Petrovich Nikita
Assistant Professor
Minsk, Platonova str., h.39, ap.802a
Phone: +375 17 293-22-78javascript:updateButtonClick1(true);
Professional interests/researches
Programming, software design, parallel and multi-threaded programming, computer systems, security, models and means of minimizing the cost of enterprise location, logistics.
Higher education 2011-2016 - student of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
Master's degree 2016-2017 - master's student of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
Postgraduate studies 2017-2020 - postgraduate student of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
Working career.
2017 - 2020 - assistant at the Department of Economic Informatics of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
From 2020 to the present - assistant professor at the Department of Economic Informatics of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
Taught academic subjects
Lectures on discipline:
1. Supply chain management
Laboratory works:
1. Programming network applications.
2. Distributed information systems.
3. System analysis and design of information systems.
4. Design of logistics information systems.
5. Basics of algorithmization and programming.
6. Supply chain management.
7. Computer networks.
8. Development of software applications for logistics tasks.
9. Tools and technologies for analysis and development of information systems.
10. Modern technologies for processing economic information.
11. Technologies and methods of server-side development of business applications.
1. Graduation design
2. Course design for courses: Programming network applications
3. Course design for courses: Object-oriented programming
Main publications
1. Petrovich, N.O. Modern information technologies as the main aspect in creating an effective model for the location of industrial enterprises / N.O. Petrovich, V.N. Komlichenko // International Scientific and Practical Electronic Journal "Economics and Quality of Communication Systems" - Moscow, Russian Federation: National Institute of Radio and Information Communication Technologies, issue No. 1 (11) 2019 p.27 ISSN 2500-1833.
2. Petrovich, N.O. Methods, models and means of minimizing the costs of placing an enterprise on the basis of the balance of material resources of production and logistics supply chains / N.O. Petrovich, V.N. Komlichenko // International Scientific and Practical Electronic Journal "Economics and Quality of Communication Systems" - Moscow, Russian Federation: National Institute of Radio and Information Communication Technologies, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, issue No. 3 (13) 2019 p.27 ISSN 2500-1833.
3. Petrovich, N.O. The concept of creating a model for minimizing the costs of placing an enterprise based on the balance of material resources of production and logistics supply chains / N.O. Petrovich, V.N. Komlichenko // International scientific and practical electronic journal "Economy and quality of communication systems" - Moscow, Russian Federation: National Institute of Radio and Information Communication Technologies, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, issue №4 (15) 2020 p.30.
4. Petrovich N.O. Features of the creation of a model for minimizing the costs of placing an enterprise on the basis of the balance of material resources of production / N.O. Petrovich, V.N. Komlichenko // Problems of Economic Informatics: Materials of the 56th Scientific. conf. graduate students, undergraduates and students, Minsk, Rep. Belarus, 23 - 30 Apr 2020 / UO "BSUIR". - Minsk, 2020.