Ph. D., Professor
Minsk, P. Brovka Street, house 4, building 2, office 517
Phone: +375 17 293-88-44
E-mail: stoler@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
Development of technologies for creating electronic microdevices.
Development of educational software and multimedia systems.
1980 - Higher Education, Minsk Radio Engineering Institute MREI (BSUIR). Specialty: «Design and Production of Radio Equipment».
1986 - Postgraduate Courses, Minsk Radio Engineering Institute MREI (BSUIR). Specialty: «Solid state electronics, microelectronics».
2008 - Training Courses «Department management in the system of higher education», National Institute for Higher Education (NIHE).
2010 - Traineeship «Functioning of the quality management system in an educational institution», Belarusian State Institute of Standardization and Certification.
2012 - Training Courses «Computer graphics and WEB-design», BSUIR Institute of Information Technologies.
2016 - Training Courses «E-learning technologies», National Institute for Higher Education (NIHE).
2018 - Traineeship «IT theory, innovative methods and practice», University of Science and Technology "A" (Lille, France).
Working career.
1975 - 1986: Technician, Senior Technician, Researcher, R&D laboratories, MREI.
1986 - 1994: Proffesor at the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics, BSUIR.
1994 - 2000: Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics, BSUIR.
2000 - present time: Head of the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics, BSUIR.
Subject of PhD thesis «Development of the process of ultrasonic electrochemical formation of elements of electronic devices».
Taught academic subjects
1. Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics, 196 hours.
2. Engineering Computer Graphics, 96 hours.
3. Technologies for creating and processing multimedia content, 108 hours.
4. Methods and algorithms for rapid prototyping, 120 hours.
5. Algorithms for creating and processing multimedia information, 90 hours.
6. 3D computer graphics, 90 hours.
Main publications
Author of more than 158 publications and 9 inventions.
Merits, awards, incentives
1987, 2004, 2007, 2012, 2017 - Honorary diplomas.
2007 - Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.
2012 - Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.
2014 - Certificate of Honor of the Administration of the Soviet district of Minsk.
2014 - Breastplate «For Merits to BSUIR».
2017 - Breastplate of Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus «A distinguished person in education».
Development of technologies for creating electronic microdevices.
Development of educational software and multimedia systems.
1980 - Higher Education, Minsk Radio Engineering Institute MREI (BSUIR). Specialty: «Design and Production of Radio Equipment».
1986 - Postgraduate Courses, Minsk Radio Engineering Institute MREI (BSUIR). Specialty: «Solid state electronics, microelectronics».
2008 - Training Courses «Department management in the system of higher education», National Institute for Higher Education (NIHE).
2010 - Traineeship «Functioning of the quality management system in an educational institution», Belarusian State Institute of Standardization and Certification.
2012 - Training Courses «Computer graphics and WEB-design», BSUIR Institute of Information Technologies.
2016 - Training Courses «E-learning technologies», National Institute for Higher Education (NIHE).
2018 - Traineeship «IT theory, innovative methods and practice», University of Science and Technology "A" (Lille, France).
Working career.
1975 - 1986: Technician, Senior Technician, Researcher, R&D laboratories, MREI.
1986 - 1994: Proffesor at the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics, BSUIR.
1994 - 2000: Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics, BSUIR.
2000 - present time: Head of the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics, BSUIR.
Subject of PhD thesis «Development of the process of ultrasonic electrochemical formation of elements of electronic devices».
Taught academic subjects
1. Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics, 196 hours.
2. Engineering Computer Graphics, 96 hours.
3. Technologies for creating and processing multimedia content, 108 hours.
4. Methods and algorithms for rapid prototyping, 120 hours.
5. Algorithms for creating and processing multimedia information, 90 hours.
6. 3D computer graphics, 90 hours.
Main publications
Author of more than 158 publications and 9 inventions.
Merits, awards, incentives
1987, 2004, 2007, 2012, 2017 - Honorary diplomas.
2007 - Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.
2012 - Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.
2014 - Certificate of Honor of the Administration of the Soviet district of Minsk.
2014 - Breastplate «For Merits to BSUIR».
2017 - Breastplate of Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus «A distinguished person in education».