Efremoff Andrey
Head of the department of Economic Informatics
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Minsk, s. Platonova, 39 b.5 of. 804
Phone: +375 17 293-89-92
E-mail: efremov.kafei@gmail.com
Professional interests/researches
1. Construction of nonlinear and nonsmooth optimization models of large dimension at the micro and mesolevels.
2. The problem of multi-criteria assessment of the comparative efficiency of the functioning of objects in economic systems.
3.Digital transformation of business processes in modern organizations
In 2012, he graduated from the Belarusian-Russian University with a degree in Economics and Enterprise Management (Department of Economic Informatics). He received a diploma with honors with the qualification "economist-manager". As a student, he was the winner of a number of Olympiads. He was awarded the Cup of the absolute winner of the international interdisciplinary Olympiad "Information Technologies in Complex Socio-economic systems" (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia). I have 3 gold, 7 silver, and 3 bronze medals at international Olympiads held in Russia and Israel. He was awarded two diplomas in the category "For an original solution". He won the Republican Student Olympiad in Mathematics (2010-diploma of the III degree, 2011-diploma of the II degree, 2012-diploma of the II degree)
Working career
2012 -2013-Trainee Assistant, Assistant of the Department of Economics and the Department of Commercial Activity of the Belarusian-Russian University (Mogilev) Discipline: "Financial management", "Economics", "Economics of Commerce, the Economics of organization." 2014-2016-Lecturer of the Department of Economics of the branch of the Belarusian Institute of Law (Mogilev) (part-time) Disciplines: "Automated systems for processing accounting and analytical information", "Legal Informatics", "Computer Information Technologies". 2014-present-Assistant Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Economic Cybernetics (now the Department of Mathematical Methods in Economics) , Faculty of Digital Economics, BSEU 2015-present-Researcher, Leading researcher of the Management and Digitalization sector of the Institute for System Research in the Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (part-time) 2019-present Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics and the Department of Management of BSUIR (part-time) Subjects:" Mathematics"," Mathematical methods of economic research". 2020-present-Associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences of the Belarusian State Aviation Academy (part-time) Discipline: "Higher Mathematics" (course in English for international students) Disciplines: "Mathematical Programming", "Econometrics and Economic-mathematical methods and models", "Mathematical models of Micro - and Macroeconomics", "Mathematical Economics"
According to the results of the XIX Republican competition of scientific works of students (2012), the work "Formation of the production program of a machine-building enterprise in conditions of uncertainty" received the I category.
The project, carried out in co-authorship, was recognized as the best in the Personnel Management nomination of the Republican competition for the best case solutions about Belarusian business, which was held on the basis of the Vitebsk State Technological University in cooperation with the Eurasia Foundation (2012).
In 2013, he graduated from the magistracy of the Belarusian-Russian University with a degree in Economics and National Economy Management.
In 2016 he graduated from the postgraduate course of the BSEU in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Economic Cybernetics.
In 2019 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences in the specialty 08.00.13 - mathematical and instrumental methods of economics.
Dissertation topic: "Formation and use of the machine and tractor fleet of agricultural organizations on the basis of a two-level complex of optimization models."
He has published over 80 scientific papers, incl. 2 individual teaching aids (http://bseu.by/personalpages/Jefriemov/publications.htm). There are 3 references on the useful use of scientific developments, 2 acts of implementation.
In 2020, under my leadership, in cooperation with the Russian Economic Academy. G.V. Plekhanov, an application has been prepared for a grant from the BRFFR to carry out scientific research on the use of blockchain technologies in the educational environment.
In January 2021, he was appointed Deputy Director of the Center for Macroeconomic Research at BSEU.
Research interests: high-dimensional optimization models in economics, digitalization of the organization's activities, internet marketing.
Taught academic subjects
1. Mathematical methods of economic research (for the specialty "Economics of digital business")
2. Economic and mathematical methods and models
3. Operations research (for the specialty "Information systems and technologies in economics")
4. Mathematical analysis
5. Linear algebra and analytic geometry
6. Statistical foundations of inductive inference (for the specialty "Artificial Intelligence")
7. Mathematical Methods and Models for Making Marketing Decisions (for the specialty "Digital marketing")
8. Methods of optimization (for the specialty "Software engineering")
Main publications
Scientific works:
1. State intervention in the economy. // À.À. Efremov, 2009. Materials of the 45th student scientific and technical conference of the State Institution of Higher Professional Education "Belarusian-Russian University". Mogilev: GU VPO BRU. S. 82-84.
2. About the influence of religious factors on economic behavior. // À.À. Efremov, 2010. Materials of the 46th student scientific and technical conference of the State Institution of Higher Professional Education "Belarusian-Russian University". Mogilev: GU VPO BRU. 78-80.
3. Analysis of the dependence of exports on the ratio of stocks of finished products and the volume of production in the Mogilev region. // À.À. Efremov, 2010. Materials of the 46th student scientific and technical conference of the State Institution of Higher Professional Education "Belarusian-Russian University". Mogilev: GU VPO BRU. P. 81.
4. Ethical foundations of economic activity. // À.À. Efremov, 2011. Materials of the 47th student scientific and technical conference of the State Institution of Higher Professional Education "Belarusian-Russian University". Mogilev: GU VPO BRU. P. 65.
5. Factoring as a tool to improve the financial condition of an enterprise on the example of the Mogilev Automobile Plant named after S. M. Kirov ". // A.A. Efremov, V.A. Livinskaya, 2012. Materials of the 8th international scientific-practical conference "Key problems of modern science." Sofia: Byal GRAD-BG. T. 9.S. 89-92.
6. Forecasting the structure of market demand based on Brown's model. // À.À. Efremov, V. A. Livinskaya, 2012. Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific progress at the turn of the millennium." Prague: Publishing House "Education and Science". T. 10.S. 11-15.
7. Optimization of the production program of an industrial enterprise based on the apparatus of the theory of games. // À.À. Efremov, V.A. Livinskaya, 2012. Materials of the 8th international scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern sciences." Przemysl: Naukaistudia. T. 7.S. 6-11.
8. On the issue of planning the volume of sales of a machine-building enterprise .// À.À. Efremov, 2012. Materials of the 8th international scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern sciences." Przemysl: Naukaistudia. Vol. 7, pp. 35-41.
9. A new method for calculating elasticity indicators. // À.À. Efremov, 2012. Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific Space of Europe". Przemysl: Naukaistudia. T. 12.S. 63-66.
10. Instruments for macroeconomic analysis of the equilibrium of the money and commodity markets. // À.À. Efremov, 2012. Materials of the 8th international scientific-practical conference "Key problems of modern science." Sofia: Byal GRAD-BG. T. 11.P. 44-46.
11. Blitz tournament as a form of training senior pupils for mathematical Olympiads. // AA. Efremov, 2012. Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific Space of Europe". Przemysl: Naukaistudia. T. 18.P. 15-18.
12. Theories of motivation as a tool for effective management of the labor resources of an enterprise on the example of KUPP "Vitebchanka". // A.A. Efremov, Livinskaya VA, 2012. Proceedings of the 8th international scientific-practical conference "Key problems of modern science." Sofia: Byal GRAD-BG. T. 3.S. 73-79.
13. Forecasting the export of the Mogilev region. // À.À. Efremov, 2012. Materials of the 8th international scientific-practical conference "Key problems of modern science." T. 8. Sophie: Byal GRAD-BG.S. 8-11.
14. Non-price competition and advertising in the Chamberlin's monopolistic competition market model. // A.A. Efremov, 2012. Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "News of Scientific Thought". Sofia: Byal GRAD-BG. T. 10.S. 20-22.
15. Solution of functional equations by the argument shift method. // A.A. Efremov, 2012. Materials of the 8th international scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern sciences." Prague: Publishing House "Education and Science". T. 19.P. 16-19.
16. Analysis of economic cycles in an open economy model with a fixed exchange rate. // A.A. Efremov, 2012. Materials of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Scientific Achievements". Prague: Publishing House "Education and Science". T. 6.S. 39-45.
17.Analysis of emission financing of the state budget deficit of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of the Bruno-Fischer model. // A.A. Efremov, 2012. Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Dynamics of Scientific Research". Przemysl: Naukaistudia. T. 6.S. 3-7.
18. Comprehensive assessment of working conditions of production personnel. // À.À. Efremov, 2012. Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Dynamics of Scientific Research". Przemysl: Naukaistudia. T. 24.S. 96-101.
19. Modeling the volume of production based on scenario analysis of the market. // A.A. Efremov, 2012. Materials of the 48th student scientific and technical conference of the State Institution of Higher Professional Education "Belarusian-Russian University". Mogilev: GU VPO BRU. P. 76.
20. Taking into account the size of warehouse stocks when forming the production program of the enterprise. // A.A. Efremov, 2012. Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Dynamics of Scientific Research". Przemysl: Naukaistudia. T. 3.S. 60-64.
21. Agenda-2015: environmental aspect. // À.À. Efremov, 2013. Abstracts of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Agenda-2015" (within the framework of the "Smart Grids" project). Minsk: BSU Center. S. 47-49.
22. Formation of the production program of a machine-building enterprise in conditions of uncertainty. // À.À. Efremov, V.A. Livinskaya, 2013. Collection of scientific works of students of the Republic of Belarus "NIRS 2012". Minsk: Ed. center of BSU. P. 141.
23. Optimization of production factors in planning the yield of grain crops in the agro-industrial complex. // N.I. Kholod, A.A. Efremov, 2014. Materials of the scientific-practical conference "Economic theory in the XXI century: the search for effective management mechanisms." Polotsk: PSU. Part 1.S. 138-140.
24. On one problem of nonlinear optimization of the implementation of a complex of agrotechnical works. // À.À. Efremov, 2014. Materials of the 18th International Youth Forum "Radio Electronics and Youth in the XXI Century". Kharkiv: KhNURE. T. 10.S. 70-71.
25. Cost optimization for the use of the machine and tractor fleet in the agro-industrial complex. // AA. Efremov, N.I. Kholod, 2015. Collection of articles based on the materials of the 2nd conference "Innovative development of the agro-industrial complex: mechanisms and priorities". SergievPosad. S. 387-390.
26. Optimization of the planning of the machine and tractor fleet. // A.A. Efremov, 2015. Bulletin of BSEU. No. 3 (110). Minsk: BSEU. S. 48-53.
27. Markov chains as a tool for modeling the activities of agricultural enterprises in conditions of uncertainty. // A.A. Efremov, N.I. Cold, 2015. Collection of scientific works of BSEU. No. 8. Minsk: BSEU. S. 398-405.
28. On the mobile criterion for optimizing the work of the machine and tractor fleet in agriculture. // À.À. Efremov, 2015. Scientific potential of youth - the future of Belarus: materials of the IX international youth scientific and practical conference. Pinsk: PolesGU. S. 269-270.
29. Optimization of operational and production planning at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. // AA. Efremov, 2015. Spring of Mag³le¢skagadzyarzhanagaOn³versiteta name A.A. Kulyashov. Gray D. Economics, satyology, rights. No. 2 (46). Mogilev: Moscow State University A.A. Kuleshova. S. 31-38.
30. On a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of agro-industrial production with a focus on output. // À.À. Efremov, 2015. Collection of scientific papers of the All-Russian Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding. No. 8. Stavropol: FGBNU VNIIOK. T. 1.S. 591-593.
31. Evaluation of the probabilistic characteristics of the repair cycle of the machine and tractor fleet of agricultural enterprises using the Kolmogorov equations. // AA. Efremov, N.I. Cold, 2015. Spring of Grodzenskdzyarzhaunagaon³vers³teta name Yank³Kupala. Gray 5: Eco. Satyology. Bialogia. No. 3 (202). Grodno: GrSUim. YankaKupala. S. 65-70.
32. Transfer of technologies in agricultural production: the economic aspect. // À.À. Efremov, 2015. Transfer of technologies. Realities and prospects: materials of the international. scientific-practical conf. Zaporizhzhia: ZNU. T. 2.S. 43-44.
33. Using data envelope analysis to assess the comparative performance of agricultural organizations.
A.A. Efremov, A.P. Takun, 2015. Proceedings of the international scientific and practical online conference "Anthropogenic evolution of modern soils and agricultural production in changing soil and climatic conditions." Oryol: OGAU. S. 189-191.
34. Planning the implementation of a complex of agricultural works using a nonsmooth optimization model. // A.A. Efremov, 2015. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Mathematics, statistics and information technology in economics, management and education." Tver: TVGU. S. 59-63.
35. On the mobile criterion for optimizing the work of the machine and tractor fleet in agriculture. // À.À. Efremov, 2015. Materials of the IX International Youth Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific potential of youth - the future of Belarus". Pinsk: PolesGU. S. 269-270.
36. Assessment of the provision of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus with tractors and combines. // A.A. Efremov, 2016. Collection of scientific papers of the All-Russian Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding. No. 9. Stavropol. T. 1.S. 525-528.
37. The use of ARIMA-models in improving the efficiency of managing gold and foreign exchange reserves (on the example of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus). // À.À. Efremov, A.N. Naganovich, 2016. Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Modeling in technology and economics." Vitebsk: VSTU. S. 364-366.
38. Pareto-optimality in assessing the comparative efficiency of the operation of the machine and tractor fleet. // A.A. Efremov, 2016. Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Modeling in technology and economics." Vitebsk: VSTU. S. 69-71.
39. Justification of management decisions on the purchase of agricultural machinery based on nonlinear optimization models. // À.À. Efremov, 2016. Bulletin of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy. No. 2. Gorki: BGSKhA. S. 21-24.
40. On the problem of nonlinear optimization of a piecewise constant objective function. // A.A. Efremov, 2016. Spring of Mag³leëskagadzyarzhanagaOn³versiteta name A.A. Kulyashov. Gray B. Pryrodaznachyyanauk³: matematika, fiz³ka, b³yalog³ya. No. 1 (47). Mogilev: Moscow State University A.A. Kuleshova. S. 43-53.
41. Problems of state regulation in the processing industries of the agro-industrial complex. // À.À. Efremov, E.V. Sednev, 2016. Abstracts of the X Intern. scientific. conference "Technique and technology of food production". Mogilev: MGUP. P. 428.
42. On the specifics of preparing students for mathematical Olympiads in higher education. // AA. Efremov, 2016. Materials of the international. scientific-practical. seminar "Teaching mathematics in higher education and work with gifted students in modern conditions." Mogilev: BRU. S. 19-21.
43. The choice of the marketing strategy of the agro-industrial complex enterprise in the secondary market of agricultural machinery using a probabilistic approach. // À.À. Efremov, N.I. Cold, 2016. Agropanorama. No. 3 (115). Minsk: BGATU. S. 41-45.
44. Problematic aspects of determining the technical and economic indicators of the machine and tractor fleet of an agricultural enterprise. // A.A. Efremov, 2016. Agricultural Economics. No. 4. Minsk. S. 39-43.
45. Econometric analysis of the financial results of agricultural enterprises using regression models. // A.A. Efremov, O. V. Shishko, 2016. Collection of materials of the V international. scientific-practical conference "Trends in the development of modern Russia and its regions in the context of globalization." Volzhsky: VIEPP. S. 64-67.
46. Methodological recommendations for optimizing the rates of return on material and technical resources in agriculture. // A.A. Efremov, A.P. Takun, A.S. Saiganov et al., 2016. Scientific principles for regulating the development of the agro-industrial complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms. Minsk:
47.Republican Scientific Unitary Enterprise "Institute of System Research in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus". S. 31-40.
An empirical approach to the determination of targets in the agro-industrial complex based on the analysis of the data envelope. // A.A. Efremov, A.P. Takun, 2016. Agricultural Economics. No. 12. Minsk. S. 16-20.
48. On the application of data envelope analysis to the calculation of the relative efficiency of the functioning of objects. // A.A. Efremov, 2017. Spring Mag³le³skagadzyarzhanagaOn³versiteta name A.A. Kulyashov. Gray B. Pryrodaznachyyanauk³: matematika, fiz³ka, b³yalog³ya. No. 1 (49). Mogilev: Moscow State University A.A. Kuleshova. S. 17-25.
49. Optimization of discontinuous functions by the method of approximation of a logistic curve. // A.A. Efremov, E.M. Aksen, 2017. Collection of scientific works "Economics, modeling, forecasting". Minsk: NIIE Min. economy of the Republic of Belarus. S. 175-185.
50. Economic management in organizations of the agro-industrial complex: analysis of the state and algorithms for improvement. // À.À. Efremov, A.P. Takun, I.L. Kovalev et al., 2017. Scientific principles for regulating the development of the agro-industrial complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms. Minsk: Republican Scientific Unitary Enterprise "Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus". S. 63-73.
51. On the valuation of the competencies of young professionals. //
A.A. Efremov, M. M Dulchevsky, A. A Ustimenko, 2017. Science activity yak shlyakh formulating professional competencies of the future economy (NPK-2018): materials of the International Science and Practice Conference. Sumy. T. 1.S. 107-109.
52. Research of effective models for organizing information and advisory services for agricultural organizations. // A.A. Efremov, A.P. Takun, A.S. Saiganov et al., 2017. Scientific principles for regulating the development of the agro-industrial complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms. Minsk: Republican Scientific Unitary Enterprise "Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus". S. 115-121.
53. Methodological recommendations for improving the tools of public administration of agro-industrial complex organizations in the interests of their sustainable development. // A.A. Efremov, A.P. Takun, I.L. Kovalev et al., 2018. Scientific principles for regulating the development of the agro-industrial complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms. Minsk: Republican Scientific Unitary Enterprise "Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus". S. 67-76.
54. Perspective models of management of agro-industrial complex organizations. // A.A. Efremov, A.P. Takun, A.S. Saiganov et al., 2018. Scientific principles for regulating the development of the agro-industrial complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms. Minsk: Republican Scientific Unitary Enterprise "Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus". S. 129-138.
55. Formation and use of the machine and tractor fleet of agricultural organizations on the basis of a two-level complex of optimization models. // A.A. Efremov, 2019. Minsk: BSEU. 24 p.
56. Accounting for the acquisition of tractors with agricultural units in the operational and production planning of agrotechnical works in field cultivation. // À.À. Efremov, V.V. Parashchenko, 2019. Slides: BSAA. S. 68-72.
57. Theoretical foundations of effective management in large-scale agricultural organizations. // A.A. Efremov, A.P. Takun, A.S. Saiganov et al., 2019. Scientific principles for regulating the development of the agro-industrial complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms. Minsk: Republican Scientific Unitary Enterprise "Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus". S. 115-123.
58. Methodical recommendations for improving cost management in large-scale agricultural organizations. // A.A. Efremov, A.P. Takun, I.L. Kovalev et al., 2019. Scientific principles for regulating the development of the agro-industrial complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms. Minsk: Republican Scientific Unitary Enterprise "Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus". S. 58-67.
59. On some issues of teaching the foundations of mathematical programming to students of economic specialties. // A.A. Efremov, A.N. Disko, 2020. Teaching mathematics in higher education and work with gifted students in modern conditions. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Seminar. Mogilev: BRU. S. 39-42.
60. Modern technologies of marketing research in the IT industry. // A.A. Efremov, 2020. Proceedings of the III All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation. Collection of articles of the III All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation "Challenges of the digital economy: the development of a comfortable urban environment." Minsk: BSEU. S. 272-275.
61. Digitalization of the transport infrastructure of a modern city. // À.À. Efremov, 2020. Proceedings of the III All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation. Collection of articles of the III All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation "Challenges of the digital economy: the development of a comfortable urban environment." Bryansk. S. 275-279.
62. Application of elements of game theory in the development of a marketing strategy of a modern organization. // A.A. Efremov, A.N. Disko, 2020. Scientific research is the determining factor of the specialist of the future. Materials of the scientific-practical conference of teachers, students, students of institutions of higher and secondary specialized education. Baranovichi: UO BGKLP them. V.E. Chernysheva. S. 36-38.
63. Application of cohort analysis in marketing research of consumer behavior. // A.A. Efremov, E.V. Kalugin, 2020. Scientific research is the determining factor of the specialist of the future. Materials of the scientific-practical conference of teachers, students, students of institutions of higher and secondary specialized education. Baranovichi: UO BGKLP them. V.E. Chernysheva. S. 38-40.
64. Modeling consumer behavior using a multi-product utility function of the Cobb-Douglas type. Efremov, K.I. Korbut, V.I. Klui, 2020. Scientific research is the determining factor for the specialist of the future. Materials of the scientific-practical conference of teachers, students, students of institutions of higher and secondary specialized education. Baranovichi: UO BGKLP them. V.E. Chernysheva. S. 44-46.
65.Serviceization of the economy of rural areas as a factor of sustainable development of the region. // A.A. Efremov, 2020. Environmental Readings - 2020. XI National Scientific and Practical Conference
(with international participation). Omsk: FGBOU VO Omsk GAU. S. 208-212.
66. Environmental aspects of serviceization and digitalization of the economy. // A.A. Efremov, 2020. Environmental Readings - 2020. XI National Scientific and Practical Conference
(with international participation). Omsk: FGBOU VO Omsk GAU. S. 213-217.
67. Engineering and reengineering of business processes in agricultural organizations. // A.A. Efremov, 2020. Scientific and information support for the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex. Materials of the XII International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "InformAgro-2020". Pravdinsky: Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Rosinformagrotech". S. 334-338.
68. Problematic aspects of accounting for depreciation of agricultural machinery: domestic practice and foreign experience. // A.A. Efremov, 2020. Accounting, analysis and finance in agro-industrial complex organizations: state and ways of improvement. Collection of scientific articles on materials
IX international scientific and practical conference,
dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the UO BSAA. Gorki: BGSKhA. S. 25-29.
69. Rumelhart's perceptron and multivariate regression as tools for predicting the performance of an organization. Efremov, E.Yu. Pilate, 2020. Accounting, analysis and finance in agro-industrial complex organizations: state and ways of improvement. Collection of scientific articles on materials
IX international scientific and practical conference,
dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the UO BSAA. Gorki: BGSKhA. S. 161-165.
70. Modern trends in the digitalization of organizations in the service economy. // A.A. Efremov, 2020. Accounting, analysis and finance in agro-industrial complex organizations: state and ways of improvement. Collection of scientific articles on materials
IX international scientific and practical conference,
dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the UO BSAA. Gorki: BGSKhA. S. 210-214.
71.Digitalization of the activities of the organization of the tourism industry. // A.A. Efremov, 2020. Quality management in education and industry. Collection of articles of the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference May 21 - 22, 2020 Sevastopol: FGAOU VO "Sevastopol State University". S. 519-524.
72. Theoretical and methodological aspects of corporate governance in commercial organizations of the agro-industrial complex. // A.A. Efremov, A.P. Takun, A.S. Saiganov et al., 2020. Scientific principles for regulating the development of the agro-industrial complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms. Minsk: Republican Scientific Unitary Enterprise "Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus". S. 102-112.
73. Comparative analysis of modern approaches to the economic assessment of the effectiveness of crop production in agricultural organizations of the Republic of Belarus. // À.À. Efremov, 2020. Collection of scientific works of BSEU. No. 13. Minsk: BSEU. S. 228-235.
74. Modern mechanisms of state support for agricultural production: the US experience. // À.À. Efremov, 2020. Ufa Humanitarian Scientific Forum. Ufa: AN RB. S. 542-546.
75. Features of assessing the effectiveness of marketing communications in the agro-industrial complex. // A.A. Efremov, 2020. Magazine "Agrarian Economics". No. 10. Minsk. S. 42-48.
76. Model for assessing the economic effect of the restructuring of the organization with the transfer of part of the functions of the management company. // À.À. Efremov, 2020. Bulletin of Polotsk State University. Series D. Economic and legal sciences. Novopolotsk: PSU. S. 50-54.
Educational and methodical works
77. The best solutions of the case "Why workers leave and how to keep them." Efremov, T.A. Shapovalova, I.V. Pavlovskaya, 2012. Cases about Belarusian business: a methodological guide. Vitebsk: UO "VSU im. P.M. Masherov ". S. 113-132.
78. Coordinate approach. Flat sets. Numerical sequences (methodology of analysis). // A.A. Efremov, 2013. Mogilev: UO "MGOIRO". 30 s.
79. Practice-oriented approach in word problems with economic content. // A.A. Efremov, 2020. Mogilev: UO "MGOIRO". 108 s.
1. Construction of nonlinear and nonsmooth optimization models of large dimension at the micro and mesolevels.
2. The problem of multi-criteria assessment of the comparative efficiency of the functioning of objects in economic systems.
3.Digital transformation of business processes in modern organizations
In 2012, he graduated from the Belarusian-Russian University with a degree in Economics and Enterprise Management (Department of Economic Informatics). He received a diploma with honors with the qualification "economist-manager". As a student, he was the winner of a number of Olympiads. He was awarded the Cup of the absolute winner of the international interdisciplinary Olympiad "Information Technologies in Complex Socio-economic systems" (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia). I have 3 gold, 7 silver, and 3 bronze medals at international Olympiads held in Russia and Israel. He was awarded two diplomas in the category "For an original solution". He won the Republican Student Olympiad in Mathematics (2010-diploma of the III degree, 2011-diploma of the II degree, 2012-diploma of the II degree)
Working career
2012 -2013-Trainee Assistant, Assistant of the Department of Economics and the Department of Commercial Activity of the Belarusian-Russian University (Mogilev) Discipline: "Financial management", "Economics", "Economics of Commerce, the Economics of organization." 2014-2016-Lecturer of the Department of Economics of the branch of the Belarusian Institute of Law (Mogilev) (part-time) Disciplines: "Automated systems for processing accounting and analytical information", "Legal Informatics", "Computer Information Technologies". 2014-present-Assistant Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Economic Cybernetics (now the Department of Mathematical Methods in Economics) , Faculty of Digital Economics, BSEU 2015-present-Researcher, Leading researcher of the Management and Digitalization sector of the Institute for System Research in the Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (part-time) 2019-present Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics and the Department of Management of BSUIR (part-time) Subjects:" Mathematics"," Mathematical methods of economic research". 2020-present-Associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences of the Belarusian State Aviation Academy (part-time) Discipline: "Higher Mathematics" (course in English for international students) Disciplines: "Mathematical Programming", "Econometrics and Economic-mathematical methods and models", "Mathematical models of Micro - and Macroeconomics", "Mathematical Economics"
According to the results of the XIX Republican competition of scientific works of students (2012), the work "Formation of the production program of a machine-building enterprise in conditions of uncertainty" received the I category.
The project, carried out in co-authorship, was recognized as the best in the Personnel Management nomination of the Republican competition for the best case solutions about Belarusian business, which was held on the basis of the Vitebsk State Technological University in cooperation with the Eurasia Foundation (2012).
In 2013, he graduated from the magistracy of the Belarusian-Russian University with a degree in Economics and National Economy Management.
In 2016 he graduated from the postgraduate course of the BSEU in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Economic Cybernetics.
In 2019 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences in the specialty 08.00.13 - mathematical and instrumental methods of economics.
Dissertation topic: "Formation and use of the machine and tractor fleet of agricultural organizations on the basis of a two-level complex of optimization models."
He has published over 80 scientific papers, incl. 2 individual teaching aids (http://bseu.by/personalpages/Jefriemov/publications.htm). There are 3 references on the useful use of scientific developments, 2 acts of implementation.
In 2020, under my leadership, in cooperation with the Russian Economic Academy. G.V. Plekhanov, an application has been prepared for a grant from the BRFFR to carry out scientific research on the use of blockchain technologies in the educational environment.
In January 2021, he was appointed Deputy Director of the Center for Macroeconomic Research at BSEU.
Research interests: high-dimensional optimization models in economics, digitalization of the organization's activities, internet marketing.
Taught academic subjects
1. Mathematical methods of economic research (for the specialty "Economics of digital business")
2. Economic and mathematical methods and models
3. Operations research (for the specialty "Information systems and technologies in economics")
4. Mathematical analysis
5. Linear algebra and analytic geometry
6. Statistical foundations of inductive inference (for the specialty "Artificial Intelligence")
7. Mathematical Methods and Models for Making Marketing Decisions (for the specialty "Digital marketing")
8. Methods of optimization (for the specialty "Software engineering")
Main publications
Scientific works:
1. State intervention in the economy. // À.À. Efremov, 2009. Materials of the 45th student scientific and technical conference of the State Institution of Higher Professional Education "Belarusian-Russian University". Mogilev: GU VPO BRU. S. 82-84.
2. About the influence of religious factors on economic behavior. // À.À. Efremov, 2010. Materials of the 46th student scientific and technical conference of the State Institution of Higher Professional Education "Belarusian-Russian University". Mogilev: GU VPO BRU. 78-80.
3. Analysis of the dependence of exports on the ratio of stocks of finished products and the volume of production in the Mogilev region. // À.À. Efremov, 2010. Materials of the 46th student scientific and technical conference of the State Institution of Higher Professional Education "Belarusian-Russian University". Mogilev: GU VPO BRU. P. 81.
4. Ethical foundations of economic activity. // À.À. Efremov, 2011. Materials of the 47th student scientific and technical conference of the State Institution of Higher Professional Education "Belarusian-Russian University". Mogilev: GU VPO BRU. P. 65.
5. Factoring as a tool to improve the financial condition of an enterprise on the example of the Mogilev Automobile Plant named after S. M. Kirov ". // A.A. Efremov, V.A. Livinskaya, 2012. Materials of the 8th international scientific-practical conference "Key problems of modern science." Sofia: Byal GRAD-BG. T. 9.S. 89-92.
6. Forecasting the structure of market demand based on Brown's model. // À.À. Efremov, V. A. Livinskaya, 2012. Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific progress at the turn of the millennium." Prague: Publishing House "Education and Science". T. 10.S. 11-15.
7. Optimization of the production program of an industrial enterprise based on the apparatus of the theory of games. // À.À. Efremov, V.A. Livinskaya, 2012. Materials of the 8th international scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern sciences." Przemysl: Naukaistudia. T. 7.S. 6-11.
8. On the issue of planning the volume of sales of a machine-building enterprise .// À.À. Efremov, 2012. Materials of the 8th international scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern sciences." Przemysl: Naukaistudia. Vol. 7, pp. 35-41.
9. A new method for calculating elasticity indicators. // À.À. Efremov, 2012. Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific Space of Europe". Przemysl: Naukaistudia. T. 12.S. 63-66.
10. Instruments for macroeconomic analysis of the equilibrium of the money and commodity markets. // À.À. Efremov, 2012. Materials of the 8th international scientific-practical conference "Key problems of modern science." Sofia: Byal GRAD-BG. T. 11.P. 44-46.
11. Blitz tournament as a form of training senior pupils for mathematical Olympiads. // AA. Efremov, 2012. Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific Space of Europe". Przemysl: Naukaistudia. T. 18.P. 15-18.
12. Theories of motivation as a tool for effective management of the labor resources of an enterprise on the example of KUPP "Vitebchanka". // A.A. Efremov, Livinskaya VA, 2012. Proceedings of the 8th international scientific-practical conference "Key problems of modern science." Sofia: Byal GRAD-BG. T. 3.S. 73-79.
13. Forecasting the export of the Mogilev region. // À.À. Efremov, 2012. Materials of the 8th international scientific-practical conference "Key problems of modern science." T. 8. Sophie: Byal GRAD-BG.S. 8-11.
14. Non-price competition and advertising in the Chamberlin's monopolistic competition market model. // A.A. Efremov, 2012. Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "News of Scientific Thought". Sofia: Byal GRAD-BG. T. 10.S. 20-22.
15. Solution of functional equations by the argument shift method. // A.A. Efremov, 2012. Materials of the 8th international scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern sciences." Prague: Publishing House "Education and Science". T. 19.P. 16-19.
16. Analysis of economic cycles in an open economy model with a fixed exchange rate. // A.A. Efremov, 2012. Materials of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Scientific Achievements". Prague: Publishing House "Education and Science". T. 6.S. 39-45.
17.Analysis of emission financing of the state budget deficit of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of the Bruno-Fischer model. // A.A. Efremov, 2012. Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Dynamics of Scientific Research". Przemysl: Naukaistudia. T. 6.S. 3-7.
18. Comprehensive assessment of working conditions of production personnel. // À.À. Efremov, 2012. Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Dynamics of Scientific Research". Przemysl: Naukaistudia. T. 24.S. 96-101.
19. Modeling the volume of production based on scenario analysis of the market. // A.A. Efremov, 2012. Materials of the 48th student scientific and technical conference of the State Institution of Higher Professional Education "Belarusian-Russian University". Mogilev: GU VPO BRU. P. 76.
20. Taking into account the size of warehouse stocks when forming the production program of the enterprise. // A.A. Efremov, 2012. Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Dynamics of Scientific Research". Przemysl: Naukaistudia. T. 3.S. 60-64.
21. Agenda-2015: environmental aspect. // À.À. Efremov, 2013. Abstracts of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Agenda-2015" (within the framework of the "Smart Grids" project). Minsk: BSU Center. S. 47-49.
22. Formation of the production program of a machine-building enterprise in conditions of uncertainty. // À.À. Efremov, V.A. Livinskaya, 2013. Collection of scientific works of students of the Republic of Belarus "NIRS 2012". Minsk: Ed. center of BSU. P. 141.
23. Optimization of production factors in planning the yield of grain crops in the agro-industrial complex. // N.I. Kholod, A.A. Efremov, 2014. Materials of the scientific-practical conference "Economic theory in the XXI century: the search for effective management mechanisms." Polotsk: PSU. Part 1.S. 138-140.
24. On one problem of nonlinear optimization of the implementation of a complex of agrotechnical works. // À.À. Efremov, 2014. Materials of the 18th International Youth Forum "Radio Electronics and Youth in the XXI Century". Kharkiv: KhNURE. T. 10.S. 70-71.
25. Cost optimization for the use of the machine and tractor fleet in the agro-industrial complex. // AA. Efremov, N.I. Kholod, 2015. Collection of articles based on the materials of the 2nd conference "Innovative development of the agro-industrial complex: mechanisms and priorities". SergievPosad. S. 387-390.
26. Optimization of the planning of the machine and tractor fleet. // A.A. Efremov, 2015. Bulletin of BSEU. No. 3 (110). Minsk: BSEU. S. 48-53.
27. Markov chains as a tool for modeling the activities of agricultural enterprises in conditions of uncertainty. // A.A. Efremov, N.I. Cold, 2015. Collection of scientific works of BSEU. No. 8. Minsk: BSEU. S. 398-405.
28. On the mobile criterion for optimizing the work of the machine and tractor fleet in agriculture. // À.À. Efremov, 2015. Scientific potential of youth - the future of Belarus: materials of the IX international youth scientific and practical conference. Pinsk: PolesGU. S. 269-270.
29. Optimization of operational and production planning at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. // AA. Efremov, 2015. Spring of Mag³le¢skagadzyarzhanagaOn³versiteta name A.A. Kulyashov. Gray D. Economics, satyology, rights. No. 2 (46). Mogilev: Moscow State University A.A. Kuleshova. S. 31-38.
30. On a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of agro-industrial production with a focus on output. // À.À. Efremov, 2015. Collection of scientific papers of the All-Russian Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding. No. 8. Stavropol: FGBNU VNIIOK. T. 1.S. 591-593.
31. Evaluation of the probabilistic characteristics of the repair cycle of the machine and tractor fleet of agricultural enterprises using the Kolmogorov equations. // AA. Efremov, N.I. Cold, 2015. Spring of Grodzenskdzyarzhaunagaon³vers³teta name Yank³Kupala. Gray 5: Eco. Satyology. Bialogia. No. 3 (202). Grodno: GrSUim. YankaKupala. S. 65-70.
32. Transfer of technologies in agricultural production: the economic aspect. // À.À. Efremov, 2015. Transfer of technologies. Realities and prospects: materials of the international. scientific-practical conf. Zaporizhzhia: ZNU. T. 2.S. 43-44.
33. Using data envelope analysis to assess the comparative performance of agricultural organizations.
A.A. Efremov, A.P. Takun, 2015. Proceedings of the international scientific and practical online conference "Anthropogenic evolution of modern soils and agricultural production in changing soil and climatic conditions." Oryol: OGAU. S. 189-191.
34. Planning the implementation of a complex of agricultural works using a nonsmooth optimization model. // A.A. Efremov, 2015. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Mathematics, statistics and information technology in economics, management and education." Tver: TVGU. S. 59-63.
35. On the mobile criterion for optimizing the work of the machine and tractor fleet in agriculture. // À.À. Efremov, 2015. Materials of the IX International Youth Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific potential of youth - the future of Belarus". Pinsk: PolesGU. S. 269-270.
36. Assessment of the provision of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus with tractors and combines. // A.A. Efremov, 2016. Collection of scientific papers of the All-Russian Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding. No. 9. Stavropol. T. 1.S. 525-528.
37. The use of ARIMA-models in improving the efficiency of managing gold and foreign exchange reserves (on the example of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus). // À.À. Efremov, A.N. Naganovich, 2016. Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Modeling in technology and economics." Vitebsk: VSTU. S. 364-366.
38. Pareto-optimality in assessing the comparative efficiency of the operation of the machine and tractor fleet. // A.A. Efremov, 2016. Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Modeling in technology and economics." Vitebsk: VSTU. S. 69-71.
39. Justification of management decisions on the purchase of agricultural machinery based on nonlinear optimization models. // À.À. Efremov, 2016. Bulletin of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy. No. 2. Gorki: BGSKhA. S. 21-24.
40. On the problem of nonlinear optimization of a piecewise constant objective function. // A.A. Efremov, 2016. Spring of Mag³leëskagadzyarzhanagaOn³versiteta name A.A. Kulyashov. Gray B. Pryrodaznachyyanauk³: matematika, fiz³ka, b³yalog³ya. No. 1 (47). Mogilev: Moscow State University A.A. Kuleshova. S. 43-53.
41. Problems of state regulation in the processing industries of the agro-industrial complex. // À.À. Efremov, E.V. Sednev, 2016. Abstracts of the X Intern. scientific. conference "Technique and technology of food production". Mogilev: MGUP. P. 428.
42. On the specifics of preparing students for mathematical Olympiads in higher education. // AA. Efremov, 2016. Materials of the international. scientific-practical. seminar "Teaching mathematics in higher education and work with gifted students in modern conditions." Mogilev: BRU. S. 19-21.
43. The choice of the marketing strategy of the agro-industrial complex enterprise in the secondary market of agricultural machinery using a probabilistic approach. // À.À. Efremov, N.I. Cold, 2016. Agropanorama. No. 3 (115). Minsk: BGATU. S. 41-45.
44. Problematic aspects of determining the technical and economic indicators of the machine and tractor fleet of an agricultural enterprise. // A.A. Efremov, 2016. Agricultural Economics. No. 4. Minsk. S. 39-43.
45. Econometric analysis of the financial results of agricultural enterprises using regression models. // A.A. Efremov, O. V. Shishko, 2016. Collection of materials of the V international. scientific-practical conference "Trends in the development of modern Russia and its regions in the context of globalization." Volzhsky: VIEPP. S. 64-67.
46. Methodological recommendations for optimizing the rates of return on material and technical resources in agriculture. // A.A. Efremov, A.P. Takun, A.S. Saiganov et al., 2016. Scientific principles for regulating the development of the agro-industrial complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms. Minsk:
47.Republican Scientific Unitary Enterprise "Institute of System Research in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus". S. 31-40.
An empirical approach to the determination of targets in the agro-industrial complex based on the analysis of the data envelope. // A.A. Efremov, A.P. Takun, 2016. Agricultural Economics. No. 12. Minsk. S. 16-20.
48. On the application of data envelope analysis to the calculation of the relative efficiency of the functioning of objects. // A.A. Efremov, 2017. Spring Mag³le³skagadzyarzhanagaOn³versiteta name A.A. Kulyashov. Gray B. Pryrodaznachyyanauk³: matematika, fiz³ka, b³yalog³ya. No. 1 (49). Mogilev: Moscow State University A.A. Kuleshova. S. 17-25.
49. Optimization of discontinuous functions by the method of approximation of a logistic curve. // A.A. Efremov, E.M. Aksen, 2017. Collection of scientific works "Economics, modeling, forecasting". Minsk: NIIE Min. economy of the Republic of Belarus. S. 175-185.
50. Economic management in organizations of the agro-industrial complex: analysis of the state and algorithms for improvement. // À.À. Efremov, A.P. Takun, I.L. Kovalev et al., 2017. Scientific principles for regulating the development of the agro-industrial complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms. Minsk: Republican Scientific Unitary Enterprise "Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus". S. 63-73.
51. On the valuation of the competencies of young professionals. //
A.A. Efremov, M. M Dulchevsky, A. A Ustimenko, 2017. Science activity yak shlyakh formulating professional competencies of the future economy (NPK-2018): materials of the International Science and Practice Conference. Sumy. T. 1.S. 107-109.
52. Research of effective models for organizing information and advisory services for agricultural organizations. // A.A. Efremov, A.P. Takun, A.S. Saiganov et al., 2017. Scientific principles for regulating the development of the agro-industrial complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms. Minsk: Republican Scientific Unitary Enterprise "Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus". S. 115-121.
53. Methodological recommendations for improving the tools of public administration of agro-industrial complex organizations in the interests of their sustainable development. // A.A. Efremov, A.P. Takun, I.L. Kovalev et al., 2018. Scientific principles for regulating the development of the agro-industrial complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms. Minsk: Republican Scientific Unitary Enterprise "Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus". S. 67-76.
54. Perspective models of management of agro-industrial complex organizations. // A.A. Efremov, A.P. Takun, A.S. Saiganov et al., 2018. Scientific principles for regulating the development of the agro-industrial complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms. Minsk: Republican Scientific Unitary Enterprise "Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus". S. 129-138.
55. Formation and use of the machine and tractor fleet of agricultural organizations on the basis of a two-level complex of optimization models. // A.A. Efremov, 2019. Minsk: BSEU. 24 p.
56. Accounting for the acquisition of tractors with agricultural units in the operational and production planning of agrotechnical works in field cultivation. // À.À. Efremov, V.V. Parashchenko, 2019. Slides: BSAA. S. 68-72.
57. Theoretical foundations of effective management in large-scale agricultural organizations. // A.A. Efremov, A.P. Takun, A.S. Saiganov et al., 2019. Scientific principles for regulating the development of the agro-industrial complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms. Minsk: Republican Scientific Unitary Enterprise "Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus". S. 115-123.
58. Methodical recommendations for improving cost management in large-scale agricultural organizations. // A.A. Efremov, A.P. Takun, I.L. Kovalev et al., 2019. Scientific principles for regulating the development of the agro-industrial complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms. Minsk: Republican Scientific Unitary Enterprise "Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus". S. 58-67.
59. On some issues of teaching the foundations of mathematical programming to students of economic specialties. // A.A. Efremov, A.N. Disko, 2020. Teaching mathematics in higher education and work with gifted students in modern conditions. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Seminar. Mogilev: BRU. S. 39-42.
60. Modern technologies of marketing research in the IT industry. // A.A. Efremov, 2020. Proceedings of the III All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation. Collection of articles of the III All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation "Challenges of the digital economy: the development of a comfortable urban environment." Minsk: BSEU. S. 272-275.
61. Digitalization of the transport infrastructure of a modern city. // À.À. Efremov, 2020. Proceedings of the III All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation. Collection of articles of the III All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation "Challenges of the digital economy: the development of a comfortable urban environment." Bryansk. S. 275-279.
62. Application of elements of game theory in the development of a marketing strategy of a modern organization. // A.A. Efremov, A.N. Disko, 2020. Scientific research is the determining factor of the specialist of the future. Materials of the scientific-practical conference of teachers, students, students of institutions of higher and secondary specialized education. Baranovichi: UO BGKLP them. V.E. Chernysheva. S. 36-38.
63. Application of cohort analysis in marketing research of consumer behavior. // A.A. Efremov, E.V. Kalugin, 2020. Scientific research is the determining factor of the specialist of the future. Materials of the scientific-practical conference of teachers, students, students of institutions of higher and secondary specialized education. Baranovichi: UO BGKLP them. V.E. Chernysheva. S. 38-40.
64. Modeling consumer behavior using a multi-product utility function of the Cobb-Douglas type. Efremov, K.I. Korbut, V.I. Klui, 2020. Scientific research is the determining factor for the specialist of the future. Materials of the scientific-practical conference of teachers, students, students of institutions of higher and secondary specialized education. Baranovichi: UO BGKLP them. V.E. Chernysheva. S. 44-46.
65.Serviceization of the economy of rural areas as a factor of sustainable development of the region. // A.A. Efremov, 2020. Environmental Readings - 2020. XI National Scientific and Practical Conference
(with international participation). Omsk: FGBOU VO Omsk GAU. S. 208-212.
66. Environmental aspects of serviceization and digitalization of the economy. // A.A. Efremov, 2020. Environmental Readings - 2020. XI National Scientific and Practical Conference
(with international participation). Omsk: FGBOU VO Omsk GAU. S. 213-217.
67. Engineering and reengineering of business processes in agricultural organizations. // A.A. Efremov, 2020. Scientific and information support for the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex. Materials of the XII International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "InformAgro-2020". Pravdinsky: Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Rosinformagrotech". S. 334-338.
68. Problematic aspects of accounting for depreciation of agricultural machinery: domestic practice and foreign experience. // A.A. Efremov, 2020. Accounting, analysis and finance in agro-industrial complex organizations: state and ways of improvement. Collection of scientific articles on materials
IX international scientific and practical conference,
dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the UO BSAA. Gorki: BGSKhA. S. 25-29.
69. Rumelhart's perceptron and multivariate regression as tools for predicting the performance of an organization. Efremov, E.Yu. Pilate, 2020. Accounting, analysis and finance in agro-industrial complex organizations: state and ways of improvement. Collection of scientific articles on materials
IX international scientific and practical conference,
dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the UO BSAA. Gorki: BGSKhA. S. 161-165.
70. Modern trends in the digitalization of organizations in the service economy. // A.A. Efremov, 2020. Accounting, analysis and finance in agro-industrial complex organizations: state and ways of improvement. Collection of scientific articles on materials
IX international scientific and practical conference,
dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the UO BSAA. Gorki: BGSKhA. S. 210-214.
71.Digitalization of the activities of the organization of the tourism industry. // A.A. Efremov, 2020. Quality management in education and industry. Collection of articles of the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference May 21 - 22, 2020 Sevastopol: FGAOU VO "Sevastopol State University". S. 519-524.
72. Theoretical and methodological aspects of corporate governance in commercial organizations of the agro-industrial complex. // A.A. Efremov, A.P. Takun, A.S. Saiganov et al., 2020. Scientific principles for regulating the development of the agro-industrial complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms. Minsk: Republican Scientific Unitary Enterprise "Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus". S. 102-112.
73. Comparative analysis of modern approaches to the economic assessment of the effectiveness of crop production in agricultural organizations of the Republic of Belarus. // À.À. Efremov, 2020. Collection of scientific works of BSEU. No. 13. Minsk: BSEU. S. 228-235.
74. Modern mechanisms of state support for agricultural production: the US experience. // À.À. Efremov, 2020. Ufa Humanitarian Scientific Forum. Ufa: AN RB. S. 542-546.
75. Features of assessing the effectiveness of marketing communications in the agro-industrial complex. // A.A. Efremov, 2020. Magazine "Agrarian Economics". No. 10. Minsk. S. 42-48.
76. Model for assessing the economic effect of the restructuring of the organization with the transfer of part of the functions of the management company. // À.À. Efremov, 2020. Bulletin of Polotsk State University. Series D. Economic and legal sciences. Novopolotsk: PSU. S. 50-54.
Educational and methodical works
77. The best solutions of the case "Why workers leave and how to keep them." Efremov, T.A. Shapovalova, I.V. Pavlovskaya, 2012. Cases about Belarusian business: a methodological guide. Vitebsk: UO "VSU im. P.M. Masherov ". S. 113-132.
78. Coordinate approach. Flat sets. Numerical sequences (methodology of analysis). // A.A. Efremov, 2013. Mogilev: UO "MGOIRO". 30 s.
79. Practice-oriented approach in word problems with economic content. // A.A. Efremov, 2020. Mogilev: UO "MGOIRO". 108 s.