Valentina Shkoda
Assistant Professor
1971-1976 - Belarusian State University, Department of Political Economy.
1979-1982 - Belarusian State University, full-time postgraduate study with a degree in Political Economy.
Labor activity:
1976-2001 - Lecturer at the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
From 2001 to the present - senior lecturer at the Department of Economics of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
1. Workshop on economic theory / З.З. Dudich and V.I. Skoda, M.F. Grishchenko. - Minsk: VUZ-UNITI BGPA, 1996.- 84 p.
2. Skoda V.I. Methodological manual for the course "Micro- and Macroeconomics" for students of the Faculty of Economics. - Minsk: BSUIR, 1996 .-- 55 p.
3. Microeconomics: plans of seminars and workshop for students. eco-friendly specialist. BSUIR full-time training / comp. IN AND. Skoda. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2006 .-- 42 p.
4. Workshop for seminars on the discipline "Economic theory" for students of non-economic specialties of all forms of education / K.R. Litvinovich, N. D. Bostynets, V.I.Shkoda and others - Minsk: BSUIR, 2011 .-- 52 p.
5. The impact of the accumulation of human capital on the economic growth of the Republic of Belarus. / Abstracts of the 11th International Scientific and Technical Conference May 26-27, 2011 - Minsk: Giprosvyaz, 2011 .-- 35-37 p.
6. Risk of inaccurate market information. / Scientific articles, Issue 3. Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko, 2012 .-- 232-236 p.
7. Risks of manifestation of hazardous technogenic processes in the Soligorsk mining region. - Chapter 5 in the book: Ecology and safety: collective scientific monograph / Ed. D.V. Eliseeva. - Novosibirsk. SibAK, 2013 - 82-101 p.
8. EUMK on the discipline "Microeconomics" for students of the specialty "Electronic marketing". - Certificate of registration from 24.02.2015 N 370.
9. ERUD "Micro-macroeconomics" for students of specialty areas: ISiT (in economics), ISiT (in logistics), ISiT (in business management). - Certificate of registration from 24.02.2015 N 002
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