ParkhimenkaUladzimir Parkhimenka

Head of Economics department

PhD in Economics


Office: 809-5

Phone: +375 17 293-84-64



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Selected publications:

  1. Parkhimenka, Uladzimir, Mikhail Tatur, and Anna Zhvakina. "Heuristic approach to online purchase prediction based on internet store visitors classification using data mining methods." Information and Digital Technologies (IDT), 2017 International Conference on. IEEE, 2017. 
  2. Uladzimir Parkhimenka, Mikhail Tatur, Olga Khandogina. Unsupervised ranking of clients: machine learning approach to define a "good customer" // CERes Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 10-15.
  3. Yurkovskaya A., Prishchepa I., Losmakov S., Parkhimenka U. Reflections on Marketing Strategy and Digital Marketing Infrastructure along the Belt and Road Project // Central European Researchers Journal, Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018, pp. 8-16.
  4. Parkhimenka, U. (2019), "Future of the Belarusian IT Sector: From IT Outsourcing to Industry 4.0?", Sergi, B. (Ed.) Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Belarus (Entrepreneurship and Global Economic Growth), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 41-62.
  5. China’s Economic Growth in 2010-2017: Analysis from the Perspective of the Input-Output Model and Modern Monetary Theory / A. A. Bykov [et al.] // Finance: theory and practice. - 2021. - № 25 (2). - С. 166-184. - DOI: 10.26794/2587-5671-2021-25-2-166-184.