Butov Alexey
Associate Professor, Ph. D., Associate Professor
Minsk, Platonov street, 39, housing 5, 801b
Phone:+375 17 293-22-73
E-mail: tmkrb9@gmail.com
Professional interests/researches
Automated Integrated Circuit Logic and Topology Design; Databases
higher education, postgraduate studies, advanced training courses
Working career
PTA "Integral" (engineer); Institute of Technical Cybernetics AS BSSR (graduate student, junior researcher); Central Research Institute of Management Technology (senior researcher); UE "Service Analyst" (сhief project engineer, head of ACS department); BSUIR (associate professor). In 1981, a Ph.D. thesis was defended on the topic: "Development of methods for the synthesis of combination schemes on the element base of MIC and LIC". Research topics: automated design of logic and topology of integrated circuits. In particular, methods and algorithms are being developed to automate the operation of micrograph image generators.
Taught academic subjects
Databases (34 h.), Database Security (34 h.), computer networks (34 h.), Network Technology Fundamentals (34 h.)
Main publications
1. Butov А. А. Set-theoretic operation of polygons unification on a plane. Informatics, 2019, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 93-102. https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/38397
2. Butov A.A. Set-theoretic operation of intersection of topological objects-polygons on the plane. Doklady BGUIR, 2019, no. 7-8(126), pp. 58-65. https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/38096