Pinchuk Tatsiana
Assistant Professor
Minsk, st. Platonova, d. 39, building No. 5, office 802a
Phone: +375 17 293-22-78
E-mail: tkokorina@tut.by
Professional interests/researches
econometric modeling, methods of multivariate statistical data analysis
Higher education - Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, 2004; Master's degree - Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, 2007; postgraduate studies - Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, 2013; advanced training - State Educational Institution "Academy of Postgraduate Education" under the program "Cloud services and electronic resources in teaching practice", 2017
Working career.
2004 - present time Assistant Professor at the Department of Economic Informatics, BSUIR
The topic of the master's thesis "Assessment of socio-economic development and investment activity of the regions of the Republic of Belarus by methods of multivariate regression analysis", 2007. Research topic: econometric modeling.
Taught academic subjects
Operations research in economics (total 196, lectures 48, practical lessons 32). Fundamentals of discrete mathematics and theory of algorithms (108 in total, 34 lectures, 34 practical exercises). Econometrics and economic and mathematical methods and models (total 314, lectures 32, practical lessons 32).
Main publications
Alekhina, A.E. Pinchuk, T.G. Features of training specialists in the field of information systems and technologies in logistics / A.E. Alekhina, T.G. Pinchuk // Philosophical and pedagogical heritage of S.I. Gessen and modern problems of education, upbringing, culture: materials of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference. international participation, Tomsk, March 1-2, 2018 / TOIPKRO, 2018.
Alekhina, A.E., Pinchuk, T.G. Methodological approaches to training specialists in the specialty "Information systems and technologies in logistics" / A.E. Alekhina, T.G. Pinchuk // Innovative technologies for organizing training in a technical university: materials of the International conference. scientific and methodical Conf., Penza, November 11-12, 2019 / PGUAS. - Penza, 2019. - p.54-58
On the features of the formation of modular systems. Pinchuk T. G., Alekhina A. E., Pottosina S. A. / Distance learning - educational environment of the XXI century: materials of the XI Intern. scientific method. conf. (Republic of Belarus, Minsk, December 12-13, 2019) / ed. count : V. A. Prytkov [and others]. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019 .-- p. 244-245
Features of search systems for the analysis of legal documents Pinchuk T. G., Pottosina S. A., Plotnikov A. P. / Legal education in the Republic of Belarus: the history of formation and development prospects: abstracts of the international scientific-practical conference of the teaching staff, postgraduate students , undergraduates and students, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Private Educational Institution "BIP-Institute of Law" (Republic of Belarus, Minsk, December 10, 2020) / ed. count SF Sokol [and others]. - Minsk: BIP, 2020. - Part 2. - with. 125-126.