Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Olesko Veronika S.

Olesko Veronika Sergeevna
Lecturer of the Department of Cross-Cultural Professional Communication
Minsk, Gikalo St. 9, building 4, office 404
Tel.: +375 33 345 01 33

Professional interests/researches: linguistics, progmatics, history of German.
1. Master's degree: Minsk State Linguistic University, specialty "Linguistic theory", 2018-2019, (Minsk, Belarus) .
2. Minsk State Linguistic University, faculty of German. Major - German and English languages, 2013-2018 (Minsk, Belarus).
3. Probation at schools and gymnasiums in Braunshveyg (Germany), september 2016.

Working career:
1. Since Sept. 2021 Lecturer of the Department of Cross-Cultural Professional Communication, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
2. Since August 2019 Lecturer of Department of Foreign Languages and Multicultural Communication, International University "MITSO".

Taught academic subjects:
«Foreign language» (German, English)