Salapura Maryna
Assistant Professor
Minsk, Platonova, 39, 802a-5
Phone: +375 17 293-22-78
E-mail: marinasalapura@gmail.com
Professional interests/researches
cloud computing, modern technologies of information processing and storage, IT-competencies, Java and C++ development
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, 2010, Master's degree program of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, 2017, specialty "Mathematical and Instrumental methods of Economics", Master of Economic Sciences, Currently, the postgraduate course of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, specialty 08.00.13 " Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics», training in the course "Designing a company management system using the business modeling system Business Studio" in April 2011, training in the course "English Language Course pre-Intermediate (A2)" (144 hours) from 26.09.2013 to 24.06.2014, certificate of proficiency in English at the pre-Intermediate level
Working career.
assistant (since 2010), Assistant Professor (since 2020). Research work in the master's program on the topic "Methods and models for analyzing data migration in high-scale cloud storage systems». The topic of the PhD thesis is "Methods and means of managing the process of forming professional competencies of IT specialists in the field of higher education". Currently, he is engaged in research on the topic of his PhD thesis.
Taught academic subjects
"Fundamentals of network technologies", "System analysis and design of information systems", " System analysis and design of information systems (with a module for developing network applications)", "Web design and design patterns", "Distributed Information systems", "Programming of network applications", "Tools and technologies for processing economic information", "Fundamentals of Algorithmization and programming", "Fundamentals of discrete Mathematics and Theory of algorithms", "Research of Operations in Economics", "Modern information Technologies", " Design of distributed information systems», "Object-oriented programming".
Main publications
Articles in scientific journals
1. Avramenko, P. V., Vabishchevich, A. G., Smirnov, A. N., Gromyko, G. F., Salapura, Yu. L., Salapura, M. N., Numerical modeling of the movement of the pneumatic feed flow in the silo pipeline of the KVK-800 forage harvester. Thematic collection / RUE "NPC of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on agricultural mechanization". - Minsk, 2019. - Issue 52. - pp. 162-167
2. Salapura, Yu. L. Features and trends of resource saving in agriculture / Yu. L. Salapura, D. V. Zubenko, M. N. Salapura, E. V. Dyba / / Mechanization and electrification of agriculture: mezhved. Thematic collection / RUE "SPC of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on agricultural mechanization". - Minsk, 2019. - Issue 52. - p. 25-29
3. Salapura, M. N. Features of the formation of professional competencies of students / M. N. Salapura, E. A. Bogdanova // Economy and quality of communication systems. -- № 1 (11). - 2019. - Pp. 41-45.
Articles in collections of materials of scientific conferences
4. Komlichenko, V. N. The principles of the competence model of a specialist / V. N. Komlichenko, M. N. Salapura // 55 scientific conference of graduate students, undergraduates and students of BSUIR, April 22-26, 2019. / Minsk, BSUIR. 2019 - S. 42-44.
5. Komlichenko, V. N. Formation of professional competences of IT professionals in higher education / V. N. Komlichenko, M. N. Salapura // open IV international conference "Modern problems of analysis of dynamic systems. Applications in engineering and Technology" 2019
6. Soloshenko, O. V. generating analytical reports in the power industry / O. V. Soloshenko, M. N. Salapura // 55 scientific conference of graduate students, undergraduates and students of BSUIR, April 22-26, 2019. / Minsk, BSUIR. 2019 - P. 44-46.
7. Kvacheva, M. V. Motivation on the basis of the KPI as a tool of personnel management logistics / M. V. Kvacheva, M. N. Salapura // 55 scientific conference of graduate students, undergraduates and students of BSUIR, April 22-26, 2019. / Minsk, BSUIR. 2019 - S. 35-37.
8. Salapura, Yu. L. Evolution of systems for sowing grain seeders / Yu. L. Salapura, M. N. Salapura / / Scientific and technical progress in agricultural production: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Minsk, October 16-18, 2019 / RUP "NPC of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on agricultural mechanization"; editorial board: P. P. Kazakevich [et al.]. - Minsk, 2019. - pp. 117-120.
9. Komlichenko, V. N. Foreign experience in the development of distance higher education / V. N. Komlichenko, M. N. Salapura, E. A. Bogdanova / / XI International scientific and methodological conference "Distance learning - the educational environment of the XXI century", December 12-13, 2019 / Minsk, BSUIR. 2019-pp. 152-153.
10. Komlichenko, V. N. Professional competences of information technology specialists / V. N. Komlichenko, M. N. Salapura, E. A. Bogdanova // Information Technologies and Systems 2019 (ITS 2019): proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, BSUIR, Minsk, Belarus, October 30, 2019 - Information Technologies and Systems 2019 (ITS 2019) : Proceeding of The International Conference, BSUIR, Minsk, 30th October 2019/ Editorial board : L. Yu. Shilin [et al.]. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019. - pp. 310-311.
Standard programs of academic disciplines
11. Distributed information systems. Standard curriculum for higher education institutions in the specialties 1-40 01 02 Information systems and technologies (by direction). Mn.: From-in BSUIR, 2019
12. Supply chain management. Standard curriculum for higher education institutions in the specialties 1-40 01 02 Information systems and technologies (by direction). Mn.: From-in BSUIR, 2019.
Merits, awards, incentives
1. Personal scholarship of the University Council, 2009
2. Certificate of obtaining a diploma of the 2nd category at the Republican competition of scientific works of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus in 2010 for the scientific work " Automated information and analytical system on labor and social protection"
3. Gratitude for the successful presentation of the report "Principles of building a specialist's competence model" at the 55th anniversary scientific conference of postgraduates, undergraduates and students of the educational institution "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics"
4. Certificate of honor "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics" for many years of fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity, achievement of high performance in the work and in connection with the 56th anniversary of the founding of " Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics "(Minsk Radio Engineering Institute)