Full professor
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Minsk, P. Brovki Str., 6, room 412
Phone: +375 17 293-20-88
E-mail: vvb@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches:
- Modeling and technology of solid-state structures of products of semiconductor electronics and microelectronics,
- Multifunctional sensors for monitoring liquid technological media,
- Methods for the diagnosis of chronic human diseases based on bioresonance effects in the range of short-wave frequencies
1966 - 1971 Minsk Radio Engineering Institute, student
1971 - 1976 Junior, senior researcher at NIS and correspondence postgraduate study at Minsk Radio Engineering University, Ph.D. thesis defense
1981 - 1982 Internship at the Higher Technical School of the University (Trondheim, Norway)
1984 - Scientific work at the Higher Technical School of the University (Trondheim, Norway)
1990 - Doctoral dissertation defense
1976 - 2020 Scheduled internships and refresher courses
Working career:
2017 - up to now Professor of the Department of Radioelectronic Means and later of the Department of Design of Information and Computer Systems of the Educational Institution "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics"
1991 - 2017 Professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering and Technology "Educational Institutions" Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics"
1976 - 1991 Associate Professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering and Technology of the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute and later Educational Institutions "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics"
1971 - 1976 Junior and Senior Researcher of the Research Sector of the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute
Taught academic subjects:
‒ Applied data processing systems
‒ Electrical and electronic components of devices and systems,
‒ Executive devices of security systems,
‒ Sensors of electronic security systems
Main publications:
More than 320 scientific and educational works have been published. Among them are 2 monographs, 80 copyright certificates for inventions and patents of the Republic of Belarus, articles in peer-reviewed domestic and foreign journals.
1. Baranov, Valentin. Simulation and Parameters Optimization of Power DMOS Trench Field Effect Transistors / Valentin Baranov, Anatoly Belous, Michail Krechko, Ivan Roubtsevich, Arlady Tourtsevjch // Proceedings of the 3-rd International Conference ESTC-2010, Berlin, September 14-16, 2010. - P.231-234.
2. Baranov, Valentin. Use of Bio-Resonance Effects for Medical Diagnostics and Therapy / Valentin Baranov, Victor Emelyanov, P.D. Klimenko, D.P. Klimenko, V.F/ Rybakov, V.D. Siakerski // Proceedings of the 39-th European Microwave Conference, European Microwave Week 2009, Rome, September 29 - October 1, 2009. - PP. 1591-1594.
3. Baranov, Valentin. Evolution of VLSIs Materials and Packaging Technology
Correlated with Progress of Thin Films Deposition and Outlets / Valentin Baranov, Victor Emelyanov, Anton Emelyanov // Proceedings of the 2nd Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference - ESTC-2008. - London, September 2008. - P. 779-783.
4. Baranov, Valentin. Optical Electronic Micro-displacement Gage / Valentin Baranov, Victor Emelyanov, Victor Ilyin // Proceedings of the 15-th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED’07). - Athens, Greece. - June 27-29, 2007. - P. 56-59.
Merits, awards, incentives
2019 - Diploma of the Educational Institution "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics"
2018 - Medal named after N.N. Semenov and a diploma "for outstanding achievements in the field of engineering" of the Academy of Engineering Sciences named after A.M. Prokhorova Russian Federation
2010 - Honorary title of Senior Member of IEEE (Honorary Member of the International Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers), USA
2009 - Diploma of the Educational Institution "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics"
1995 - Election as a Corresponding Member of the Belarusian Academy of Education
1994 - Election as a Full Member (Academician) of the International Academy of Informatization
1982 - Laureate of the State Prize of Belarus,
1980 - Laureate of the II Prize of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the field of microelectronics
1976 - Laureate of the 1st Prize of the All-Union Council of Scientific and Technical Societies for young scientists
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- Modeling and technology of solid-state structures of products of semiconductor electronics and microelectronics,
- Multifunctional sensors for monitoring liquid technological media,
- Methods for the diagnosis of chronic human diseases based on bioresonance effects in the range of short-wave frequencies
1966 - 1971 Minsk Radio Engineering Institute, student
1971 - 1976 Junior, senior researcher at NIS and correspondence postgraduate study at Minsk Radio Engineering University, Ph.D. thesis defense
1981 - 1982 Internship at the Higher Technical School of the University (Trondheim, Norway)
1984 - Scientific work at the Higher Technical School of the University (Trondheim, Norway)
1990 - Doctoral dissertation defense
1976 - 2020 Scheduled internships and refresher courses
Working career:
2017 - up to now Professor of the Department of Radioelectronic Means and later of the Department of Design of Information and Computer Systems of the Educational Institution "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics"
1991 - 2017 Professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering and Technology "Educational Institutions" Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics"
1976 - 1991 Associate Professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering and Technology of the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute and later Educational Institutions "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics"
1971 - 1976 Junior and Senior Researcher of the Research Sector of the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute
Taught academic subjects:
‒ Applied data processing systems
‒ Electrical and electronic components of devices and systems,
‒ Executive devices of security systems,
‒ Sensors of electronic security systems
Main publications:
More than 320 scientific and educational works have been published. Among them are 2 monographs, 80 copyright certificates for inventions and patents of the Republic of Belarus, articles in peer-reviewed domestic and foreign journals.
1. Baranov, Valentin. Simulation and Parameters Optimization of Power DMOS Trench Field Effect Transistors / Valentin Baranov, Anatoly Belous, Michail Krechko, Ivan Roubtsevich, Arlady Tourtsevjch // Proceedings of the 3-rd International Conference ESTC-2010, Berlin, September 14-16, 2010. - P.231-234.
2. Baranov, Valentin. Use of Bio-Resonance Effects for Medical Diagnostics and Therapy / Valentin Baranov, Victor Emelyanov, P.D. Klimenko, D.P. Klimenko, V.F/ Rybakov, V.D. Siakerski // Proceedings of the 39-th European Microwave Conference, European Microwave Week 2009, Rome, September 29 - October 1, 2009. - PP. 1591-1594.
3. Baranov, Valentin. Evolution of VLSIs Materials and Packaging Technology
Correlated with Progress of Thin Films Deposition and Outlets / Valentin Baranov, Victor Emelyanov, Anton Emelyanov // Proceedings of the 2nd Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference - ESTC-2008. - London, September 2008. - P. 779-783.
4. Baranov, Valentin. Optical Electronic Micro-displacement Gage / Valentin Baranov, Victor Emelyanov, Victor Ilyin // Proceedings of the 15-th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED’07). - Athens, Greece. - June 27-29, 2007. - P. 56-59.
Merits, awards, incentives
2019 - Diploma of the Educational Institution "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics"
2018 - Medal named after N.N. Semenov and a diploma "for outstanding achievements in the field of engineering" of the Academy of Engineering Sciences named after A.M. Prokhorova Russian Federation
2010 - Honorary title of Senior Member of IEEE (Honorary Member of the International Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers), USA
2009 - Diploma of the Educational Institution "Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics"
1995 - Election as a Corresponding Member of the Belarusian Academy of Education
1994 - Election as a Full Member (Academician) of the International Academy of Informatization
1982 - Laureate of the State Prize of Belarus,
1980 - Laureate of the II Prize of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the field of microelectronics
1976 - Laureate of the 1st Prize of the All-Union Council of Scientific and Technical Societies for young scientists
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