Yana V. Liakh

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Cross-Cultural Professional Communication
Minsk, Gikalo St. 9, building 4, office 404
Phone: +375 17 293-86-22
E-mail: yanaliakh2104@yandex.ru
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Professional interests/researches:
Methodology of teaching professionally oriented foreign language communication; competence approach.
Education (including higher education, postgraduate and doctorate studies), trainings, professional development:
Sept. 2017-June 2020 The Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus
Major - Public Administration and Economics
Sept. 2011-June 2016 Minsk State Linguistic University
Major - Intercultural communications (public relations)
Trainings, professional development
Advanced training course «Competence approach in professional linguistic communication» Minsk State Linguistic University, 2019
Working career:
Since Sept. 2018 Lecturer, the Department of Cross-Cultural Professional Communication, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Taught academic subjects:
«Foreign language» (English) - 252 academic hours in the syllabus, «English for Beginners» (286 academic hours in the syllabus).