Surname Name Patronymic
Job title, academic degree, rank
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Phone: +375 17 293-00-00
Minsk, street, house, building, office
Phone: +375 17 293-00-00
Links to profiles: Google Scholar (registration is required), ORCID, Science Index, RSCI, ResearchGate, please include links to the profiles in other author identification systems, if available in bibliographic databases (if applicable).
Please see the section on the authors’ profiles on the web-site of the library
Publications in the repository of BSUIR:
2. Professional interests/researches (for example: transport and mobility, socially-oriented artificial intellect, computer vision, machine learning, human and robot interaction)
3. Education (including higher education, postgraduate and doctorate studies), trainings, professional development
4. Working career. Job title, work place (career progression) after graduating from the higher education institution. Subject of the master’s and doctor’s theses, their defense. Subject of researches and their current results
5. Taught academic subjects (please indicate the number of hours in the syllabus, subjects taught in the English language with links to electronic version of their syllabi)
6. Main publications (publications produced at least in the last 2 years with the links, main works - books, monographs, etc.
7. Merits, awards, incentives
3. Education (including higher education, postgraduate and doctorate studies), trainings, professional development
4. Working career. Job title, work place (career progression) after graduating from the higher education institution. Subject of the master’s and doctor’s theses, their defense. Subject of researches and their current results
5. Taught academic subjects (please indicate the number of hours in the syllabus, subjects taught in the English language with links to electronic version of their syllabi)
6. Main publications (publications produced at least in the last 2 years with the links, main works - books, monographs, etc.
7. Merits, awards, incentives