Storozhev Dmitry
Assistant Professor
Minsk, Platonova str., h.39, ap.802a
Phone: +375 17 293-22-78
E-mail: d.storozhev@gmail.com
Professional interests/researches
Programming, tools and methods of quality management system, Control and quality assurance of software products, data mining in the quality management system of software development using SQL Server Integration Services, methods and tools for extracting knowledge from data warehouses, Big Data, Machine Learning.
Higher education, BSUIR, 2005 Specialty: Economics and enterprise management. Specialization: economic informatics. Qualification: economist-manager.
In 2007 he successfully completed the BSUIR master's degree in the specialty 1-25.80.08 "Mathematical and instrumental methods in economics" with the award of the academic degree of master of economic sciences.
- participation in the training of the Park of High Technologies on the topic "Practical Basics of Software Testing";
- training on the course "Building a quality management system using Business Studio", organized by the company "Business Rules".
2012: Postgraduate studies at BSUIR in specialty 05.13.11 "Mathematical and software support of computers, complexes and computer networks" with the assignment of the scientific qualification "Researcher in the field of technical sciences".
From February 6 to April 7, 2017 completed training at the State Educational Institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education" under the program "Cloud technologies and Web 2.0 services in education" (Certificate of advanced training No. 2799353)
Working career.
2005 - 2012 - assistant at the Department of Economic Informatics of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
2012 - until now - assistant professor at the Department of Economic Informatics of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
From 2008 - Deputy Head of the Department of EI for Ideological, Information and Educational Work, Curator of Study Groups for the 3rd year
Taught academic subjects
1. Programming network applications for the 3rd year of specialties Information systems and technologies (majors).
2. Databases for 2nd year students of the specialties "Electronic Marketing" and "Economics of Electronic Business.
3. Technologies for the development of software applications for 1st year students of specialties Information systems and technologies (majors).
Manages course projects:
1. Object Oriented Design and Programming
2. Network Application Programming
3. Systems and technologies for analysis and development of information systems
4. Modern technologies for processing economic information
Supervises graduation projects. He supervises the research work of students, is a member of the State Electoral Commission for the defense of diploma projects and passing the state exam in the specialty "Information systems and technologies (in economics, logistics)".
Main publications
1. Storozhev, D.A. Software support for the processes of relocation of employees of an IT company / D.A. Storozhev, P.A. Eroshenkova // Problems of Economics and Information Technologies: a collection of abstracts of the 55th anniversary scientific conference of graduate students, undergraduates and students (Minsk, April 22 - 26, 2019). - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019. - 203 p.
2. Storozhev, D.A. Software support for internal language courses of an IT company / D.А. Storozhev, I.I. Vakulchik // Problems of Economics and Information Technologies: a collection of abstracts of the 55th anniversary scientific conference of graduate students, undergraduates and students (Minsk, April 22 - 26, 2019). - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019. - 203 p.
3. Storozhev, D.A. The use of Big Data in educational processes / D.A. Storozhev // Innovative technologies for organizing training in a technical university [Text]: collection of articles. materials Intern. scientific and methodical conf. November 11-12, 2019 Penza: PGUAS, 2019. - 76 p. ISBN 978-5-9282-1657-3.
4. Storozhev, D.A. Evaluation of the effectiveness of algorithms for the analysis of academic performance in the university / D.A. Storozhev // Distance learning - educational environment of the XXI century: materials of the XI Intern. scientific method. conf. (Republic of Belarus, Minsk, December 12-13, 2019) / editorial board: V. A. Prytkov [and others]. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019. - 386 p .: ill. ISBN 978-985-543-554-0.
5. Storozhev, D.A. Corporate training in an IT company and software support for assessing the competencies of specialists / D.A. Storozhev, T.A. Andronovich // 56th conference of graduate students, undergraduates and students of the educational institution "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics", May 18-20, 2020, BSUIR, Minsk, Belarus: abstracts. - Mn. - 2020. - 173 p. UDC 33: 004, BBK 56ya73 + 32.973.
6. Storozhev, D.A. Software support for technical maintenance of IT infrastructure at the enterprise // D.A. Storozhev, V.V. Dubok // 56th conference of graduate students, undergraduates and students of the educational institution "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics", May 18-20, 2020, BSUIR, Minsk, Belarus: abstracts. - Mn. - 2020. - 173 p. UDC 33: 004, BBK 56ya73 + 32.973
7. Storozhev, D.A. Software support for managing the system of non-material motivation of employees / D.A. Storozhev, I.G. Romanchuk // 56th conference of graduate students, undergraduates and students of the educational institution "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics", May 18-20, 2020, BSUIR, Minsk, Belarus: abstracts. - Mn. - 2020. - 173 p. UDC 33: 004, BBK 56ya73 + 32.973.