Senior LecturerAddress: Minsk, P. Brovka Street, house 4, building 2, office 508
Phone: +375 17 293-89-73
E-mail: maramygina@bsuir.by
E-mail: tanmaram@yandex.ru
Professional interests/researches
1. Optimization problems of graphic training for students in higher educational institutions
2. Educational and information technology
3. Development of educational video content
Educational institution "Belarusian National Technical University", specialty "Computer-aided design systems"
2004 - RIIT BNTU, "Innovations in the content of engineering education"
2005 - RIIT BNTU, "Innovations in the content of engineering education"
2008 - RIIT BNTU, "Innovation management in education and science"
2008 - ProTECHNOLOGIES company, course "Introduction to Pro / ENGINEER"
2012 - RIIT BNTU, "Three-dimensional modeling in engineering graphics"
2015 - RIIT BNTU, "Pedagogical foundations of scientific and methodological work in educational institutions. Modern Pedagogy "
2017 - BNTU, "Topical issues of professional activities of the teaching staff"
Working career.
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Engineering Graphics for Machine-Building of BNTU,
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics of BSUIR
Taught academic subjects
Engineering computer graphics, 96 hours
Teaches practical classes on the units
1. Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics.
2. Engineering computer graphics.
Main publications
The author of 69 publications.
1. Geometric constructions: curved lines, fillets. Teaching aid on engineering graphics with options for individual tasks for students of mechanical engineering specialties / Maramygina T.A., Gil S.V., Belyakova E.I., Zeleny P.V. - Minsk: BNTU, 2010. - 70 p.
2. Engineering graphics: a workshop on the implementation of kinematic schemes: [educational-methodical manual for university students in technical specialties] / A.Yu. Leshkevich, S.V. Gil, P.V. Zeleny, T.A. Maramygina; ed. P.V. Zeleny. - Minsk: BNTU, 2014 - 41 p .: ill., tab.
3. Computer-aided design system AutoCAD. Workshop: at 2 parts Part 1 / S.V. Gil, T.A. Maramygina, O. N. Kuchura [and others]. - Minsk: BNTU, 2020 .- 84 p.
1. Optimization problems of graphic training for students in higher educational institutions
2. Educational and information technology
3. Development of educational video content
Educational institution "Belarusian National Technical University", specialty "Computer-aided design systems"
2004 - RIIT BNTU, "Innovations in the content of engineering education"
2005 - RIIT BNTU, "Innovations in the content of engineering education"
2008 - RIIT BNTU, "Innovation management in education and science"
2008 - ProTECHNOLOGIES company, course "Introduction to Pro / ENGINEER"
2012 - RIIT BNTU, "Three-dimensional modeling in engineering graphics"
2015 - RIIT BNTU, "Pedagogical foundations of scientific and methodological work in educational institutions. Modern Pedagogy "
2017 - BNTU, "Topical issues of professional activities of the teaching staff"
Working career.
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Engineering Graphics for Machine-Building of BNTU,
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics of BSUIR
Taught academic subjects
Engineering computer graphics, 96 hours
Teaches practical classes on the units
1. Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics.
2. Engineering computer graphics.
Main publications
The author of 69 publications.
1. Geometric constructions: curved lines, fillets. Teaching aid on engineering graphics with options for individual tasks for students of mechanical engineering specialties / Maramygina T.A., Gil S.V., Belyakova E.I., Zeleny P.V. - Minsk: BNTU, 2010. - 70 p.
2. Engineering graphics: a workshop on the implementation of kinematic schemes: [educational-methodical manual for university students in technical specialties] / A.Yu. Leshkevich, S.V. Gil, P.V. Zeleny, T.A. Maramygina; ed. P.V. Zeleny. - Minsk: BNTU, 2014 - 41 p .: ill., tab.
3. Computer-aided design system AutoCAD. Workshop: at 2 parts Part 1 / S.V. Gil, T.A. Maramygina, O. N. Kuchura [and others]. - Minsk: BNTU, 2020 .- 84 p.