Kundas, Vyshinsky N. In., Bozhenko V. V. Investigation of tool wear in hot ultrasonic swaging vacuum tungsten and molybdenum / Friction and wear, 1983, vol. IV, No. 3, pp. 561-565.
7. Apparatus for Productin for Metall Ribbon / Patent No. 4152914 (USA). Publ. 1979. - p. 16.
8. Improvements in or Relating to Method and Apparatus for Productions of Metal Ribbon / Patent No. 1539857 (Great Britain). Publ. 1979. - p. 16.
9. Procede de fabrication d'um ruban metallique et dispositif pour la mise en ocuvre du dit procede / Patent No. 2394342 (France). Publ. 1980. - p. 30.
10. Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Herstelleneines Metallband durch Ultraschals mieden / Patent No. 2716768 (FRG). Publ., 1982, p. 32.
11. Method of obtaining metal tape / Patent No. 1049256 (Japan). Publ. 1981. - S. 13.
12. Vyshinsky N. In. A multi-level system of continuous training of specialists (for example, the work UGX) / higher school, 2003, no. 1, pp. 72-74.
13. Vyshinsky N. In. The study of the properties of the stretchable tape in the conditions of deformation / Reports BSUIR, 2020, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 11-17.