Ilya Azarau
Head of the department
DrSc, Associate professor
Minsk, P. Brovki Street, 6, building 1, office 307
Phone: +375 17 293-23-40
E-mail: azarov@bsuir.by
Courses taught:
Media data processing systems
Professional interests/researches:
Digital signal processing
Main publications
Vashkevich R., Azarov E. Robust Noisy Speech Parameterization Using Convolutional Neural Networks // International Conference on Speech and Computer. - Springer, Cham, 2020. - P. 603-612.
Azarov, E. Estimation of the instantaneous signal parameters using a modified Prony’s method / E. Azarov, M. Vashkevich, A. Petrovsky // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. - 2015. - Vol. 49, N 2. - P. 110-121.
General-Purpose Listening Enhancement Based on Subband Non-Linear Amplification with Psychoacoustic Criterion / E. Azarov, M. Vashkevich, V. Herasimovich, A. Petrovsky // AES Convention paper 9265. - 2015. - 10 p.
Azarov, E. Speech Analysis Based on Sinusoidal Model with Time-Varying Parameters / E. Azarov, M. Vashkevich, A. Petrovsky // AES Convention paper 9267. - 2015. - 8 p.
A Low-Delay Algorithm for Instantaneous Pitch Estimation / E. Azarov, M. Vashkevich, D. Likhachov, A. Petrovsky // AES Convention paper 9268. - 2015. - 9 p.