Unuchak Yauhen
Senior Lecturer
Minsk, Platonova 39, 804a-5
Phone: +375 17 293-22 -82
E-mail: e.unuchek@gmail.com
Professional interests/researches
Enterprise information technologies and systems, e-learning, quality management systems, SAP, Bitrix24, Big Data, QA automation
1998-2003 - Student of the Department of Economic Informatics, Faculty of Economics, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, specializing in Economics and Enterprise Management (specialization in Economic Informatics).
2005-2009 - Postgraduate student of the correspondence course of the Department of Economic Informatics, specialty 05.13.11 "Computing machines, systems and networks"
Working career.
From 2003 to present - scientific and pedagogical activity at the Department of Economic Informatics, starting from the position of an assistant to the position of a Senior Lecturer
Taught academic subjects
"Fundamentals of Algorithmization and Programming 130 / 3.5", "Systems and Technologies for Intelligent Data Processing 152/4", "Modern Technologies for Processing Economic Information 144/4"
Main publications
IT startup. 10 tips for beginners. Business literature / A.N. Zhilko [and others] - Minsk: Kolorgrad, 2019. -396 p.
• Prakhotskiy M.G., Unuchek E.N., Horoneko M.P., Development of software for distance learning. Distance learning - educational environment of the XXI century: materials of the XI Intern. scientific method. conf. (Republic of Belarus, Minsk, December 12-13, 2019) / editorial board. : V. A. Prytkov [and others]. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019 .-- 386 p. : ill.
• Unuchek EN, Unuchek TM, Komlichenko VN, Parkhimenko VA, Practice of using unit-tests for teaching programming. Distance learning - educational environment of the XXI century: materials of the XI Intern. scientific method. conf. (Republic of Belarus, Minsk, December 12-13, 2019) / editorial board. : V. A. Prytkov [and others]. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019 .-- 386 p. : ill.