Marchenkova Katerina Marchenkova 

Assistant professor of the Department of Economic

Ph.D in Phylosophy



The area of scientific interests:

Economic decision-making motivation



BSU - economist qualification

Postgraduate School of BSU in Social Phylosophy

Certificate of The Republican Institute of Higher education in Psychology and Pedagogics


Professional activity:

Postgraduate student of the Department of Phylosophy and science methodology of BSU

Senior Teacher of Institute of Modern Knowledge (Minsk)

Assistant professor of Institute of modern Knowledge (Minsk)

The head of department of  Economics and Natural sciences of Women's Institute "Envila" 

Assistant professor of the Department of Economic of BSUIR






Selected publications:

Marchenkova E.E. The problems of the socio-economic development of the modern society: problems, tendencies and prospects / Collection of scientific articles of the II Intern. UE "Grodno. Trade College" of Belcoopsoyuz. Belcoopsoyuz (Grodno, April 04, 2019) / Ed. by: M. G. Zhuk [and others]. - Grodno, 2019. - 673p.-p.459-462

Marchenkova E.E. Eyetracking in neuromarketing and advertising // University - territory of advanced development: collection of scientific articles / Y.Kupala State University of Grodno; editor Y.Romanovsky et al. - Grodno: Grodno State University, 2020 - 356 p.- p.56-59

Marchenkova E.E. Oculography in modern business and marketing // Actual problems of modern economic systems-2019: Collection of scientific papers / BSTU; editor A.G. Pokrovsky and others - Brest-BrGTU, 2019 -186 pp. - – с.70-73.

Marchenkova E.E. Determinants of the socio-cultural development of Belarus during