Fiadosenka Uladzimir
Associate professor, PhD (Computer Science)
Minsk, Platonova, street,39, office 801b-5
Phone: +375 17 293-22-73
E-mail: fedosenko@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
Vibration control systems, digital signal processing, analysis of multidimensional data, front-end development, database management, computer networks, business analysis, Sales Force developer
MRTI (Minsk, student), BSUIR (Minsk, post graduate student), EHU (Minsk, student)
Working career
Senior engineer, scientific worker, docent, dean of BSUIR, project manager, associate professor
Main publications
Fiadosenka, U. A., Melnik, Y. V. Comparative analysis of university websites for accessibility // Engineering education: challendes and developments. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2018. - pp. 481 - 484.
Nazarenko V., Fiadosenka U. The adult continuing professional education system // // Distance education - educational system of XXI centure. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2017. - p. 269.