Ryssevets Marina
Senior lecturer, research engineerMinsk, Platonava street, 39, bld. 5, room 802
Phone: +375 17 293-22-79
E-mail: m.ryssevets@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
Electronic document management, methods of collecting and processing information in electronic systems
Higher education - Minsk Radio Engineering Institute (MRTI), 1986; postgraduate studies - Minsk Radio Engineering Institute 1990; advanced training - Training center"TOP SOFT-service" of Belarusian National Technical University, retraining in the specialty"Accounting, analysis, audit"1998; Republican Institute of Higher Education under the program "Information systems and technologies in ensuring management activities", "State policy in the field of higher education" 2016
Working career
1989 - now - Senior lecturer of Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Taught academic subjects
Does lecturing, conducts practical and laboratory work on the course "Modern Technologies of Economic Information Processing" (Module "Technologies of Record-Keeping Automation"), supervises course and diploma design
Main publications
Has over 30 publications.
• Ryssevets M.S., Solonenko I.V. "Calculation of the probabilistic characteristics of hierarchical systems." III International Open Conference "Modern Problems of Dynamical Systems Analysis. Applications in engineering and technology ". September 17-19, 2018. Voronezh State Forestry University named after G.F. Morozov. Theses of the report. Voronezh, Voronezh State Linguistic University named after G.F. Morozov, 2018
• Ryssevets M.S., Sheremet V.A. Software support for task management based on the SAP C4C platform. Abstracts 56th Scientific Conference of Postgraduates, Masters and Students of BSUIR, Minsk, 2020
Merits, awards, incentives
On02.19.2019 was awarded a silver badge "For services to BSUIR"
Electronic document management, methods of collecting and processing information in electronic systems
Higher education - Minsk Radio Engineering Institute (MRTI), 1986; postgraduate studies - Minsk Radio Engineering Institute 1990; advanced training - Training center"TOP SOFT-service" of Belarusian National Technical University, retraining in the specialty"Accounting, analysis, audit"1998; Republican Institute of Higher Education under the program "Information systems and technologies in ensuring management activities", "State policy in the field of higher education" 2016
Working career
1989 - now - Senior lecturer of Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Taught academic subjects
Does lecturing, conducts practical and laboratory work on the course "Modern Technologies of Economic Information Processing" (Module "Technologies of Record-Keeping Automation"), supervises course and diploma design
Main publications
Has over 30 publications.
• Ryssevets M.S., Solonenko I.V. "Calculation of the probabilistic characteristics of hierarchical systems." III International Open Conference "Modern Problems of Dynamical Systems Analysis. Applications in engineering and technology ". September 17-19, 2018. Voronezh State Forestry University named after G.F. Morozov. Theses of the report. Voronezh, Voronezh State Linguistic University named after G.F. Morozov, 2018
• Ryssevets M.S., Sheremet V.A. Software support for task management based on the SAP C4C platform. Abstracts 56th Scientific Conference of Postgraduates, Masters and Students of BSUIR, Minsk, 2020
Merits, awards, incentives
On02.19.2019 was awarded a silver badge "For services to BSUIR"