Komlichenko Vitaly
Associate Professor, Ph. D., Associate Professor
Minsk, s. Platonova, 39 b.5 of. 804
Phone: +375 17 293-84-81
E-mail: vkomlitchenko@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
Information technology (design and development, reengineering of information systems and technologies), distributed systems, scientific research automation, automated training, project management, quality and software quality management systems.
Higher - Belarusian State University by Lenin (BSU). Graduated: 1977, Applied Mathematics;
Postgraduate study - Minsk Radiotechnical Institute (MRI). Year 1993, 05.13.11 - Mathematical and software computing machines, complexes, systems and networks. Ph.D. - Ph.D., 1993;
Degree - Associate Professor, Specialty "Informatics, Management and Computing," 1999.
Working career
From 1977 to 1993 he worked in the Academy of Science BSSR as an engineer, in Belgosuniversity as a senior software engineer, at the PFP Research Institute by A.N. Sevchenko as a researcher and senior researcher.
1994 - 1997 Associate Professor of Computer Science and Computer Science at National Academy of Science of Belarus.
1997 - 1998 - Lead researcher of SP BelcAF.
1998 - 2000 he was acting as head of the Department of Economic Informatics of BGUIR. December 2000 was elected and transferred to the position of head of the Department of Economic Informatics of BGUIR.
From December 2000 to December 2020, the head of the Department of Economic Informatics of BGUIR.
From December 2020 - present time Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Informatics of BSUIR.
Research results.
Author and co-author of more than 170 scientific and educational and methodological works, among two manuals with the vulture of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, 17 textbooks, articles, conference materials, etc. Author and co-author of 26 acts on the implementation of research results in the educational process and manufacture.
Scientific and educational activity.
1). He took part in the development of specialties: E.03.01.00 Economy and management of the company with the qualifications of "engineer-economist" specialists (3 specialists graduation specializing in "Economic Informatics"); E.01.03.00 Economy and management in an enterprise with the qualifications of "economist-manager" (3 specialists graduation specializing in "Economic Informatics");
2). He led and participated in the development of a new type of standard series for the integrated specialty 1-40 01 02 "Information Systems and Technology (in areas)"
3). He led and participated in the development of the standard, master plan and academic plans, programs and other documents needed to open new areas of specialty 1-40 01 02 Information Systems and Technology (in areas): 1-40 01 02-02 "Information Systems and Technology (in economy)"; 1-40 01 02-08 "Information Systems and Technology (in Logistics).
4). He led the development of a series of standards for a four-year specialty training system: 1-40 05 01 Information Systems and Technology (by Direction). He led and was involved in the development of the standard, master and academic plans, programs and other documents, and relevant areas of this specialty: 1-40 05 01-08 Information Systems and Technology (in economy) and 1-40 05 01-08 Information Systems and Technology (in logistics)
5) He led and participated in the development of the master's training and methodical documentation 1-25 80 08 Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics and profiling "Information Technologies and Instrumental Methods of Electronic Economics" Master's 1-40 80 07 Electronic Economics.
Co-author of master and working programs in the disciplines of ISIT (in economics), ISIT (in logistics) and master's training (more than 30), co-executive of the development of laboratory cycles in more than 25 disciplines listed above the specialties and disciplines of the master's degree.
Taught academic subjects
Tools and technologies for the analysis and development of information systems.
Distributed information systems.
Effective software solutions based on microservice architecture (mag.).
Technology and methods of server development of business applications (mag).
Main publications
1. Modern information technology as a major aspect in creating an effective model for the placement of manufacturing plants
Pech. International scientific and practical electronic journal "Economics and quality of communication systems" - Moscow, Russian Federation: National Institute of Radio and Information-ComunicAtion Technologies, issue No.1 (11) 2019, 27 ISSN 2500-1833.
2. Methods, models and cost minimization tools of placing an enterprise based on the balance of material resources of production and supply chains
Pech. International scientific and practical electronic journal "Economics and quality of communication systems" - Moscow, Russian Federation: National Institute of Radio and Information-Comunication Technologies, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, issue No.3(1) 2019 p.27 ISSN 2500-1833.
3. Foreign experience of the development of distance higher learning Pech. XI International Scientific and Methodical Conference "Remote Learning - Educational Environment of the 21st Century," December 12-13, 2019 / Minsk, BGUIR. 2019 - S. 152-153
4. Professional expertise of information technology specialists
Pech. Information Technologies and Systems 2019 (ITS 2019) : materials of the International Scientific Conference, BSUIR, Minsk, Minsk, Belarus, October 30, 2019 - Information Technologies and Systems 2019 (ITS 2019) : Proceeding of The International Conference, BSUIR, Minsk, 30th October 2019/ - Minsk : BGUIIR, 2019
5. Formation of professional competences of IT professionals in higher education
Pech. IV International Open Conference "Modern Problems of Dynamic Systems Analysis. Applications in Technology and Technology," Minsk, 2019. S. 310-311.
6. The concept of creating a model to coat minimization of placing an enterprise based on the balance of material resources of production
Pech. Problems of economics and information technology: a collection of theses of the reports of the 56th Scientific Conference of Graduate Students, Undergraduates and Students of BSUIR, Minsk, May 18 -20, 2020 / Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics. Minsk, 2020. S. 22 - 24.
7. Merits, awards, incentives
Certificate of The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus - 2004
Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus - 2009
Badge of The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus "Handout Adukatsy" - 2014
Information technology (design and development, reengineering of information systems and technologies), distributed systems, scientific research automation, automated training, project management, quality and software quality management systems.
Higher - Belarusian State University by Lenin (BSU). Graduated: 1977, Applied Mathematics;
Postgraduate study - Minsk Radiotechnical Institute (MRI). Year 1993, 05.13.11 - Mathematical and software computing machines, complexes, systems and networks. Ph.D. - Ph.D., 1993;
Degree - Associate Professor, Specialty "Informatics, Management and Computing," 1999.
Working career
From 1977 to 1993 he worked in the Academy of Science BSSR as an engineer, in Belgosuniversity as a senior software engineer, at the PFP Research Institute by A.N. Sevchenko as a researcher and senior researcher.
1994 - 1997 Associate Professor of Computer Science and Computer Science at National Academy of Science of Belarus.
1997 - 1998 - Lead researcher of SP BelcAF.
1998 - 2000 he was acting as head of the Department of Economic Informatics of BGUIR. December 2000 was elected and transferred to the position of head of the Department of Economic Informatics of BGUIR.
From December 2000 to December 2020, the head of the Department of Economic Informatics of BGUIR.
From December 2020 - present time Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Informatics of BSUIR.
Research results.
Author and co-author of more than 170 scientific and educational and methodological works, among two manuals with the vulture of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, 17 textbooks, articles, conference materials, etc. Author and co-author of 26 acts on the implementation of research results in the educational process and manufacture.
Scientific and educational activity.
1). He took part in the development of specialties: E.03.01.00 Economy and management of the company with the qualifications of "engineer-economist" specialists (3 specialists graduation specializing in "Economic Informatics"); E.01.03.00 Economy and management in an enterprise with the qualifications of "economist-manager" (3 specialists graduation specializing in "Economic Informatics");
2). He led and participated in the development of a new type of standard series for the integrated specialty 1-40 01 02 "Information Systems and Technology (in areas)"
3). He led and participated in the development of the standard, master plan and academic plans, programs and other documents needed to open new areas of specialty 1-40 01 02 Information Systems and Technology (in areas): 1-40 01 02-02 "Information Systems and Technology (in economy)"; 1-40 01 02-08 "Information Systems and Technology (in Logistics).
4). He led the development of a series of standards for a four-year specialty training system: 1-40 05 01 Information Systems and Technology (by Direction). He led and was involved in the development of the standard, master and academic plans, programs and other documents, and relevant areas of this specialty: 1-40 05 01-08 Information Systems and Technology (in economy) and 1-40 05 01-08 Information Systems and Technology (in logistics)
5) He led and participated in the development of the master's training and methodical documentation 1-25 80 08 Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics and profiling "Information Technologies and Instrumental Methods of Electronic Economics" Master's 1-40 80 07 Electronic Economics.
Co-author of master and working programs in the disciplines of ISIT (in economics), ISIT (in logistics) and master's training (more than 30), co-executive of the development of laboratory cycles in more than 25 disciplines listed above the specialties and disciplines of the master's degree.
Taught academic subjects
Tools and technologies for the analysis and development of information systems.
Distributed information systems.
Effective software solutions based on microservice architecture (mag.).
Technology and methods of server development of business applications (mag).
Main publications
1. Modern information technology as a major aspect in creating an effective model for the placement of manufacturing plants
Pech. International scientific and practical electronic journal "Economics and quality of communication systems" - Moscow, Russian Federation: National Institute of Radio and Information-ComunicAtion Technologies, issue No.1 (11) 2019, 27 ISSN 2500-1833.
2. Methods, models and cost minimization tools of placing an enterprise based on the balance of material resources of production and supply chains
Pech. International scientific and practical electronic journal "Economics and quality of communication systems" - Moscow, Russian Federation: National Institute of Radio and Information-Comunication Technologies, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, issue No.3(1) 2019 p.27 ISSN 2500-1833.
3. Foreign experience of the development of distance higher learning Pech. XI International Scientific and Methodical Conference "Remote Learning - Educational Environment of the 21st Century," December 12-13, 2019 / Minsk, BGUIR. 2019 - S. 152-153
4. Professional expertise of information technology specialists
Pech. Information Technologies and Systems 2019 (ITS 2019) : materials of the International Scientific Conference, BSUIR, Minsk, Minsk, Belarus, October 30, 2019 - Information Technologies and Systems 2019 (ITS 2019) : Proceeding of The International Conference, BSUIR, Minsk, 30th October 2019/ - Minsk : BGUIIR, 2019
5. Formation of professional competences of IT professionals in higher education
Pech. IV International Open Conference "Modern Problems of Dynamic Systems Analysis. Applications in Technology and Technology," Minsk, 2019. S. 310-311.
6. The concept of creating a model to coat minimization of placing an enterprise based on the balance of material resources of production
Pech. Problems of economics and information technology: a collection of theses of the reports of the 56th Scientific Conference of Graduate Students, Undergraduates and Students of BSUIR, Minsk, May 18 -20, 2020 / Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics. Minsk, 2020. S. 22 - 24.
7. Merits, awards, incentives
Certificate of The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus - 2004
Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus - 2009
Badge of The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus "Handout Adukatsy" - 2014