Nina N. Prystupa

Associate Professor of the Department of Cross-Cultural Professional Communication, PhD in Philological Sciences
Minsk, Gikalo St. 9, building 4, office 404
Phone: +375 17 293-86-22
Google Scholar
Professional interests/researches:
General linguistics; terminology study; lexicology and lexicography; LSP; history of the Russian and German languages; historical lexicology.
Education (including higher education, postgraduate and doctorate studies), trainings, professional development:
Nov. 2014-Nov. 2016 Belarusian State University
Postgraduate (PhD) Course. Major - Theory of Language (Minsk, Belarus)
Oct. 2010-June 2011 Minsk State Linguistic University
Postgraduate (Master) Course. Major - Germanic languages (Minsk, Belarus)
Sept. 2005-June 2010 Brest State A.S. Pushkin University
Major - German Language. English Language (Brest, Belarus)
Trainings, professional development
Internship at the Free University of Berlin (Germany). Institute of German and Dutch Philology, 2013.
Working career:
Since Sept. 2020 PhD, associate professor, the Department of Cross-Cultural Professional Communication, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Sept. 2019-Aug. 2020 PhD, associate professor, Foreign language communication department, The Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus
Sept. 2016-June 2018 PhD, senior lecturer, The Department of Belarusian and Foreign Languages, The Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus
Sept. 2008-June 2016 Lecturer / senior lecturer, State and private educational establishments (Minsk, Belarus)
Scientific Qualification
Febr. 2016 PhD in Philological Sciences, PhD Dissertation ‘Formation patterns of credit term system from the XI to the XIXth century (based on the German and Russian languages)’
Taught academic subjects (please indicate the number of hours in the syllabus, subjects taught in the English language with links to electronic version of their syllabi):
«Foreign language» (Bachelor Course, total hours - 252, learning credit hours - 7)
Nov. 2014-Nov. 2016 Belarusian State University
Postgraduate (PhD) Course. Major - Theory of Language (Minsk, Belarus)
Oct. 2010-June 2011 Minsk State Linguistic University
Postgraduate (Master) Course. Major - Germanic languages (Minsk, Belarus)
Sept. 2005-June 2010 Brest State A.S. Pushkin University
Major - German Language. English Language (Brest, Belarus)
Trainings, professional development
Internship at the Free University of Berlin (Germany). Institute of German and Dutch Philology, 2013.
Working career:
Since Sept. 2020 PhD, associate professor, the Department of Cross-Cultural Professional Communication, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Sept. 2019-Aug. 2020 PhD, associate professor, Foreign language communication department, The Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus
Sept. 2016-June 2018 PhD, senior lecturer, The Department of Belarusian and Foreign Languages, The Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus
Sept. 2008-June 2016 Lecturer / senior lecturer, State and private educational establishments (Minsk, Belarus)
Scientific Qualification
Febr. 2016 PhD in Philological Sciences, PhD Dissertation ‘Formation patterns of credit term system from the XI to the XIXth century (based on the German and Russian languages)’
Taught academic subjects (please indicate the number of hours in the syllabus, subjects taught in the English language with links to electronic version of their syllabi):
«Foreign language» (Bachelor Course, total hours - 252, learning credit hours - 7)