Alekhina Alina
Associate Professor, Ph. D., Associate Professor
Minsk, s. Platonova, 39 b.5,of.802
Phone: +375 17 293-22-78
E-mail: ae.alekhina@gmail.com
Professional interests/researches
econometric modeling, methods of multivariate statistical data analysis, simulation of complex systems
higher education - Grodno State University, 1993; postgraduate studies - Belarusian State University, 2000; advanced training-branch of BNTU "Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel in New Areas of Technology, Technology and Economics of BNTU", 2020.
Working career
1993-1996 software engineer of the Computer center of GrSU
1996-1997 Assistant of the Department of Applied Mathematics of GrSU
1997-2000 postgraduate study of BSU
2000-2005 Assistant Professor of the Department of Mathematical Support of Economic Systems
2005-present time Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Informatics of BSUIR
PhD thesis "Models and methods of decision making in economics with use of the theory of fuzzy sets", 2002. Research topic: Econometric modeling, simulation modeling of complex economic systems.
Taught academic subjects
Econometrics (lectures 32, lab. 32). Economic and mathematical methods and models (lectures 32, lab. 32). Economic-mathematical and instrumental methods in solving logistics problems(lectures 32, lab. 32). Logistics networks and systems (lectures 32, lab. 32). Computer data analysis (lectures 14, lab. 28 prakt. 18). Information and analytical systems and methods of data processing (90 in total, 20 lectures, lab. 24).
Main publications
Alekhina, A. E. Pinchuk, T. G. Features of training specialists in the field of information systems and technologies in logistics/ A. E. Alekhina, T. G. Pinchuk / / Philosophical and pedagogical heritage of S. I. Gessen and modern problems of education, upbringing, culture: materials of the All-Russian Scientific and practical Conference with international participation, Tomsk, 1-2 March 2018 / TOIPKRO, 2018.
Alekhina, A. E., Pinchuk, T. G. Methodological approaches to training specialists in the specialty "Information systems and technologies in logistics" / A. E. Alekhina, T. G. Pinchuk // Innovative technologies for organizing training in a technical university: materials of the International Scientific and Methodological Conference, Penza, November 11-12, 2019 / PGUAS. Penza, 2019. - p. 54-58
Pinchuk, T. G., Alekhina, A. E., Pottosina, S. A. On features of formation of modular systems / E. A. Alekhina, T. G. Pinchuk, S. A. Pottosina // Distance learning - the educational environment of the XXI century: materials of the XI International Scientific Method. conf., Minsk, December 12-13, 2019 / BSUIR. - Minsk, 2019. -. pp. 244-245